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Zombies for lions and such. Plz think about my idea or if your already working on a zoo addon that would be epic great job making such cool addons. Great addon thnx for adding ankylosourus its my favorite dino too add more dino keep up the good work.
This is the best thing ever I hope you make more dinosaurs Ps some suggestions Wolf: Excuse me editor i love the addon i downloaded it on my phone but when i downloaded it on my Ipad I entered the world when it was loading after 10 or more seconds it will crash my minecraft.
Please provide the following information: Make sure to close other running apps iOS: I will make sure to add it today or tomorrow. Please remove the sounds. Try turning down the video settings to minimum before loading the map.
Also, you could have these dinosaurs separately in another world by using this addon: Please make it so the dinos and the aquatic reptiles as well as the flying reptile drop meat, it is SOOOOO hard to get food.
I got a problem with the texture, some of the dinos have the good texture but the wrong behaviour the cow have the texture of the brachiosaur but still have the form of a cow. Also, please specify which mob they look like.
Hello creator plz will you make a Rudely Scott alien add-on with a xenomorph and face hugger!?!? Can you pleas make all the dinosors tameble or at lest the ocelot one and the spitting on espeshly the spitting on I love that one but it would mean the world to me if you mad all of them tameble or some of them or just the ocelot and the skeleton one!
And maybe the Poler bear should be replaced by wooly mammoth. Maybe the triceratops should be replacing a rabbit. Can you make all the dinosors leadeble because I always want to lead them instead of lead them with food.
I cant play case it keeps crashing even after lowering the chunks and turning of fancy graphics. Can you make more bigger and add some more like triceratops, Stegosaurus, mammoths, have some helicopters.
This addon is cool. For Jurassic craft v4 I wanted custom dinosaur sounds, Rename all spawn eggs that spawn dinosaurs and jeeps, And Add 4 new mobs, Tricertops Horse, Gigantosaurus zombie villager or a other mob, Wolly mammoth Sheep Becuase I want it to replace the sheep not polar bear.
Herrarosaurus Polar bear or Enderman. Villagers could be Cavemen! That is something i would like also make then spawn in Caves! Or change Villages to Caves. Hey i hating a problem with the download of the resource.
Gona could make an add on of super smash bros thanks I would like you to tell everyone on twitter. I know this is probably lost in a sea of comments but great add on plus maybe could you add the therezinosaurs.
Please keep in mind the more you add the more people will be interested Question: Sometimes it makes the world slow to spawn areas, is it because of storage? Is there anyone else running into this problem, and is there any known fix?
Next Do the Allosaurus or The Stegosaurus, and can you somehow add a feature where female and male dinosaurs look different? Can you make the Horse a Carnotaurus? Fully orange, and black stripes on the head and the Torso.
You can also turn the Wolf into a Andrewsarchus Quite reasonable since both Wolves, and Andrewsarchus are both similar, turn the Donkey into a Smilodon, and turn the Mule into a Mammoth. Also, I hear Parrots are coming up in Minecraft, so you can make those into Quetzalcoatlus, or a Archopetryx.
If there are anymore Mobs coming out, maybe add more Herbivorous Dinosaurs, or some more Ice Age dinosaurs. Can you please fix this? If not, then why is it crashing? If yes, then thanks!
Squid — Colossal squid: Polar bears — woolly mammoth: Snow golems — Doedicurus: Has lots of health because of its armor shell. And Gona So, I heard from mah bruh that he crashes when he comes into the game.
Can you just give each dinosaur 2 genders male and female and make them spawn randomly? THis is an amazing pack! It includes a lot of dinosaurs that have an amazing similarity to the ones in Jurassic park.
If anyone has a solution to this problem, please tell me how to fix it. Try loading the resource pack as a Global Resource pack in settings and then only load the behavior pack for a world. Usually fixes it for low-end devices.
Can you make a bendy and the ink machine texture pack? I have a few suggestions: Make the raptor a little faster Make riding the other Dinos smoother like galli This might just be my game because no one else seems to have the problem.
Can you make the trex I rex and the spinosaurus bigger because they are actually bigger than you made the so can you do it in th next version and add the raptor squad, giganotosaurus, apatasaurus, goat: And I have one question, are you able to add custom animations for the vehicles and dinosaurs?
I think that 1. My son is dying to play. They still hold weapons and wear armor. I have already build raptor squad paddock like a jurassic world. Can you make 4 raptor like a movie jurassic world have Blue, Cahrlie, delta and echo.
I really love that raptor pliss. Can you do the animation and texture all dinosaur like a jurassicraft 2. You are my love creator. Can you make mod as same like pc mod a jurassic world 2.
Have animation and many dino. Plis i love you. Please help me when applying the resource pack in a world the game closes and this error has happened to me in 3 different devices and I do not know why it does not work I ask you to help me I am an android user.
Editor ever time I go into a world with this resource and behavior pack it crashes after like 5 seconds! Hi there, Complete minecraft novice here. My daughter 8 — expert! And I have followed the instructions we got in mineworld magazine.
We can explore the park but there are no dinosaurs. I have one problem from this mod…when i downloaded the behavior and resource pack and open minecraft noticed that the mobs still have thier original skin…ex a spinosoraus it is a spinosoraus but its skin is a zombie…pls help me and i like this add on and i want it to work properly…thnx.
This Dino pack sets your hopes up high then throws them down it crashes every time I just want it to work dinosaurs are the best but this is terrible. For some reason every time I try to open a world with this add on, it crashes.
Really bugging me since I was so excited. Can i please download your Shaders or texture pack like the one you used for the map? Like the different paintings, and the different texture or some blocks?
Could you maybe add a green Tyrannosaurus rex skin with yellow stripes on its back, so it looks like the male from the lost world? I think it would be cool if you could tame water mounts and ride them.
Also make more tameable flying mounts. It would be better to travel in the sky. Well…this addon is never gonna work on my Minecraft. Can someone help me im having problems with the add on i cant load my world when i try to put the mod in and it just crashes…i tried the little note in the very bottom of the mod decription to put the resource pack in global resource pack and just lod the behevior pack in the world and it still dont work when i set the resource pack in the global resource pack my game crasges and when i open minecraft it said global resource pack reset and i cant do anything about it i just have to uninstall the mod…pls help me i want this mod so badly so pls help me.
Gone can you please use horses to replace raptors instead of pigs because it would be a lot better if the raptors could jump like a horse and make them move without having a hand held item.
And i have a idea, make villagers like skin, behavior cavemens that will defend if you can PLS make their house — caves homes with clubs and slingshots! Make it green with red plates. Make it red and a bit of yellow.
It is my favorite dinosaur! Make it look at awesome as possible!!! Like the T-Rex in a swamp? Or the Triceratops in the tundra? That would be cool!!! Can you add a Parasaurolophus, and a Stegosaurus?
The Parasaurolophus should replace horses, and the Stegosaurus should replace a skeleton horse. Costum names are gone especially on the spawn egg. Also add more health on Baculites because they are lot stronger in real life than in the game, add more health from Nothing helps, the game crashes almost immediately after the world has loaded!
Can you make the Baculites shell a little upward, make it attack, add in sounds for it, and have more health because of the shell. Also make a Indominus Rex only mod. Which the mod only has one change, Indominus Rex is in it and it works just like the Jurassic world mod.
Raptors only spawn on grass blocks, similar to pigs. When can we ride triceratops I hope we can tame it and ride it Who that the same I dies with me?? I found a bug recently on this add-on, this bug will make the keyboard not appear when chatting, it also lags and crashes when big dinos spawn, please fix this.
Why dont you add mammoth and replace it with snow man and add sibertooth cats and replace it with wolf. I figured out that i can spawn in a flat world with no problems.
But a regular world? Please Add smilodon and the wooly mammoth. For smilodon, make it replace the wolf so it is tamable. Replace sheep with the mammoth and make it neutral. Also Replace blaze with carnotaurus.
Replace ghasts with dimorphodon. Replace slime with dimetrodon. Replace magma cube with koolasuchus. Replace enderman with pachycephelosaurus. Replace endermite with a prehistoric spider.
Replace silverfish with stegosaurus. Replace horses, donkeys, mules, zombie horses, and skeleton horses with troodon. Can you make a doctor who add on with like daleks, zygons, cyberman, k-9 and the tardis that would be so cool.
Anyway I really like this add on and it would be awesome if you made the doctor who addon. It works a treat! I really like this it makes it interesting and I highly recommend the map! All in all very good highly recommend.
Make the Stegosaurus already. Could you make it so that there is also a green tyrannosaurus? Other than that, this is a perfect addon. My iPhone is completely upto date, so is my version of Mcpe.
Is this just going to keep happening or is there a way I can fix this?? Then edit the world and remove the resource pack from the world settings. Meaning, you should only try to load the world with the behavior pack.
Please fix this, I would love to play with this addon. From loading only behavior in game to loading with minimum render distance, nothing works at all with every update it gets worse, in an early version I could play it, the second one v4 I could look around for 5 sec and with the newest version the game crashes before the word is loaded.
Have you tried loading the world without the resource pack and behavior pack? It would be nice to know which files are the source for the problem. I loaded the world without them and it works fine.
I have only one world where the Addon is needed, because I am building a park myself. I try to stay safe as much as possible and shut the door but magically it opens again by a raptor and I get eaten.
Here is a request for an update. I agree hiddenhero it is the best Arron of all time and can you add smilodons and mammmoths pls. And this add-on is my best add on ever. I really dont understand code: Also, once the spinosaurus reaches Stage 3, all it does is try and attack me and kill me.
Can someone please explain this to me? Or is that a common bug for other iOS users? You should have made Baculites attack and have more health cause of its shell.
It also should have had its shell at the end a little upward cause it is a little upward at the end in real life. Creator of this add on, I tried the method you said somewhere in the comments activate the global resources in settings and activate the behaviour pack only in the world or something like that.
I have seen one or two of the dinosaurs in the addon on creative and they look awesome! But it only last up to like 20 seconds before crashing! Can you help me with this problem!?
This goat is amazing! I love it but i think you should make a pack with a stegosaurus a pachycefalosaurus and a paurasaurolofus. I love it but the jeeps texture is broken it has two jeeps in one but when you took up the middle section to the jeep goes up too.
The Argentosaurus is the biggest dinosaur, so make sure to make this one the biggest too! Try should update it to mcpe 1. I love this addon! The Spinosaurus and Indominus have weird necks i think they should have them similar to the T.
Rex and Dodo roundish like necks. The Triceritops should NOT be the polar bear it should be something like the pig or something else i think the polar bear should be a Mammoth and the dogs should be a Sabor-tooth.
The vehicles move soo weird. The last and the least important thing i would like is a change of texture for the Ludodactylus i think thats what my memory is telling me to spell: This mod is incredible!
The dinosaurs sound awesome and look amazing. I hope you add a brontosaurus, and replace blazes and ghasts with different Dino birds. It is super interesting but I would like to be able to climb on the dinosaurs while being able to control it would be super fun and it would resamble enormously to ARK and in addition if we would go invisible and we would mount a dinosaur it Would make as if one were incarnating the dinosaur so one could make dinosaur fight;.
Sorry for misspellings i am french and i use google translation. Could you show this to Gona? I have some ideas for the addon. Gona this is the bes!! You could have blue versions of all the troops and red versions of all the troops.
Blues and reds would fight each other. Because you might not have lots of storage on your phone. Also this takes many gigabytes on a phone. The spinosaurus and the brachiosaurus male and female have errors.
It just goes to different sites. I agree with sloth face butt chould yo make a stegosaurus and apatosaurus maby use the zombie horse and skeleton horse. Gona plz make an ark scorched earth addon and mod.
When I click the download, it brings me to adfly. When I click continue, it just bring me to another web. Your addon is very good But can you replace jeep and mercedez ben, baculities, dodo and goat to another dinosaurs And i found a bung that is when the baby t.
I wanted say bug not bung And I forgot that can you change mosasaurus and tylosaurus attack skills Like they bite not they not move and not creat damage too. Do what the dinosaur island did, make the brachiosaurus that mob the apatosaurus replaced on dinosaur island and turn the cow into a stegosaurus.
Also I suggest edmontosaurus for zombie horse. Hey, I always wanted a Jurassic World addon and btw what do u use to make these amazing addons I wanted to make an addon so plz plz tell me how did you make these addons.
One of the greatest Addons ever. I love the models and sounds. I have had a lot of fun using this addon. Gona has made a great addon. Can you please make the savant pack addon and dinosaur island addon?
I wish I could sign in to my Xbox acount and if I did it would take for ever to get the coins to get it. What happened to Gona? Did he died in real life after doing all these amazing add-ons or did he quit Minecraft like SkyQuitsMinecraft did which is the most unlikely and dumb thing to do?
Me and my friend have been trying to play Jurassic craft on realms, the add on works fine for me but he keeps crashing like every 10 seconds. Would be nice if you could fix it. Since parrots are in 1.
Silverfish should become troodon, tamed like a raptor. Endermite should be apatosaurus, tamed with carrots. Pigs should be parasaurolophus, and should be tamed like a gallimimus. Wolves would make a great smilodon, tamed with meat and is neutral.
Llamas should be replaced by a mussosaurus, tamed by feeding it leaves. Horses should be replaced by suchomimus, tamed like spinosaurus. Donkeys should be replaced by baryonyx, tamed like a raptor.
Mules should become Metriacanthosaurus. Skeleton horses should become carnotaurus, tamed like a raptor. Zombie horses should be ceratosaurus. Endermen should be a corythosaurus, tamed like gallimimus.
Slime should be sarcosuchus, a tameable entity that is fed fish as an adult to tame, and it keeps to itself. Magma cubes should me megalania, tamed like the sarcosuchus I mentioned.
Ghast should be quetzalqoatlus, untamable and hostile. Blaze should be a microceratus, tamed with gold carrots and behaves like a cat otherwise. Various prehistoric plants should replace shulker.
Vindicator should become a scientist who trades spawn eggs of all creatures. Evoker should become security guards who give you weapons. Vexes should be dimorphodon, it is just there for scenery purposes.
Villagers should be gorgonops, tamed like a wolf. Zombie villagers should be dimetrodon, tamed like a raptor, but with fish only. Yes but I thought something like a gorgonops would do good, perhaps another wolf skin can be them, as there are so many wolf skins.
Maybe villagers could be visitors instead, or workers. And the parrot should have more varieties like Hesperornis, microraptor, confuciousornis and other stuff. It keeps going to adf.
I really want to download it. Click on it and you will be redirected to another site where you can export it to MC. Thanks for this mod! I really like it. I found out that it would be more challenging.
Anyway thanks for the mod keep doing the good work!! Please add The Pachy, Parasaurolophus, Stegosaurus, and corythosaurus! I need to have them. I NEED to see them. Also I forgot To Mention. It will be more enjoyable if there was more textures than just the dinosaurs.
I Also Forgot To Rate: The only problem I have is the vehicles. Hey Gona I was just wondering if you could add the pachesuarous, triceratops, mammoth, saber tooth tiger, and if you could make a DINO pedia Make it so you can place the eggs down and watch them hatch and watch them grow up instead of just placing them and making it a baby and a adult oh and add cultivators and fossils that your find in the mine and you can make into any dna or sand and bonemeal thanks bye!
Do they drop the items that the animal is replaced by? If one of them replaces cows, how do you get milk? If one replaces chickens, how do you get eggs? And here I am waiting for a Monster Hunter World add-on.
I left a comment a month ago asking for the indorapter, I guess i wasnt the only one who wanted it. Nice and really a cool addon. Please try making equipments for the dinosaurs like armor.
And BTW its so cool. This addon is amazing I am a fan of ark survival evolved and love this addon it reminds me so much of ark keep working on it and survivetheark.
How about in the next update for this addon, replace parrots with microraptors, add the indoraptor, add stegosaurus, add parasauralophus, and add rodent-like creatures.
Hello, Firstly, why make the transparent mushrooms? And also you should add the mainland to the Jurassic craft map. Jurassic world 2 will come out this summer on June Pteranodon fits in most due to the fact that of all flying animals in the Jurassic Park franchise, pteranodon appears most and affects the plot most, even having 3 types within the films.
To place eggs and incubators you must first spawn a shulker Supply crate and then dye it with the respective dye for the item you want to place. I need some help. Can someone please help me??? Seeing as a new movie is coming in a few months and a set release date for the one after was confirmed, I may make a list of animals that should be added, as the Jurassic Craft addon should really mainly do canon creatures rather than what the mod has.
Oviraptor should become herarasaurus. It is canon to the jp movies, unlike oviraptor. Next, dodo should be Lesothosaurus. The small dinosaurs should become microceratus. The baculites should be a plesiosaurus, and unlike the rest, tameable with fish, giving us a water tameable.
The shulkers should have more skins like spinosaurus eggs. Also, ludodactylus should have been pteranodon. As of now, most mobs have no replacement. Here are some ideas: Pigs could be stegosaurus due to it being common and could be tameable like what I see everyone wanting.
Now, wolves could become troodon, where babies are passive and act as smaller, venomous raptors. Parrots should be dimorphodon. Llamas should be apatosaurus.
Horses should be parasaurolophus. Due to a saddled horse being a thing, we can take that a step further by making it a beast of burden, like the next few. Corythosaurus can be a donkey.
Edmontosaurus should be the mule. Skeleton horse can be maiasaura, with zombie horses being hadrosaurus. Endermen could be the styracosaurus, acting as a stegosaurus with a triceratops model.
Silverfish can be procompsognathus. Evoker should be baryonyx, with zombie villagers being suchomimus. There are still over 20 mobs that could still be changed. So can you please add more soon!
If really appreciate another well modelled herbivore, like parasaurolophus, or if you could, make a custom model for a dinosaur not in the original mod, like therezinosaurus, allosaurus, dimorphodon, or elasmosaurus.
I have suggestions replace villagers with scientist Chicken replaces micro raptor Slime replaced by sarchosuches Horse replaced by the giganotosaurus Rabbits replace dimetrodon New aquatic update Fish are replaced with celeocanths Drowned replaced by baryonix And update the indominous rex modle for a more smooth head like the t-Rex Bow is replaced with tranqulizer gun T.
The stygymoloch, Baryonyx, allosaurus, sinoceratops, pachycephalosaurus, parasaurolophus, stegosaurus, suchomimus, pachyrhinosaurus, dimorphodon, and microceratus could be added, not in one update tho.
What's the name of the original creator of Minecraft? Better Drops Mod 23 Dec, Mobzilla Addon 29 Dec, Star Wars Mod 8 Mar, January 2, at 6: January 7, at The Ender Girl says: January 10, at January 27, at 1: February 27, at March 21, at April 7, at 3: I tried the map and it was the says: April 30, at May 12, at 9: May 29, at 2: December 22, at July 1, at 8: August 29, at 3: September 30, at October 30, at 2: A desperate person says: March 17, at 3: March 24, at 8: October 30, at February 6, at 9: October 2, at March 14, at 7: March 20, at 7: April 6, at 2: June 17, at April 7, at 4: April 29, at 3: July 4, at February 4, at 4: August 10, at 7: August 10, at 8: August 19, at September 26, at February 16, at 5: January 2, at 7: January 2, at 8: January 3, at 9: January 4, at January 5, at 3: January 4, at 8: January 5, at 4: January 12, at 8: May 11, at 8: June 18, at 2: January 2, at 9: January 2, at January 3, at 4: February 27, at 6: April 30, at 5: April 30, at 7: January 3, at 8: March 11, at May 10, at 4: October 12, at 8: January 3, at January 3, at 1: January 3, at 2: January 3, at 3: February 26, at 4: January 6, at 3: Saurusrex lizzard king says: January 11, at January 12, at 4: March 16, at May 27, at 1: September 2, at 3: September 15, at 9: February 27, at 9: March 22, at 4: January 3, at 5: February 26, at 8: January 4, at 9: March 4, at January 5, at 1: January 5, at January 5, at 6: January 6, at 4: January 6, at 6: January 7, at 1: January 8, at 1: January 8, at 4: January 8, at 7: January 8, at 3: January 9, at 7: January 12, at 3: January 12, at 1: January 14, at 1: February 26, at 1: February 26, at 3: January 13, at 2: January 12, at 5: January 13, at January 12, at 7: January 12, at January 13, at 6: January 29, at 1: Plzzz plzzz read says: January 13, at 3: January 13, at 9: January 14, at January 13, at 7: January 14, at 6: February 26, at 5: January 14, at 8: February 26, at February 26, at 2: February 27, at 7: March 6, at March 11, at 9: October 11, at 1: February 26, at 6: March 19, at 7: February 26, at 7: February 26, at 9: Lich King Slayer says: February 27, at 2: February 27, at 1: February 27, at 8: March 2, at 3: March 3, at 8: February 28, at 8: March 1, at 1: May 2, at March 1, at 5: March 2, at March 2, at 4: March 2, at 9: March 3, at 6: March 4, at 2: March 5, at 1: March 6, at 1: March 7, at March 8, at March 10, at March 11, at 7: March 11, at 6: March 14, at March 12, at 6: March 12, at 1: March 13, at 3: March 13, at 6: March 14, at 8: March 17, at 7: March 17, at 5: March 18, at March 18, at 5: In a way, one could regard a phone that is vulnerable to viruses as defective.
One could argue that… poorly. Is your body defective for being vulnerable to disease? Is your car defective for being vulnerable to flying rocks cracking its windshield? Only thing you need to ask yourself is if you feel safe and smart enough to handle decision making on your own, or if you want a company to hold your hand for you and offer only their Apple approved selection of apps.
Your comparisons fall into the straw man category and therefore do not support your argument. You also just compared a PC to a phone. This is, in fact, exactly the problem. I will tolerate AV software on my computer because I desire the flexibility to run whatever software I want, but on a phone, being a consumer electronic device which a desktop computer is not, the use cases are quite different.
The vast majority of people just want it to work and reboots and crashes and viruses should be extreme rarities. It sounds like the latter is more of what you prefer and then Android is definitely more your thing.
Viruses and Malware for Macs do exist. Only thing protecting iPhone is Apples own vigilant hand denying apps from entering their store as they see fit. This is OK if you actually want a handheld computer that also makes phone calls.
Most people want a phone that also does other things, but not a handheld computer. From their perspective, a phone with a virus is defective and the important thing for us to understand is that they are correct.
They want a phone, not a computer. A phone that does other things…. Would that be things that you typically would do on your computer? A tablet that does other things….
Would that be things that you would typically do on your computer? I think youll find the vast majority of smartphones these days are closer to miniture computers than phones.
So hes not part of the problem at all. The major part of the problem with these things, is exactly the same as it was before. Dumb people doing dumb things with their toys.
I dont run a virus scanner on my pc or my mobile. On the RARE occasion ive had something wrong, theres generally something about to clean it, that gets removed once its done its job.
Its not difficult to work out when you have something dodgy going down on your computer OR your mobile. Sadly, the majority of people on this planet dont have the brains to comprehend that.
Instead I update my software on my own. This test must have been done quite a bit in the past. When I go to market. The fact that they left out a product with more installs than all the tested products together leaves an impression of conflict of interest.
I too wonder why they would be left out, makes me think less of this report.. That is likely why. Cyanogenmod has implemented a great feature, other custom ROMs might as well, where you can individually revoke permissions from apps.
This can lead to the program force closing if you take away to many permissions, but I have been able to modify most of the permissions from those few apps that seemed a little iffy to me. Google needs to have this built into the OS because I think it is one of the most effective ways to stop all this malware and spyware.
And stop Google and the legions of companies that want you data from accessing it? Why-ever would Google do that? To be fair, Linux esp. Huh, guess Linux can get infected.
I myself use Windows and also do not rely on any anti-whatever. Only a fool relies on a program to do their thinking, regardless of their OS. Those who actually use it know that no security is perfect, and professional users are always evaluating risk and working to minimize it.
That can mean running AV…. Cual es el mejor antivirus. I think i might be able to define whats the difference in between them computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.
All computer viruses are man-made and they can also replicate themselves by making a copy of themselves over and over again. This article is complete contradictory referencing zoner anti-virus.
The permissions that are required are: Full internet access Phone Calls: Read phones status and ID, intercept outgoing calls Your personal information: This article is interesting enough to add my insights, thanks for share: I have not noticed any slowdown.
It scans automatically every app I install, plus few other great functionalities. Antivirus for Android on a device itself does not do any good. This apps protects security and privacy using cloud based technology.
Download today and protect your phone and your privacy. Below are few reviews: Sui I just had a box show up in the middle of my screen saying, Trojan found….. I have not downloaded anything it if the ordinary.
Just Facebook and candy crush and a flashlight app. All from Google play. I have a S2. Nice and easy interface. It does everything from scan your phone to web surfing security.
Pretty good antivirus and would definitely recommend it. Hey guys How You doing i m using Appriva could antivirus Here is link https: I am only worried about trojans.
Soooooooo, all I want to k ow is what to do to rid my Android of viruses! Please enlighten me to some suggestions. I have a new nexus 4 android. My son is telling me I may have a virus on my brand new phone cause it keeps freezing and sometimes when I open a app it opens black then freezes.
The phone is only 1. I had some trouble on my Galaxy TAB 2 — maybe because of a malware, but someone said that the best I can do is to do a clean install or factory reset http: And back up everything on a clean machine!
Please check Anti Virus Info, Spyware removal apps at http: I was also facing same issue, I tried a lot to fix this however I was not able to do that. At last I just visited http: I got instant help for my computer by a certified technician.
The Author of this article only researched typical anti spy apps that rely on a database of known definitions. But the author did not try the new way to detect malicious apps. If you get D-Vasive, you will be given an alert when another app tries to spy on you.
I use this antispyware for Android and I think is great and free Download it here http: During my years of Android experience. I have never heard of any Android phone getting a virus?
Linux is self secured. If you have anti-virus software on your device. The only thing that will do is slow your device down and restrict you to certain content. Ofcourse Linux is self secured but using Linux does not mean that you are safe from viruses.
The only precaution is that download apps only from trusted site. The security of the Linux kernel means no remote code execution, privilege escalation, but when one give permission to the malicious app, including the antivirus, it can steal data and make other things.
I could Check and Uncheck the stupid little boxes until I broke the screen…five minutes later, the little demons would wake up and go on about their business…. So, No…My Phone is Rooted.
Apps like Lookout wtf? How soon they forget… Does anyone still remember what month it was that Google pulled 60, malicious apps from the store? I always hated AVs with passion. If you use a bit of common sense when installing programs on your computer, you should be safe.
People should be taught this common sense when using a computer. The only useful AVs are those you can run manually when you think you have a problem. I always say to my clients that an AV is almost the same as having a virus….
That Android has a virus problem is a blown-up lie which was made up in the past from the makers of Antivirus apps, people who just wanted a good headline and sry IOS fanboys.
The malware rates for phones that have the Google services installed were 0. As far as antivirus being a waste on phone, this is not entirely true. I would then farm your location and movement habits and sell them without telling you.
The antivirus would all of this. Android phones are small, but powerful devices which are prone to external attacks such as malware and it is good to have an antivirus app that will kill and delete all the hidden apps that are running behind the system.
They decide for bigbrogov and all their corpo partners that they will have everything, thus they do. I have CM Security on my phone, saw no mention of that. I have it because it blocks the exploits in android that are not yet patched.
I rarely ever see it hogging resources, unlike my desktop favorite eset. I also do not see any ads or pop ups, just a notification xx app is safe to open. Perhaps my adblocker helps with this… Keep in mind I am still using my workhorse S3.
I also love my custom roms which include app permission gatekeeper functions. Most of the offenders in regards to snooping are games! Visit here for getting android security apps and tips.
All i see in Android is ads all the time. Biggest mistake of my life going back to Android,. In this technological world we are not sure that using Linux makes our smartphones secure or virus free.
If antivirus mobile apps are available on the app store, then why not we should use it and take steps towards making secure our smartphones. Android is a big brand and product of Google, so I think it is not possible that every 1 mobile app out of 5 mobile apps are malware.
And as I know Android is based on linux and it is completely free. With a firewall it is the safest you can have on a cellphone.. You have been warned Google play has n always had apps with virus in them.
Do the research yourself dingest ohh wait just Google it. Okay, so day you have no idea about stuff like this but you had heard that having to many anti virus apps, I have 3 total all from Google play, what would you all recommend I do?
I just got internet for the first time ever, due to my location, in February of Please and thank you, Dar. This is the stupidest thing I ever heard, because you go tp the Play Store to get your antivirus proram which you say you cant trust.
So how can you trust the Play Store then??????????? I am reading your article and admire that you posted article which gives users useful information regarding particular topic.
My phone is infected and it installs application s automatically without my consent. It also brings up pop-ups that are malware and whenever I try to delete them they find their way back to my phone.
Any one solve this problem. How can i resolve this problem. Android notifications are at least informative — they show which permissions application requests, which at least changes notification enougth to read it every time.
Windows is much better than it was, but because it is a general operating system it by nature needs to be more open because everything down to things like network hardware or display functionality may need to be changed for some purposes.
This provides additional areas for attack. Samsung, for instance, is the worst of them all. You know, some of us do tend to hold on to our devices for more than a year.
Some of us keep our devices for at the very least two years. It may even get handed down to a family member when we get a new device. I have this device for over a year now.
Samsung makes at least SOME patches. When I think of updates I think of monthly updates, similar to how Microsoft does it. Mitigations are just that, mitigations. And like any software, the mitigations can be bypassed and the vulnerability can be exploited.
In other words, get the damn patch out and get it out yesterday! Android has absolutely zero idea of how to do updates across the ecosystem. When people get a little cash people forget but not rich, hardly…..
Once the device is in your hands, their priority turns to urging you to buy a new one, not caring for the one you have. Google, carrier and hardware vendor all have a portion of your cash after purchase.
None of them care about updating you after they have your check. This is only hearsay. Lookout is a superb product. Considered educating yourself further as whatever articles you have read appear to have misled you.
The most I had was AVG and Avast warning me when I download a suspicious file, offering to delete it or deleting it right away. Without root permissions, how does it achieve such a feat?
I find CM as suspicious as malware itself. I kind of agreed with you CM had me fool for a bit, but not anymore. Nice attention grabbing headline. Over priced, crap graphics, crap processor, less user control, perfect for rich idiots.
Need any other reasons? Android has bugs all over. Its an open source mess. Thats why iphone is number 1. Everyone is wrong and your right though in your little world. According to the entire world Android is the preferred operating system.
Now, if you compared all of the phones with later generation processors, i. In terms of OS, Apple updates their products longer than Android products. This is an HP product.
Games run better and they get newer generation games on the market faster for iOS than Android. There are certain markets where Apple kicks Android. If you ever went to a NAMM show convention, and you looked around at all of the booths trying to find someone showing anything Android related, you would think that Android devices have no market share.
A lot of newer apps are iOS only. So for some people, they live in a world where Android is not a player, at all. Yeah, Android is King. If I count them obviously Android is used way more.
My personal experience so far has been good and very stable especially with Marshmallow. However, I am not a fan of any platform like you seem to be as they are just phones.
I am more into soccer when it comes to fanboism. I just went through your Disqus profile and read your comments up to the last 17 days. I came to know that you are - firstly a huge Samsung hater; secondly a huge Android hater; and then a huge Apple Fan.
I feel so strange how one could create so much hatred and affection for consumer durables. Anyways, I was here to talk some tech but unfortunately I got stuck with a hater and a fanboy. Haters are always exaggerating and pointing out fake issues as I could see in yours comments.
Go outside from your basement and count who has an iphone and who has a samsung. So what was that again about buying a sheeple phone? Also, Sheeple tend to be a little more dense and have less common sense than Android users.
But then again, anyone who buys an over priced, outdated piece of hardware would tend to have no commonsense anyway. If you have files downloading without provocation you need to consider using a different Web browser.
It requires user interaction to do anything malicious. Websites can do stuff to the PC by you simply visiting the website. It is much less common these days though. Anti virus are not useless.
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Don't Ever Miss a New Post! Servando So Yong Silva. No, most are local. Would be great to see you back in Asia. If any of you are experiencing this problem, do let us know in the comments.
We'll update you if we hear anything more about it. Artem has been in conversation with a Pixel User Community manager and others in this thread, and a couple of fixes have been discussed.
The first comes with the second developer preview of Android 8. When first trying to use the Assistant via a squeeze or a home button long press, the bug still manifests and it does not hear you via the Bluetooth headset.
If you tap the microphone icon in Assistant and try again, it does then work. Not ideal, but at least it succeeds eventually. The second, more robust fix comes with beta version 7.
Once you update to that, the Assistant should work with a Bluetooth headset as expected. What's unclear is if you also need to be running the developer preview for this fix to work.
Artem's still waiting for confirmation on that. When this version of the Google app graduates from beta to stable in the next few weeks, the problem will be fixed for everyone.
What on earth is going on with the Pixels, is this Google's fault, software or quality control or the manufacturers fault.? Google tested and released it. Stuff like that might have been acceptable years ago, but if they want to charge premium prices for their devices, they need to do a lot better.
Problem is that after 4 months the consumer will go "Should I buy it now or wait for the next generation? This graph shows that's exactly how people think.
Pixels were released in the fall of Market share gradually increased until it hit about 0. It's flat from there on out. People started waiting for the next version. I acknowledge that this is not a hardware issue, but come on Google Same shit with my old 6P, it felt very beta.
You can also avail this. We demand an absolute perfect product, else we will unleash the internet rage machine. But this is a feature that every phone made in the last 15 years has been able to do, voice dial via Bluetooth headset.
This site has some of the biggest Pixel fans on the internet. But they also have journalistic integrity and report the errors on their favorite phones. They have a fully working magical review influence feature, such that no matter how many problems surface daily, the magical review influence hypnotizes reviewers and makes them call it the best Android phone you can buy.
Why do you ask? I assume you agree with the reviewers that it's the best phone. How many problems does this phone have to have before you change your mind? What phone has 0 issues?
I do love my pixel and I love when people get so worked up over a phone or reviews of a phone. I think you have to much time on your hand. I think the real problem is that such problems would make almost everyone bash a phone from any other company.
But being from Google, at a site where users already give a giant pass to Google screw anything it wants aside the phones, many users resonate the same mantra that "Google is life" No matter what.
Android Police tried to debunk Jerry many times, and when failed the site told something like "Users shouldn't bother because you just need not put the phone inside your jeans and sit on it".
And that became the mantra from all owners of the Nexus 6P, as if doing that the construction of the phone magically would be resolved. Besides that, is inherent to human beings defend their possessions, because accepting the idea of a lot of money spent at something subpar subconsciously makes the person idiot.
So negating reality is way easier to deal with the problem than assume errors and be self punished by your conscience. The problem with JerryRig is that he simply compromises the phone's integrity before bending it.
That's just one example, but the point is his assessment isn't exactly fair or accurate. I'll give you that That said, he put a lot of effort into bending that phone.
I can't imagine who actually has one in their pocket bend with that much force. If you're going to sit on your phone, then maybe He says that in the video. If you get a case or treat the 6P right, you won't have problems.
But his testing is a valuable service to get OEMs to build better phones. Same as crash tests for cars. Nobody plans to crash their car. And, yes, it could happen to you, as slim as the chances may be.
It's not just the pixel articles. He did this on an article about an entirely different phone, but kept talking about the pixel as if it mattered. Current article topic aside, I guess i have a unicorn in my backyard, or a horseshoe up my ass, because none of the other overblown issues are present on my 2XL.
I'm assuming my 2XL suffers from the big mentioned in this article, though i can't test it out. Doesn't bother me in the least, however, as i wouldn't be using Assistant through my headphones anyway.
That's the other magical feature in the Pixel 2s. It hypnotizes owners into saying "My Pixel 2 doesn't have any of the reported problems". And that feature is working right, too. Or it's because people don't actually have those issues.
Shocking, i know, because you seem to think your wireless opinion somehow trumps am actual user's experience. Perhaps you should spend less time bashing a phone you've never owned, and get some real world experience?
Thanks, but i have a sense of humor that works great. Seeing you beat a dead horse over and over again just isn't funny. Perhaps you should save the nickel and buy yourself a clue, because you don't seem to have one in the slightest.
I actually do love the Pixels. I love to poke fun at media malpractice, and the Pixels provide an endless stream of material to work with. No it just has a magical feature that makes sensible people try and dissuade everyone else from buying into the trash.
Either something is wrong or this last one isn't working on you. Theres a difference between dissuading someone from a purchase and outright spamming the comments on every post.
All phones, OS's, etc have bugs. But since you are taking things so literally, I'll amend my previous statement as follows: The bug mentioned in this article is the only one that is seemingly affecting my phone, though i can't test it.
Furthermore, I'd never notice it anyway as it's produced via a means i would never use. So, aside from one virtually nonexistent bug, my phone is perfectly fine in all other respects.
Maybe voice input through Bluetooth headphones for Google Assistant is a Google Earbud exclusive feature: Also Google assistant does work over bluetooth it just does not work if you use the squeeze feature or long press the home button.
Try again, but move the phone to somewhere where the built in phone microphone can't hear you. It does NOT work. Once it hits Android Police it's legit! I use this button all the time with my plantronics headset at work, backbeat fit while in the gym.
I need to upgrade my primary listening headphones Sony XBs because they don't have a dedicated button. Its not just with assistant, its when ever I'm playing music and answer a call Something is going on at the system level.
I think that's a Skype issue. You sure it's working on your Pixel? Cause it's never worked in my XL since their interface update. It doesn't even show the BT option.
It never worked on my Original Pixel with the old interface. I refused to update because I hate the redesign. I got the 2 XL soon after this discovery, and was disappointed to see that it doesn't work with it.
I tested it again after finding the issue on the 2 XL and with the November 1st version 8. I have tested again with that new version of Skype, and it appears that it's working, but not completely well.
You need to start the call on BT. You have to turn off your BT headset for it to go to handset. I need to hang up and call again with BT connected. Thanks for the test. I was too excited to find out I was finally able to use my bluetooth headset to join my weekly conference call.
I only did it a couple of times and I had the headset connected to the phone when I answered the call. I would say that's a skype issue. I was able to use voice recording just fine in FB messenger, for instance.
Wouldn't be surprised if skype repeated the same thing assistant does though. Yes, definitely something Skype needs to fix but will unfortunately probably take months I meant to point out that the Pixel 2 XL does something different in terms of Bluetooth.
Maybe it deprecates an old API that Skype was using, and that for some reason Asisstant is using too, but other apps are able to still work with. This works with my Pixel XL and my Sony SBH and I think other headsets, but it's never worked with my Mazda 3 's Bluetooth which has the exact same issue, and hopefully the fix will also fix it for older phones.
One thing to note is that in my Mazda when you call Assistant by voice, it seems to use the phone's mic, but when you call it via the home button it uses the car's mic. Not sure if the same can be said for headsets.
They started out bricking phones, then preventing phone calls, and it went on and on for weeks. There are just some bugs that evade QA for some reason and are only caught in the field. I wouldn't use my own companies.
The only reason my new pixel XL has 8. You probably did, but did you check to make sure this toggle was enabled? I have this problem and yes this occurs with Bluetooth headset checked. Something in the software isn't enabling the audio in when it should be recording.
I found disabling bluetooth headset fixed problem because the pixel 2's microphones are so good that in the car it easily picks up my voice anyways. Unless I'm missing something here, this did the trick for me.
Wasn't working before, now it is. What we realized in the google forums is that the phone microphone was picking everything up. Active assistant from another room and give it a shot. Doh - yes, I was missing something!
Tried this and the BT headset's mic did fail. Thanks for the clarification! Count me in on this. I drive a lot so i have my BT headset in all the time. It's stupid to have to turn it off just to use the assistant.
Shame your comment is getting upvoted to draw more attention, it sounds pretty reasonable to me. I was having the same thing on my Huawei watch last month and a factory reset fixed it for me there too.
It's not reasonable to anyone but techies to factory reset phones to resolve issues. The only device I don't mind resetting is my Chromebook, because that recovers fast. Google has made automatic app and data restoration a lot better and I'm glad of that - but - there's no reason that they could not automate fixing a very large percentage of problems corrected by a factory reset.
Because a lot of other people have tried to factory reset and it did not fix the issue. Usually a factory reset just disables using the bluetooth microphone, which is a fake fix for the problem.
It seems like it works great, until your phone is somewhere where the built in speakers can't hear you and you realize it's still not using the bluetooth microphone. Factory reset also clears the Dalvik cache, forcing all apps to recompile and corrects any errors that may have crept in to class definitions, intents and defaults, and erases app data resulting in reloading data and that can help other issues because Android doesn't include a sql vacuum on reboot.
If a factory reset worked for him and not you then it's obvious that there's more than one failure mode at play here and so my point stands - too bad the factory reset advice isn't getting more attention.
First because it is pointless to argue about issues with multiple causes, secondly because the long thread of bickering once again about whether the phone is any good is boring to tears, and finally, for those who might be helped this is a good thing, even if it doesn't fix it for everyone.
Excuse my skepticism, but so far no one has actually said it works with a real test move the phone somewhere else where the phone microphone cannot hear. A lot of people have thought that it was working, and then come back later and said that they were accidentally testing it wrong, and that it does not, in fact, work.
If someone comes back and says that they were able to test it that way and it does work for them, I will be overjoyed because that means it can work at all. As it stands, I think that there's actually one failure mode, but it's getting lost in a lot of understandable confusion because of the phone microphone compensating for the bluetooth microphone not working.
As I said, I only had the problem on my watch - it worked, no mistakes, no confusion. Different device, maybe a different problem. If you want to ask about the phone, you may want to try to replying to Johnny above.
I took him at his word. Wow, nothing but issues with pixels. Almost something new every day. This is really embarrassing. I found that if you trigger it with hey google and speak immediately, it works.
If you pause for even a second, it stops picking it up. I thought I was going crazy having to turn off my Bluetooth headset just to use Google Assistant. Glad I'm not alone.
Voice typing is also broken when using a headset. I suspect that this is, of course, another symptom of the same root cause, but I just haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
I can't tell if AP are publishing more news on the pixels therefore we see more issues or does this phone have more reported issues than OnePlus devices? I have to give AP credit for reporting on all the issues.
AC simply refuses to publish any stories about some of them. Either Google is pissed and they don't want to offend anymore, or after having called it "the best Android phone you can buy", they're too embarrassed to publish some of the problems, which would be tantamount to admitting they were wrong.
I don't have a set of wired headphones with a button to activate Google Assistant. It does work with a wired headset. I tired it with my Shure SE headphones. I hold down the button to launch Assistant it works.
Is it using the mic on the cable or the mic built-in to the phone though? I've left feedback on this issue as well. Google Assistant won't respond with Bluetooth headphones on my Pixel 2xl.
I also have the burn in issue after only a week. I will be exchanging this device with Google. Hopefully the next one is better. Otherwise I might actually have to consider sticking with last year's Pixel XL.
As annoying as these issues are, I'm yet to hear about a smartphone that launched without issues. Confirmed on my 2 XL. The first time I tried it heard me and started to respond, then FC'd.
After that it would open with "hey Google" but not recognize I was talking. I wonder how many of those complaints just come from people not turning the Bluetooth-headset option on in the Google app settings.
Love my pixel 2 but I can confirm this bug. Sucks to not have hands free in my truck. If I click the mic to trigger voice it works but not via edge or voice key word. Oh my, for a google phone and a phone that costs so much there are so many issues.
So glad i got my s8 on bogo. It's not like these are minor issues that affect one or two people though. These are major issues that should have been worked out in closed alpha testing of the phone.
Accepting voice input over a Bluetooth connection on a phone that doesn't have a headphone jack seems like a pretty important thing to get right. And if not worked out during testing, this is something has existed on the google support forums for some time now, it should have been resolved or become a priority even before screen issues or even cheeseburgers.
I apologize for my bad grammar. I scour XDA frequently to see what problems people are having with my phone s. If I was a writer, I'd report them. But you're not, and that's why you have time to scour XDA.
So there you go, it's observation bias that creates reporting bias that creates observation bias etc Oh, and I was a full time writer, columnist and editor. I didn't rely on tips.
I had plenty of time to scour various sites. Indeed, that's how I learned a lot of information that needed to be covered. Not blaming you for doing it differently, just saying it's not mutually exclusive.
I guess my point is this can be done for every smart phone out there. Why I have to keep seeing issues about the pixel is beyond me. They could literally change their motif to just reporting issues from all phones and still keep busy.
They should do that. There are a lot more alternative OEM phones out there than Pixel 2s, so they should be reporting on those problems. That's my only issue with what all the tech sites have been doing for weeks since the new Pixels have released.
By daily news stories about every little bug the Pixels are having and not reporting on other devices, the common consumer would easily assume that every other device besides the Pixel is bug free.
I'm an avid XDA user myself and I literally look at thread titles and say to myself Works fine for me. Using hotword or squeeze. Also works fine for voice dictation.
I was having occasional skips with bluetooth on play music and massive skips through youtube. Got update last night and all of that is fixed.
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