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Hi i want to sell my LG cokie plus. Archived from the original on September 25, 6 inch android phones questions Ashish Raval says 7 years ago. I'm still loving my R9S Sure it's got some annoying and unwanted features due to ColorOS, but I'm hoping a lot of these get fixed with the update coming later in the year.
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I only started setting up my new phone a few days ago and stumbled on this gem. I'm guessing it will still be at least a couple of months.
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My wife is still happy with the Oppo R9s Plus and she's tough to please. We will do our best to assist you with your concern. Archived from the original on March 3, Here is the LG equivalent — https: And then Standard is rectangle. Raj Kumar says 7 years ago.
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01.02.2018 - Don't hold your breath on this change. Akshay says 7 years ago. Both these issues are extremely annoying that's for sure. I have a prepaid Telstra sim and the Hotspot feature works fine for me.
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24.01.2018 - It lasts the day but sure enough, each morning, notifications access has be switched to 'off' and the app is useless. After the new update, it now defaults to actually viewing notifications rather than settings when you swipe it down! Battery last for a day of heavy use. There were at least two internal releases of the software inside Google and the OHA before the beta version was released. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the Color OS messages app is not very good.
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05.03.2018 - You will not be disappointed. I just ordered the Oppo R9S from Virgin and have already received it. Akash says 7 years ago. GPS is also there and its metallic finish back cover further provides it premium look. Retrieved November 16, Ice Cream Sandwich [8]. Just the initial log in to my Google account upon set up pulled them all down:
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Keerthi Nivas says 7 years ago. After reinstalling apps and double checking the settings it seems that the notification issues are gone. I was also getting dropped calls as by default the phone decides to drop unknown callers.
So it now seems that with any Oppo phone in the future make sure you check the settings app at least four times. I will be posting my honest and unbiased thoughts and opinions on the device and also trying to answer any questions for users that own the device, and for those looking in to getting an Oppo phone.
First impressions are how gorgeous the screen is and how well put together it is! It does look like an LCD panel, but I can't confirm at this stage. The box just lists it as a 6 inch screen and doesn't tell us the screen technology used.
Oppo phones appear to be a great for those who want to buy a phone from a bricks and mortor store that they can just buy and use for general day to day Phone, SMS, Internet, Candy Crush etc.
Buy a different phone. This strategy has worked well for Apple so I guess they're hoping to target the same audience which is the majority of smartphone users ;. Give it a day or so, you might be able to work it out.
Did Neil ever get back to us on what screen? Looking forward to testing it out. From my limited indoor use tonight I have to say it's impressive. IOS seems to work wonders in low light.
The front facing camera is a cracker, it's very detailed and sharp. Details are in my article. I've verified the information provided by the AusDroid website and I can confirm this information based on information provided to me so far.
I see the update on my R9s Plus too but I'm a little hesitant to let it update with the description all being in Chinese: I'll post a full changelog once I get it. The change log Chinese characters is basically the default input.
No specific details was posted. I noticed it turned off the turn on screen for notifications setting, the led light was turned off in the settings as well, it reset my volumes for media and ring, and also set my notification sounds to NONE.
I don't know if this was intentional or if its a bug, but I've had to go through all the settings to set things back the way I had them: Did you have any of the above happen to your R9s Plus, or was I simply unlucky and something went wrong?!
Just got R9s Plus via Woolworth mobile and look forward to test out this phone. Let us know when it arrives — my wife ordered one this morning and — well, patience is not her strong suit Use the tools you have!
Screenshot the info, and feed it into the Google Translate app Sorry for the salt regarding lack of updates guys. Just pisses me off when manufacturers don't provide adequate software support, especially with newly released flagship models.
Still love my R9S. Got the phone on Monday and keep playing with it. The finger print recognition is absolutely blasting. Battery last for a day of heavy use. All the apps installed work flawlessly.
VOCC charging is good. For me the update removed carrier name from up top and won't let me reenable it. Odd indeed, I had mine to not show carrier name and after the update it was showing.
I was able to turn it off again though. This was a weird update causing different issues to different handsets it seems. I'm sure Neil will pass on our concerns. Great to have a phone that looks just like everyone else's iPhone in her office, yet larger and lighter I've suggested she drain and then fully charge the battery a couple of times to condition it, so she'll be testing the quick charge capability too.
As for VOOC cables, do they differ from normal ones? However, all we sell is the USB cable, AC plug and replacement headphones not the car charger as we usually sell these to customers who've either lost or broken theirs in an accident.
So far my wife is delighted with virtually everything about the phone — especially the camera, and believe me she is TOUGH to please when it comes to photography what she really wants is her Canon DSLR shrunk to pocket size Like others on this forum, she's not happy with the messaging app, so hopefully that becomes less of an issue over time.
But otherwise — battery life, build quality it feels oddly light for a gm phone! Try and beat that: OK, there's also a problem with the Contacts app — it's not collecting my wife's business contacts from Outlook or Google contacts together.
And when she tries to download Google Contacts, it's listed as "not compatible with this device" I'm gonna start hunting around the XDA forums for a way around this, but in the meantime, does anyone here have any ideas?
Would side-loading the app work, or is that just a waste of time? I struggled with similar issues on my old Lenovo. This phone is simply fantastic in hardware terms, but the annoying SMS app and the unacceptable Contacts app are causing serious friction around here!
Have you tried downloading it from APK mirror? That's a strange one. I didn't do anything special to get my Contacts on the phone. Just the initial log in to my Google account upon set up pulled them all down: Neil has passed on our concerns with the inability to change the SMS app, so hopefully they're working on something.
As you said, the hardware is top notch, but the software has a way to go. The positive is they're constantly working on thing and pushing updates out at a consistent rate and most importantly, listening to us and our concerns.
Thanks, but I know how to side-load — I'm just wondering if it's worth the time. Side-loading an app doesn't mean it'll work, as I've learned from long and frustrating experience And already we've confirmed that switching the SMS app just leads to the phone switching it back after a few uses which is absurd — if it's really a security decision, why allow the switch in the first place?
I'm sure Neil's doing all he can, but Oppo is a big company. This is still a very new phone — I can hardly find anything but questions about it on XDA-developers! Absolutely understand your frustration with this.
OPPO will be providing an update on this this week. The dual pane notification thing is redundant, the stock option works just fine and I don't mind either way but its still just odd.
The settings app needs to be rejigged and condensed down and the auto block by default for unknown callers needs to go. Its also highly irritating to fiddle with settings in 2 different places just to try out new apps and make sure they are not murdered by default.
Solid Explorer works just fine. I have not run into any glitches or oddities, signal strength is great, calls are clear and loud, WiFi is fine. Its only software that needs work and while all the above you can live with or work around ColorOS still needs major polish.
After using a R9s Plus for close to two weeks now, I'll throw in my two cents of what I think of your observations. Hopefully it'll help Neil pass this on to the coders back home ;.
It's annoying having to swipe down and then swipe to get to the left panel where the notifications are located. A single panel would have been way better. I have no problem with this to be honest, there are a lot of options of how notifications are shown.
My problem is the buggy implementation of notifications which do not follow the settings I have selected for them and sometimes work and sometimes don't. Sometimes my screen will turn on for notifications as selected in the settings and sometimes it will refuse to, while other times the screen will turn on when a notification arrives but the notitication will not be shown on the lockscreen as I had selected in the settings etc Neil is aware of this issue and Oppo is working on it from what I've been told.
There are simply way to many steps and settings to fiddle with to get notifications and apps to not be killed off by the system. Your average person will have no idea on how to go about all this.
At least have everything turned off and let users have the option of turning things on to block their desired apps instead of having us to whitelist all the apps we want, if Oppo insists in keeping Security Centre.
Emoji's are super smooth and fast on the R9s Plus. Maybe this is due to the extra horsepower under the hood. They should be optimised for the R9s though, if they're running sluggish.
Swiping up on the lockscreen while the alarm is going off turns it off for me, and tapping the screen snoozes it. Is it not the same for the R9s? Same here, extremely solid connectivity with wireless, bluetooth and GPS.
Calls have been great, but I would have liked a bit more volume in the ear piece as I find the loudest point to not be as loud as my previous phones. That says it all really. They just need to work on the software and sort a few bugs out here and there.
I've passed on a fair bit of information to Neil of my findings so hopefully we can see some bug fixes in updates to come. I agree with the above recommendations.
But why not just remove ColorOS altogether and allow the user to use stock Android? Like the Nexus or the OnePlus. I would choose the OnePlus over the Oppo any day, simply for that reason.
But alas, greedy corporations like to force feed us, like we're children It's the same issue with updating phones for any proprietary flavor of Android. I bought the R9s for my wife but after 2 days of searching I give up on finding the "customization" menu, did it get removed in Color OS 3?
Oppo forums say to long press any blank space but that only starts the shaking, I see no menu? Oh also "registering" with Oppo fails, anywhere, any website, via the phone, so far all attempts have been unsuccessful.
I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Oneplus is a division in oppo. That's where they're gonna release the stock phones for geeks. My wife is just trying to install Google Calendar and the 'security' application keeps trying to block it — what gives??
How we doing on this, Neil? I don't mean to take you too literally on the "this week" part, but does it seem as though they're making progress on some of the outstanding complaints?
This phone has gotten some really glowing reviews, both here and pretty much everywhere else — that somehow makes the remaining shortcomings all the more frustrating! So close to perfection, it's in something like an uncanny valley of functionality Pinch the screen to start customization, the rest of the options are scattered throughout the Settings app — Display or Lockscreen.
For the themes, open the theme store app, click the download arrow, then you can delete with edit or tap to change. The registration with Oppo worked fine for me over 4G.
Yeah I finally worked out the theme app properly, and I always knew pinching would show widget menu, just didnt realise that was the "customisation" menu. Also still cannot register, not even on the oppo website from a PC, but doesn't matter much I guess.
Last question, from task manager I thought swipeup would close apps, and swipe down would lock them, but we can only swipeup, maybe a security setting somewhere? Not Happy, if they don't take it back I will go to abundsman.
Thank you for your time". Hi, I didn't get an answer. But in regards to this matter, I am definitely following up. Apologies I didn't give the update sooner.
Hi, handsets sold through the 3 big carriers in Australia are typically not dual-sim. This is not just limited to the R9s but also the prepaid variants. You don't exactly swipe down, you swipe mostly down and release until a lock appears.
It also appears that some apps are auto locked and won't be auto killed after install — after installing Whatsapp it was "locked" after install. All these security settings should either be removed or disabled by default though.
And don't get me started on auto blocking unknown callers by default. Thanks, swipe up doesn't seem to do much either I now noticed. I purchased the R9S 2 days ago in black so glad Oppo listened and gave us the black colour instead of the white colour screens.
In regards to build quality it's fantastic as usual from oppo fantastic hardware this is my third oppo phone from the R7 R7 Plus and R9. Just have one question maybe Neil could answer does the R9S have a oleophobic coating on the screen?
I should be receiving my R9s next week, but not looking forward to swiping down from the top, then having to swipe across for notifications all the time. Hoping a Nougat update fixes that..
I don't know the direct answer but I can tell you two things — in my experience, oleophobic coatings wear off after a length of time no matter where they originate.
And, you can buy bottles of the stuff online: Hmm interesting product might have to try it out if screen doesnt have it. I just want to confirm that all OPPO handsets come with the coating to make it resistant to fingerprint marks.
However, it also comes a pre-applied screen protector out of the box. I just want to give an update on the third party customisations: As such, there are no plans at the moment to change it around.
Additionally, we've made the request for Nova and Arrow to be permanently enabled via the default launcher. Is it not possible to jailbreak the phone and put another os on it like they do with other phones?
Toss of the coin really. Sounds like a start. Can't you get ALL Google apps to at least be whitelisted? I understand Oppo has some of their own replacements, but marking Google apps as security risks seems a bit Awesome good to hear I love using phones naked so once the supplied protector deteriorates it's good to know it has a coating on it, cheers Neil.
Tossing up between oppo r9 plus and zte axon 7, what do you guys think is the better option? Pretty impressed so far. Even has an LED notification light, which I hadn't read in the reviews.
Great phone overall so far. Only deal breakers that prevent me recommending it to others - notifications not on the swipe down menu - not being able to use another SMS app.
Every time I receive a message, and at some other times, it forces back to the default SMS app. If this is so, where are the threads about it? I havent read anything about someone doing this.
It exists — check out developer forums as they will most likely answer your 2nd question as well. I don't know who suggested this feature when designing a update but maybe they were drunk at the time.
You think it would be common sense that people would swipe down to access notifications multiple times a day rather than the quick toggles. Although it's only a extra step to swipe left it is a extra step that shouldn't have been added compared to the previous color OS..
Hope oppo switch it in a update soon as it makes no sense to me. I bought the r9s plus yesterday and I'm really happy with the hardware of the phone. It takes great photos, excellent call quality, better reception than my note 5.
The software on this is a nightmare. I know this has all been said before on this thread, but jesus christ. I've had an oppo r7g in the past, but colourOS has become much worse in the meantime.
Having to change things in three different security and app management settings to make sure apps run correctly is bizarre. The lack of app drawer should have been made optional long ago, though at least that one's easily sorted with nova launcher.
The swipe-down-and-left to get to notifications is definitely a strange choice. Notifications themselves constantly misbehave. The text msg app has become crippled since the r7g. I can't seem to find a way to view the time and date messages were sent.
All msgs sent from numbers that aren't in my contacts get shoved into a folder called "messages from unknown sources", even when the only msg is me texting them.
There's a few other quirks and issues. I'm super bummed because my experience with the r7g was so good. Which is done well. Unless you want to fiddle. It actually gives them more space then jamming the quick toggles into half the screen with notifications squished below even on a 5.
I have an Oppo R9s that keeps disconnecting from the bluetooth Garmin wrist device. I think I remember this being a normal Oppo issue with blue tooth devices? Was there ever a solution?
Also, something like the weatherzone app that displays the time in a widget doesn't update automatically. I've tried stopping the app from closing down but that still doesn't keep it updating.
Is this likely to be something I can fix? Or should I just not try and use apps like this is an Oppo? It always seems to be the Security Center causing these sorts of things.
In the camera, I thought there was no way to take a square photo. But it's the Rectangle option of course! And then Standard is rectangle. And Full Screen is not the standard size. Are the rear facing cameras in both the R9s and R9s Plus identical and is the camera generally considered superior to the ZTE Axon 7 camera?
Regarding call volume from the earpiece I saw it mentioned earlier in the thread that it wasn't overly loud. Anyone else finding this? It's not so much that I want to fiddle, as that I had to.
The bulk of fiddling and changing settings is done now at least! Heads up that you can't change the sms app on this phone, it automatically reverts back to stock. By the way, the main camera on the r9s and plus are slightly different, and the plus has optical image stabilisation.
As for call sound, I find that it is a little quiet but very clear and speakerphone is fine. What level of insanity makes a company think that's a good idea?
I love that idea. What exactly are they thinking? I know there's a helpful rep on here. Maybe he can shed some light. Regarding call quality, it's much better than the Moto I came from. I remember reading one review where it mentioned calls can be clearer when the carrier routes it over 4G.
Can't remember the name of the feature. Did read Vodafone has enabled this on their network for certain phones? For apps that I couldn't get to stay open even after locking, I found that adding a widget to a page helped keep the app running.
Loud enough for me, but the clarity is excellent. The noise cancellation really cuts through background noise. Plus if you look at ColorOS v2 to v2. The only thing that worries me is stuff like not being able to change the default sms app and make it stick.
Is it 2 year warranty on all phones in Australia under Australian consumer law? I didn't think that was right but I never argue unless I'm positive, so I didn't. I don't think that the Australian consumer law does actually specify a figure.
I've seen that 2 year figure bandied around a lot on these forums for quite a while though. Maybe it's just a WP urban myth. Thing is, after a year warranty matters less and its more how long till the battery gives out.
Anyhow, aus consumer laws would say that a 2 yr warranty should apply regardless. So even if its sold with 1 yr, you can ask for service. Putting up my R9S for sale.
The notifications issues are still cropping up and now can't stand it even after fiddling with it. Picked up a cheap Optus prepaid in the meantime and going back to stock Android is a revelation.
If I can't find a buyer I'll see if I can return it although trying to show the issue in store will be difficult — it depends on the app and the exact settings. I returned the R9 last year from JB — it's a smartphone that is clearly not fit for purpose notifications are a feature of smartphones so you shouldn't have a problem if you're prepared to stand up for yourself.
I'm still loving my R9S Sure it's got some annoying and unwanted features due to ColorOS, but I'm hoping a lot of these get fixed with the update coming later in the year.
As I use Nova Launcher with mine, the most annoying thing is really just the swipe down and left to get to notifications. This is annoying because I unlock my phone to check the time, not to see that I should not be disturbed.
Other than that, the phone does everything else it's meant to, great camera, no lag with my apps, super fast fingerprint scanner. I've had a hard time trying to find info on this phone and hope I haven't asked any questions which have already been answered elsewhere.
If so could you please link me to them. Basically I love the phone except for a few annoyances. Android wear notifications access switches of everyday. Accessibility access for downloaded apps switches of after a few minutes.
Can't seem to figure out if people have managed to install Nougat 7. Can you wipe the phone clean of ColorOS and install standard Android? Can't seem to send pictures via sms in bulk.
Only one at a time. He also said that it's noted to be changed on their website. Looking at the phone, it definitely looks like an LCD panel. It has fantastic viewing angles though and it doesn't wash out on angles.
The R9s Plus screen is a definite upgrade over the R9 Plus screen. What are the "notifications issues" that have been mentioned? Is this referring to the swipe down and across bs to see notifications or is there more to it?
The R9s Plus is extremely tempting but the quirks I've been reading about would do my ocd head in I think. And can anyone offer a theory as to why they just haven't stuck stock Android on the phone the same as their offshoot Oneplus has done?
What they've done with the 3T rom is sheer brilliance If everyone is having so much trouble with the os why dont they just flash a new rom onto it? The cheap prepaid I got has notifications instantly and has an LED too.
Oppo might be instant, might be never. Unforgivable as the whole point of a smart phone is connectivity. Security Center is ridiculous, changing the stock apps is a fight and managing apps by "locking" is even worse.
The skin is way too into iOS and just goes too far. Why buy an Oppo phone over any of five dozen other retangular glass slabs? Unless you pay attention to specs like we do, not much reason — so companies tell their marketing departments to add "features" and make the phones "better" than everyone else's, so customers will prefer the brand's style going forward, and not just a particular product.
OnePlus was designed and marketed for phone enthusiasts, technology fans. The One used CyanogenOS and had extremely impressive specs for the price, at the time.
Word spread without need for a conventional marketing campaign, and it got noticed. They're not going after the same customer base as Oppo is, and will never be as big as Oppo, but I'm glad they're around!
Plus some quirks added 'cos someone thought they'd be good ideas. Makes an ideal phone for my wife, who wants top specs but does not want to know the specifics as I do, and who demands a 6" phone when so very few companies make them Yes, I get that and I'm interested in the phone R9s Plus for a couple of reasons And the battery life.
And a notification pull down that doesn't show notifications when it's first pulled down but rather then needs a swipe sideways before you can see them? If that's what Oppo considers to be product differentiation then someone in the software design department needs to get back on their medication.
And too aggressive closing of background tasks. I have a backup app — if I start a backup task, it runs in the background, then if I lock the phone, then unlock, the task has been closed and hasn't completed.
Hasn't happened on my other android phones. I thought I saw one review where they could adjust how aggressive that task management is? It was an issue with the OnePlus 3, as I recall, which could be mitigated with an adjustment to a line in a system config file.
I think you had to be rooted to make the adjustment, and I'm not sure if that's practical yet on the R9s Plus. I'm considering these http: Thanks for mentioning this buried setting. So going to Settings, Battery, Others Then select an app, it will show toggles for:.
Also, one small thing that threw me was the lock icon is actually an unlocked padlock if you look closely: Hi Neil, who is actually selling the R9s chargers as you posted, I contacted Oppo who referred me to JB hifi who just told me they have never had actual oppo chargers to sell.
My daughter left hers behind at a hotel over the holidays. I contacted Oppo who referred me to JB hifi who just told me they have never had actual oppo chargers to sell.
OPPO sells the accessories directly from the repair centre for such cases it is lost. Default apps settings wont be fully unlocked at this point in time. As such, I've made the request for popular apps to be added to the whitelist so that it can be used as an alternative.
The fact that sometimes, notifications do not show is proving very difficult to replicate under lab testing. If anyone has any additional information such as a situation where it almost certainly happens, please let me know either on this thread or PM.
Hi, there is an app called 'cornerfly' that requires accessibility to be turned on. When you do this, the app works fine but after a short time the accessibility access gets turned off and the app stops working.
Also, android wear needs notifications to be turned on every morning. It lasts the day but sure enough, each morning, notifications access has be switched to 'off' and the app is useless.
Android security patch is now April 5th which is very good, hopefully this becomes a regular update every month or two. The issues with lockscreen notifications intermittently working has done my head in so far: On a positive, this update didn't tamper with any of the phone's settings and was a seamless update.
I purchased a oppo r9s off ebay a couple of weeks ago and I'm not sure how to tell if it's international or Australian version, could someone tell me what software version your oppo r9s is on.
Vodafone AU 6e 14e Ok I accidentally brought up the local search, where you can search for anything on your phone. How do you get it to come up? Ok, thanks mate, to bring up local search swipe down on the main page but don't swipe down too close to the status bar or else it just brings your notification panel down.
Thank you Neil, juggling two phones with one charger at the moment is certainly easier thanks to the fast charging ability of the genuine oppo charger but if I don't get one soon my daughter will steal mine.
About to return my A57 back to jbhifi due to third party messenger clients like signal messenger being blocked and the security manager constantly hassling me about overlays. Wish everyone would stop complaining about the default SMS app.
We know it can't be changed. We know this is crappy for a phone company to do this. We desperately want them to unlock their bootloader so ppl can make new roms. It's just an SMS.
Who cares if you can't use your preferred app to send your favourite emoji Will any of that happen. But at least we do have a confirmed update for sometime this year which will hopefully address some of these issues.
The stock app is crap, lacks basic features found in the native app and offers no privacy features which more then ever has become industry standard. Had I known about it I wouldn't have bought the phone and I am still contemplating returning it.
Oppo's justification for locking the phone down and forcing you to use it is baseless, they should be reminded on a daily basis as its a dead simple fix. When recording video the camera app cuts off the last few seconds of picture but not audio.
Yeah the SMS app is also not that great and swipe twice for notifications is bizarre. Otherwise enjoying the phone. R9s or R9s Plus? I can't replicate the issue on my R9s Plus. I've tried both cameras and also tried in 4K and P and both video and audio is in sync and nothing is cut off at the start or end.
Both these issues are extremely annoying that's for sure. Neil has said that they've taken the feedback on board and the engineers are aware of the issues in this thread, so hopefully something will be done about them.
For me the most annoying issue is lockscreen notifications and how sometimes they appear on the lockscreen as they should, where as sometimes the screen doesn't light up at all when receiving a notification and also sometimes the screen lights up but the notification does not appear on the lockscreen even though all the correct settings are enabled for this to happen.
Yes, the sms app and harder to get to notifications, and missing notifications prevent me recommending this phone to others. I've never had another phone which doesn't allow you to change the sms app.
Dissappointed in the Oppo R9S plus colours 3. Cannot be changed to another SMS app which is weird especially given the stock app is so bad and basic. Just had another look at my wife's and there is a clear choice of default message app between the stock, or messenger?
Why can't you choose another app, or does it just keep switching the stock one back? In that case use ADB to hide it? The security centre just forcefully changes it back to the oppo one or in some cases the messages just vanish into thin air until you change it back, even if you change the default messenger under the settings which is how you normally would do it on every other phone.
The official line is "if the devices are set the 3rd party APPs as messages, the security of devices cannot be guaranteed, so we decided not to allow customer set 3rd party APPs as messages. It's a deliberate and short sighted decision by oppo which they have been fully aware of for a very long time, one of times I wish I was an octopus and could slap the whole design team across the face at once.
While they've acknowledged its pissed us off, the only way this will change is if you hassle them with emails and leave negative reviews singling out this problem.
The wife purchased an Oppo R9s Plus a few days ago. Retrieved December 20, Nagy September 27, Archived from the original on February 16, Retrieved February 23, Archived from the original on January 8, Archived from the original on March 5, Retrieved February 5, I confirmed this with Google; Honeycomb, at least in the current form, will not be coming to non-tablet devices.
Retrieved March 28, Archived from the original on May 11, Retrieved May 10, Retrieved March 30, Retrieved August 5, Retrieved July 16, Declaring Tablet Layouts for Android 3. Retrieved February 18, Retrieved July 24, Retrieved October 19, Retrieved September 19, Retrieved July 27, Retrieved December 8, Retrieved December 15, Retrieved January 4, Retrieved December 17, Retrieved March 31, Retrieved February 9, Retrieved July 12, Retrieved July 8, Implement Gapless Playback of consecutive audio files".
Retrieved November 12, Retrieved June 30, Retrieved February 26, Retrieved October 9, Retrieved February 19, Retrieved November 16, Retrieved October 29, Retrieved October 28, Retrieved July 2, Retrieved November 27, Retrieved February 12, Retrieved July 25, Retrieved August 22, Retrieved July 30, Retrieved July 28, Retrieved October 4, Retrieved July 22, Retrieved November 11, Archived PDF from the original on March 4, Retrieved November 1, Retrieved November 3, Retrieved October 14, Retrieved February 25, Retrieved March 19, Retrieved January 29, KitKat WebView text wrap no longer works".
Retrieved December 5, Retrieved December 9, Retrieved December 14, Retrieved June 2, Retrieved June 4, Retrieved June 19, Retrieved June 25, Retrieved January 25, Retrieved June 26, Retrieved October 16, Retrieved July 5, Retrieved October 17, Lockscreen widgets also bite the dust".
Retrieved December 23, Retrieved November 29, Retrieved November 28, Retrieved 2 February Retrieved January 30, Factory Images Too ". Retrieved December 3, Retrieved 27 December If the device goes a defined time without a background fstrim, we [now] force the fstrim at the next reboot.
Retrieved January 6, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved March 27, Retrieved May 1, Retrieved May 28, Retrieved October 6, Retrieved March 10, Retrieved July 19, Retrieved October 5, Retrieved December 13, Retrieved April 2,
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Android Phone Buying Guide: Our pick of the best Android phones in, including the Samsung Galaxy S8, Note 8, and OnePlus 5T. Info about new Oppo range — this time with a Qualcomm chipset. softik. org.
25.01.2018 - Will be interesting to see how it goes with Telstra and reception As for the Textra issue. Xiaomi redmi note 3 32gb gold in texas - Wonders t... Retrieved December 17, Karbon A black is a dual SIM phone with 3. Does on my oppo f1s running colorOS 3.
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I wonder what other secrets ColorOS 3 is hiding? I just ordered the Oppo R9S from Virgin and have already received it. I like the phone so far but the main reason I got it was to use the dual sim feature and to avoid having two phones, work and personal.
So far the second sim can't be read by the phone at all. Does anyone know why this might be happening as I am lost and am really hoping that its something i'm doing wrong: I bought the wife an R9s, and she uses Hotspot all the time but it's not in the quickmenu.
My other droid phones have let me edit this menu, not Oppo? I'm messing around with colour os for a while longer, however is looking to me installing Nova prime over the top. Sure it might take up some space but it'd be worth it for the customisation.
Thank you so much for your answer to my question, this makes a lot more sense now. I will have to tackle Virgin and see if I can get out of it haha! If anyone's interested I wrote a review of this phone: I'm liking this phone less and less every minute.
It seems that Oppo have tried to do an Apple and lock the user out of everything. Once Nova was installed I had to make an additional change to stop it reverting back to the standard launcher when pressing the home key.
The one you want to change is the 'Homescreen'. I set that to 'Nova Launcher'. I use a 3rd party email app [blue mail] which doesn't appear to show notifications through arrow launcher.
I know with nova launcher u need to install tesla unread to get the correct notifications so might give that a go. Really all the wife wants is an outlook notification widget on the lock screen, but i haven't found a way to get that to work yet.
I don't use outlook so can't help you. I use bluemail which consolidates all my emails better than outlook could. This has its own widget but only puts a notification on the lock screen.
What's the fuss about having the widget on the lock screen anyway. Surely if you saw a notification u would open the phone up anyway? And with the speed of fingerprint unlocking on the r9s It's also produce by Microsoft like Arrow but ironically won't connect to the Outlook calendar for notifications.
Because my wife wants it. She's coming from years of Windows phone and is irritated by the lack of instant access to her information. Can't she just have the default home screen full of widgets?
That way she just insta-unlocks using fingerprint and all the information she needs is there. Quicker than using the lock button I reckon. Fingerprint recognition is so fast on this phone I never see my lock screen..
If you want some more low-light photos taken with the R9S — https: I'm guessing it will still be at least a couple of months. No official word as yet but rest assured Neil will post in this thread when an official announcement is imminent.
I got this phone last week. Everything seems to be good so far except the vibration strength is very weak and I keep missing calls. Is there a way to increase the vibration intensity?
Damn i need a new phone It appears that Woolworths's Oppo R9S is dual sim We will do our best to help. I think based on previous models, OPPO is very unlikely to confirm any updates to any of its phones, even though the R9 and F1s were confirmed to be getting Marshmallow in Q2 of this year, I won't be holding my breath for Nougat anytime soon.
Also, I got an Mate 8 before form ebay, it has Google Play, but does not sync google contact. I just picked up one of these for my wife. Her 5 month old G5 is failing again with the volume down button no longer working and also the rear fp sensor has moved from its spot.
I think it is worth the upgrade if you can afford it — whilst the r9 is dual sim standby, the 2nd sim is only capable of 2G, which is no longer supported in Australia, so it becomes a standard single sim mobile with the 2nd sim slot for a microSD card.
Also, the R9S chip is a Snapdragon not a Helio one, so it's better. I've got a R9S myself and love it. Since putting Nova launcher on this phone I couldn't be happier.
Everything runs smooth, especially with the nightly cleanup that is prompted by the phone. The battery life is brilliant. I think if I didn't play games on it at night I would easily get 2 days before having to charge [vooc charging is amazing too].
I wish notifications would show up straight away from the pull down menu instead of having to swipe right but that's a minor thing. Thankfully the fingerprint works, but im stumped on how you can reset the pattern when you need to actually do it first.
Even though I am doing the pattern exactly as I set it up, its not working. Setting it up makes you do it twice anyway and now doesnt work. I love it too but like at least one other person I've seen, my alarms don't always go off after the phone has been idle all night.
I've turned off the background freeze in settings. Google clock doesn't work at all, Alarm Clock Plus I have more luck with. Turning off the 'freeze' in app settings, adding to 'startup' group and adding to whitelist.
Basically the phone doesn't seem to support other SMS apps. I've noticed on the OPPO community forum that others have the same issue. OPPO support has gone quiet and not replied for the last few days now.
Like you, other clock apps don't work my usual was 'Timely' as they get killed off or freeze. The settings I've changed as below: I am still doing the tests on Textra at the moment and will advise findings when I have more information.
I don't have the start up manager anywhere under privacy permissions. Also can you elaborate how to lock an app? Does this only work on stock launcher? Can confirm locking apps works with Nova launcher.
Just push the square button — bottom left of phone. Instead of swiping up to remove the apps you can swipe down to lock the app so that it can't be removed by optimisation and such.
Thanks Neil — I had all the settings for 'Timely' that you mention but wasn't "locking the app" from the app list. I'll post up how that works for me as an alarm clock in a few days — as it's normally only after the phone has not been used for a number of hours such as overnight, that the app gets killed off and the alarm doesn't fire.
As for the Textra issue. Still the same issue. It might receive a text or two, and then the popup will occur when a subsequent sms is received and revert back to the factory messaging app. As you have mentioned, locking the app in the app list seems to keep the alarm clock apps like 'Timely' running and working correctly.
Also wanted to confirm Textra is working correctly also? I haven't been able to get that error message in the last 2 days of testing Android Wear app, I have it locked in the background and I still have to enable notification each morning.
Actually I can confirm that third party messaging apps do not work correctly. I'm not sure what testing you did. Textra could be installed and configured as the default messaging app.
It might then receive 2 or 3 SMS messages, but eventually the popup message occurs when receiving a message and the messaging app is reset back to the Oppo messaging app. The same issue was raised in an Oppo Community forum post re using Google Messenger as the default messaging app — http: Below is a copy of the response I received via email from Oppo Support in Australia that in fact says that ColorOS 3 is not designed to support apps.
Unfortunately this backs up my experience — even after resetting the phone. Hi John, Thank you for your response. Regarding your messaging app issues, we had an update with our technical team, and this was their response: This design had been used to OS3.
For there are a lot of third party APPs, if the devices are set the 3rd party APPs as messages, the security of devices cannot be guaranteed, so we decided not to allow customer set 3rd party APPs as messages.
We sincerely apologize for the trouble that you had to go through, and even doing a factory data reset on the phone as well, but it really is a limitation on the phone. Again, We're really sorry for the inconvenience sir.
The best I can do, is to raise this as feedback, but we cannot promise anything yet or even a time frame for actual changes. If there's anything else that we can assist you with, please let us know.
Have a great day. It does seem strange that there is a setting to change the default messaging app, but that Oppo say that ColorOS is not designed to allow this. I've tried multiple messaging apps in case it was a Textra issue, and the same error occurs with all of them.
Hi John, been able to validate this issue after sending receiving multiple sms at once. I've spoken to the QA team and they do have the information that currently security centre blocks 3rd party sms applications.
I've also tested facebook messenger and Google Hangouts to the same error. A request has been made to add these 2 to the whitelist to give users a choice.
I had tried adding the apps to the whitelist — but I'm guessing from what you say a software update is required. Even if the app I prefer Textra is not included, something like "Android Messenger" would be a good addition also This is what google now call their default messaging app after renaming it a few days ago.
My wife's LG phone has just died after 1. This is very disappointing. My R9s always defaults back to the default messages app. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the Color OS messages app is not very good.
I've been following this thread pretty closely as I was keen on the new R9s and must say I'm a little disappointed that Oppo isn't modifying their ROM and ColorOS for the western world.
I was a big advocate of the R9 and R9 Plus range and have recommended it to a fair few people until the fairly serious issues with notifications, bluetooth and issues with the Telstra network were discovered.
This is a major pain in the backside and I've been hearing it lately from my mate who I recommended an R9 Plus to. I've tried every setting under the sun and sometimes push notifications work fine, while other times they simply don't appear till the app is opened up.
The phone simply cannot be trusted to deliver real time push notifications. Bluetooth is another big downside when paired to Android Wear. The watch simply loses connection to the phone, and it does not auto reconnect at all.
He was previously using the same watch with a Nexus 5 and a Huawei Mate 7 without a single issue. He also had major issues on the Telstra network with dropouts and instead of returning the phone he switched to Optus, which did fix the issue but the solution was extreme.
Oppo is aware of all the above and have done nothing to address and fix these major problems with their devices. The issue with not being able to set default apps is a strange one.
A simple popup warning about security when changing defaults would have been enough. In my opinion all oppo need to do is allow their bootloader to be unlocked so others can develop alternate software and mods to flash to the device.
Come on Oppo add English Australia. I was really looking forward to the R9s, but it looks like nothing has changed. All of the issues you mentioned is why I sold the Oppo after a few days of use.
I'd bought it for the wife and all I got was complaints. She loves her new phone though, as it actually allows her to set it the way she wants it to work.
I suspect others feel the same way. If you just want a phone that you can text and make calls an Oppo is great. Otherwise they have a lot of quirks. Will be interesting to see how it goes with Telstra and reception I won't be a guinea pig this time around as much as I like the phone The r9s runs marshmallow out of the box too It's nougat we really want.
Well its doing better than some other devices still running 5. This is a Oppo thread, I'm talking Oppo devices, all them run 5. Not that I'm saying thats an issue.
The devices are skinned you can't really notice. But it would be nice for them all to get on the 6. Some users don't mind, while others hate the idea of a new flagship being released with an older version of Android.
OH some reason I thought this was 5. I have been researching in regard Nougat update and come across this page which allow people to easily update to latest Nougat for Oppo R9S and R9S Plus, just follow the instruction as per the links below.
Hope this works for you guys. I haven't got one yet but planning to buy soon. Nougat update links posted above and on previous page are fake and contains trojan virus.
Perhaps Neil can confirm or not? Sorry for the vague question but I'm an iPhone user and can not get used to anything Android I have tried. My husband has never before had a smartphone, and just bought the R9s Plus.
He can't read the little manual that came with it small print and there isn't anything available online that we found in. A few issues, perhaps the folks here can help:.
Is there a lifeproof or similar case available? Uploading music did not show albums, only individual tracks uploaded by simple drag and drop, not using the upload app. He isn't sure he wants to use the cloud.
Somehow, all of his photos got uploaded to the phone, and he does not recall how. I can't see any settings for bulk deletion. The whole OS is so different for me and not intuitive, I've been using iPhone for seven years and not a heavy user of that either, so I'm having trouble helping him.
The stock music player a very basic. Try using Poweramp Music Player from the play store instead. If you're not going to update your phones, then allow your bootloader to be unlocked so others can do your job for you.
Not sure where this site gets it info from, but it says the R9S will be getting nougat on there — http: It would be my first android phone jumping from windows phone so just wanted to confirm some details.
The color OS looks nice in photos but if I don't like it I have read about launchers does this remove the color OS or just change the way icons are layed out? Just wondering why the site link I posted above would say that it is.
Love my R9s, few problems with wi-fi in that it wouldn't pick up the 5GHz network at all until I changed my router settings from 'auto' to channel 36 manually Hopefully those default apps settings don't get changed back by security Centre after a reboot, please let me know if that happens to you.
Hi, initial request to HQ is to add Hangouts and FB messenger to whitelist to be changed for this option. Will confirm once more information on update is available. This question has been asked and answered already.
The answer is no. OPPO do not care about supporting their products with software updates. All the information was available on Oppo's official forums. Was an advocator for Oppo.
Then they decided to lock the bootloader, not update their ROMs and basically not respond on their official forums. I understand they're catering to the mass market now rather than more "technical" users which is obviously a bigger market I mean Heck even though Xiaomi come with a locked boot loader and you can't just unlock you can at least apply to have it done.
This means mass market are happy and rommers are happy. Neil and his predecessor Omar are doing a great job supporting the forum and Oppo Australia but lets face it we're not even a pimple on a pumpkin in terms of the world: Find 7a running Nougat 7.
Can anyone confirm if the Woolworths Oppo R9s on a plan are unlocked. I want to use a Telstra sim and a Optus sim. Yes if you check the woolworths mobile thread they replied to me that all there phones are unlocked.
The only phones 'locked' these days, are ones sold as prepaid. All contract based phones are unlocked. Keep in mind I don't game or fiddle with my phones much, I need the phone equivalent of an i5 desktop — a dependable workhorse:.
Unlike the Plus model this is running the which is built on a 14nm process the in the plus is built off 28nm so battery life will be better and there won't be any heat issues.
No USB Type 3 v3. Would not budge further. Yes this hardware can be had for half priced drop shipped in but I have no interest in fiddling with ROMs that may or may not be malware filled, lack of bands, and lack of support.
I don't customise Android and tend to use stock apps for most things unless they suck and it works well. App management is aggressive by default but can be scaled back — Security Centre can be stopped from running automatically and apps can be allowed to run no matter what from the battery page — by default they will be frozen and then murdered when any "abnormal" activity happens.
Both of these can be toggled off. However even though apps stayed in memory I couldn't get Outlook to push notifications although the stock email app works fine and it is a touch simpler for basic emailing things so not too bad.
Calls and text were fine. The stock messaging app is sufficient and this time I didn't need Textra cheap prepaids sometimes have absolute jokes for the stock text app. The settings page also needs to be rejigged, app management and storage is buried under other settings which has the rest of the settings although the categorization is OK; you won't find 3 settings in 3 different places.
The granularity is impressive — everything from do not disturb to gestures can be tweaked and fiddled with. A slight aside for video decoding. Still, multiple audio tracks worked fine even a 7.
Switching between apps was smooth, nothing died. So media is just fine. OS is based off Marshmallow and even with no future updates there is nothing here that resembles Android so you are not exactly missing much.
Apps still support creaky old KitKat so when the minimum threshold inevitably crossed to Lollipop you are still covered. That said, this really should have been released with Nougat out of the box.
This and the notifications are the only two flaws I ran into. No complaints, nothing creaks or flexes. Reception is also fine for Optus and this phone does support MHz. If you want this to be used overseas US band support mostly 3G, so be forewarned.
Camera — Compared to what I normally use the difference is Industrial Revolution before and after. Will need to test more but for the price its more than sufficient. Yes, although ColorOS still needs work, its only been around since ish so its still maturing.
However even though apps stayed in memory I couldn't get Outlook to push notifications. Thanks for the review. This could be a deal breaker for me. My work is heavily invested in all Microsoft.
I would appreciate an update if you get it working. I use bluemail which does seem to have a little trouble with push notifications, but less than Outlook. It appears to update emails about once every 2 hours yet I can find no setting anywhere to change this.
I don't have enough information on this to answer it at this stage. All I can confirm is that there is no confirmed date for release of Nougat update. Thanks for the comprehensive review. We have had a 2 updates which were targeted towards notifications on ColorOS.
We will definitely look into this further about Outlook. Further to my original review, battery life is excellent for the basic usage I put it through, calls are clear with excellent noise suppression and the SoC supports HD Voice and the OS is stable, there have been no glitches or crashes my old prepaid had a nasty habit of the camera app crashing.
The only real irritation is notifications. You can lock apps hold and drag down in the recents menu which will cause a small lock to appear in the app and stop it being murdered if you haven't disabled those settings from the battery menu.
Most stock apps are already pre-locked. If the notifications issue is workable for you and the Security Centre can be partially shut up with apps being configurable this is a fine choice.
If there was a future update there should be a killswitch to disable and kill off the Security Centre, although as above apps can be configured to be left alone in memory.
All that said this is recommended, notifications aside. However they don't have the black one and can't do any discount on the white. I wonder the black one is only available to woolworth contract and mobiciti.
The Black R9s Plus should be available shortly. As for a discount, just like any brand new product they generally don't discount or only take off a little bit.
That's my experience with JB-HiFi. Sure rip iOS off but its still Android underneath, there really should be a dismiss option. It rings and that is it. Nothing in the app itself and with the notification issues I wouldn't trust a replacement clock app.
There is a clear all option which is good. Logical to have downloads and records in one place, not so logical to add an extra tap. You need to hold down the onscreen button say WiFi which will then directly open that setting.
The way it works is odd but workable. Which doesn't really matter although this is probably a Microsoft Exchange thing. I did buy this for the hardware especially at the price, but be aware ColorOS is still rough, not in stability stability is great, but in usability which arguably is more important.
Nothing is an exact dealbreaker, and price wise I still would consider Oppo for future phones. Hi can anyone tell me how the camera is on the plus model? The camera is important to me, does it stack up against the galaxy s7.
It has OIS, so shouldn't be too bad. I had a play with the chained up ones in store and it seemed pretty good. There is flickering on the R9s screen. You can test this out by waving a pen vigorously in front of the screen.
You will see jagged pen marks instead of a smooth pen sweep. You will notice this if you dim the screen brightness to it's lower settings the higher brightness settings don't have the flicker.
Unfortunately I usually have my screen at lower brightness and cannot tolerate this flicker. I was wondering why I was getting saw eyes looking at it, and now I know. Such a shame, because I was happy with the phone until I noticed this serious flaw.
Almost everything else I liked. I don't know why Oppo wastes it's time coming up with it's ColorOS. It's a terrible UI, and that way they can devote more energy to eliminate design flaws, such as screen flicker.
Does anyone know if the R9s Plus also has this flicker problem? But I wan't to be sure so I don't have to return that too. I did some checks on brightness levels and flickering on my R9s. Is that the case for anyone else?
My solution so far: I too found conflicting reports. I hope it's IPS, since this may avoid the flickering issue. Definitely conflicting reports out there. Having just done a bit of research I can't find anything solid.
You'd think Oppo's website is the one that would be accurate, but who knows. I had a quick look at the R9s Plus next to an R9s at JB-HiFi last week and it looked very very similar in terms of blacks and contrast.
Some may miss the Ultra-high definition, colour-popping AMOLED screens seen on competitors but for general use and photography we had no complaints — especially as this type of screen tends to boost battery life.
I haven't seen a box yet and even googling doesn't give me any clear images of the box. If someone heads in to JB-HiFi they can ask to see a box and see what it says on it.
We'll wait for confirmation, I guess. I have a nexus, Nougat is over rated Most OEMs skin the hell out of it anyhow and oppo is no different. My friend with a S7, can't tell the difference between 6 or 7 as its skinned alike.
I've been fiddling around with my R9s now for two days. I've noticed that most of my time spent has been devoted to trying to turn the phone into a Stock Android experience as much as possible.
But I'm failing miserably. It doesn't seem to matter that it's running on Marshmellow. My old phone was a very cheap Huawei running Android 4. And I would be willing to forgo the fingerprint scan and the 16MP camera.
The same question can be asked to all major smartphone vendors. Some are just worse than others. Yes, I'm running Nova Launcher which is a great improvement.
I strongly dislike the default Clock app and Message app, but apparently I'm unable to change them to my much preferred Textra and Clock By Google. The posts on this forum indicate that changing these default apps cause performance issues, such as not receiving messages or the alarm not working.
But, despite being unable to use my favourite apps, I really can't believe how little I'm able to customise my phone in the Settings. For example, I can't change the icons on the drop down panel, or I have to swipe twice to reach my notifications.
I can't remove the lock screen, which I prefer not having. I just feel like this phone is uncustomisable! Being able to customise is very important to me and the reason I always bought Android phones in the past.
Nope that didn't work for me, or maybe I can't follow instructions: Really disappointed with the inability to switch to a third party messaging app Textra.
The system app is absolute rubbish and overrides every time. I've got just about everything running close to what I had with the Oppo R7s except for that one thing. This is due to ColorOS deciding that Oppo's built in messaging app is better than anything else.
This is a known issue, and has already been passed on to Oppo as a suggestion to fix for future ColorOS updates. I guess we should be thankful that we can change the launcher to Nova which allows for better customisation than ColorOS.
I've had an extensive look at a friend's Huawei 5. The model is a GR5 from officeworks, and also runs Marshmallow after updates. Including such things as Battery manager, Data traffic manager such a blocking an apps background data, Shortcut panel changes, Apps menu, etc, all typical features any current Android phone should have!
This is just too important to be without imo. Of coarse the hardware is not as great. But being only half the price and no longer having to deal with annoying software limitations, I think I ought to return this OPPO.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon is a bit of a dog in the SoC world. It can bog down dramatically with a lot of stuttering and locking up especially in warmer days. I don't remember the last time I was in the settings, or having to block background data for an app etc I have no doubt Oppo is designing these phones with the average Joe in mind.
Of course as you said if this is important to you so maybe finding a device that can cater for this is while sacrificing hardware and design might be the way to go.
Runs very well, no bogging down at all! Runs better than my Nexus 5x by a longshot! A new GR5 model got released. Better specs etc, so the old one will be ran out soon enough! After reinstalling apps and double checking the settings it seems that the notification issues are gone.
I was also getting dropped calls as by default the phone decides to drop unknown callers. So it now seems that with any Oppo phone in the future make sure you check the settings app at least four times.
I will be posting my honest and unbiased thoughts and opinions on the device and also trying to answer any questions for users that own the device, and for those looking in to getting an Oppo phone.
First impressions are how gorgeous the screen is and how well put together it is! It does look like an LCD panel, but I can't confirm at this stage. The box just lists it as a 6 inch screen and doesn't tell us the screen technology used.
Oppo phones appear to be a great for those who want to buy a phone from a bricks and mortor store that they can just buy and use for general day to day Phone, SMS, Internet, Candy Crush etc.
Buy a different phone. This strategy has worked well for Apple so I guess they're hoping to target the same audience which is the majority of smartphone users ;. Give it a day or so, you might be able to work it out.
Did Neil ever get back to us on what screen? Looking forward to testing it out. From my limited indoor use tonight I have to say it's impressive. IOS seems to work wonders in low light.
The front facing camera is a cracker, it's very detailed and sharp. Details are in my article. I've verified the information provided by the AusDroid website and I can confirm this information based on information provided to me so far.
Lockscreen widgets also bite the dust". Retrieved December 23, Retrieved November 29, Retrieved November 28, Retrieved 2 February Retrieved January 30, Factory Images Too ".
Retrieved December 3, Retrieved 27 December If the device goes a defined time without a background fstrim, we [now] force the fstrim at the next reboot. Retrieved January 6, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved March 27, Retrieved May 1, Retrieved May 28, Retrieved October 6, Retrieved March 10, Retrieved July 19, Retrieved October 5, Retrieved December 13, Retrieved April 2, Retrieved October 25, A new Oreo Easter egg".
Archived from the original on June 10, Retrieved June 14, Archived from the original on June 5, Retrieved June 5, Archived from the original on January 24, Archived from the original on February 9, Telegraph Media Group Limited.
Archived from the original on November 25, Retrieved November 24, Archived from the original on 27 November Archived from the original on November 16, Archived from the original on October 10, Retrieved November 15, Archived from the original on October 17, PageRank Panda Penguin Hummingbird.
Larry Page Sergey Brin. Behind the Screen" documentary Google: Retrieved from " https: Wikipedia templates Android operating system Google operating systems Mobile operating systems Software version histories Smartphones Tablet operating systems.
Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 26 March, at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Old version, no longer supported: Internally known as "Petit Four" [2].
Ice Cream Sandwich [8]. Older version, yet still supported: Latest preview version of a future release: Old version Older version, still supported Latest version Latest preview version Future release.
Android Market allowed application downloads and updates through the Market application Web browser to show, zoom and pan full HTML and XHTML web pages — multiple pages show as windows "cards" [35] [36] Camera support — however, this version lacked the option to change the camera's resolution, white balance, quality, etc.
Google Talk instant messaging Instant messaging, text messaging, and MMS Media Player, enabling management, importing, and playback of media files — however, this version lacked video and stereo Bluetooth support [36] [37] Notifications appear in the Status bar, with options to set ringtone, LED or vibration alerts [35] [36] [39] Voice Dialer allows dialing and placing of phone calls without typing a name or number [36] Wallpaper allows the user to set the background image or photo behind the Home screen icons and widgets YouTube video player [40] Other applications include: April 27, [43].
September 15, [48]. Expanded Account sync, allowing users to add multiple accounts to a device for synchronization of email and contacts Microsoft Exchange email support, with combined inbox to browse email from multiple accounts in one page Bluetooth 2.
December 3, [53]. January 12, [54]. December 6, [65]. It was an image of the Bugdroid standing next to a zombie gingerbread man, with many more zombies in the background.
Several improvements and API fixes [68]. Open Accessory was introduced in 3. Improved network performance for the Nexus S 4G, among other fixes and improvements Fixed Bluetooth bug on Samsung Galaxy S Improved Gmail application Shadow animations for list scrolling Camera software enhancements [74] Improved battery efficiency.
Fixed a voice search bug [a]. Google Wallet support for the Nexus S 4G. February 22, [80]. Full access to primary internal storage is still allowed through a separate application-level permission.
Improved hardware support, including optimizations for a wider range of tablets Increased ability of applications to access files on the SD card, e. August 30, [90]. October 18, [96].
Major refinements to the "Holo" interface with new Roboto font family Soft buttons from Android 3. December 16, []. Numerous bugfixes and optimizations Improvements to graphics, databases, spell-checking and Bluetooth functionality New APIs for developers, including a social stream API in the Contacts provider Calendar provider enhancements New camera applications enhancing video stabilization and QVGA resolution Accessibility refinements such as improved content access for screen readers [].
March 29, []. Stability improvements Better camera performance Smoother screen rotation Improved phone number recognition []. Vsync timing across all drawing and animation done by the Android framework, including application rendering, touch events, screen composition and display refresh Triple buffering in the graphics pipeline CPU input boost Synchronizing touch to vsync timing Enhanced accessibility Bi-directional text and other language support User-installable keyboard maps Expandable notifications Ability to turn off notifications on an application-specific basis Shortcuts and widgets can automatically be re-arranged or re-sized to allow new items to fit on home screens Bluetooth data transfer for Android Beam Tablets with smaller screens now use an expanded version of the interface layout and home screen used by phones.
Fixed a bug on the Nexus 7 regarding the inability to change screen orientation in any application. October 9, []. November 13, []. Lock screen improvements, including widget support removed again in [83] and the ability to swipe directly to camera [] Notification power controls "Quick Settings" "Daydream" screensavers, showing information when idle or docked later renamed to "screen saver" following the launch of the unrelated Google Daydream VR platform in [83] Multiple user accounts tablets only Rewritten Bluetooth stack, switching from Bluez to Broadcom open source BlueDroid, [] allowing improved support for multiple displays and wireless display Miracast Native right-to-left, always-on VPN and application verification.
Speech output and Gesture Mode navigation for blind users New clock application with built-in world clock, stop watch and timer All devices now use the same interface layout, previously adapted from phones on 4.
November 27, []. Fixed a bug in the People application where December was not displayed on the date selector when adding an event to a contact [] Added Bluetooth gamepads and joysticks as supported HID Human interface device.
February 11, []. July 24, []. October 3, []. Bugfixes and small tweaks for the Nexus 7 LTE []. Comments Facebook Comments. Techie says 2 years ago. Yugantar says 2 years ago. Sunil Chatterjee says 2 years ago.
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