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However, these later X-Men issues failed to attract sales and Marvel stopped producing new stories with issue 66, later reprinting a number of the older comics as issues 67— By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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She eventually returned to Xavier's X-Men after battling her teammates. Currently a part of Xavier's team. 6 inch android phones questions University of Nebraska Press. He was revealed to be part of Colossus's team.

The Full List of X-Men Characters & Members

He was recently shot and killed by Sinister as a sacrifice for Apocalypse. X-Men 24, it is revealed that she has enlisted Warpath who is in love with her to betray both Kitty and Nomi.

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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Sister of Northstar, [1] who attends the Academy of Tomorrow. They then joined the X-Men and the student body. Its sales were such that distributors and retailers began using an "X-Men index", rating each comic book publication by how many orders it garnered compared to that month's issue of X-Men. The Ravages of Apocalypse X-Men: She uses her abilities to provide electricity. Former student at the Institute until he was expelled in issue

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22.01.2018 - It doesn't really matter that I know their origins. University of Nebraska Press. Inthe " Messiah Complex " storyline saw the destruction of the Xavier Institute and the disbanding of the X-Men. The Official Game X-Men:

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28.01.2018 - Founder of the Xavier Institute and founder of the X-Men. He was revealed to be part of Colossus's team, but later returned to Xavier's X-Men. I felt that if we train the mutants our way, they'll help us — and not only help us, but achieve a measure of growth in their own sense. Following Pryde's defeat of Stryker, Husk killed 5 mutants by setting off a bomb while in line for "the cure". The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early s comic books such as The Fantastic FourThe Amazing Spider-ManThe Incredible Hulkand X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of superheroes.

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23.01.2018 - X-Men " and Phoenix Resurrection Revealed to be a student when Bishop and Storm picked her up from the Institute to join the new X-Men team. Was briefly imprisoned in the same cell as Magneto. While some politicians like Valerie Cooper have legitimately tried to help the X-Men, most have made it their mission to discredit the X-Men in order to eliminate mutants once and for all. One head was shot off by William Stryker, and then they both died of blood loss. The Independent Comics Site. He became an X-Man when Xavier returned.

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23.02.2018 - Schism " led to the fallout between Wolverine and Cyclops. Field leader and student of the Academy of Tomorrow. For other uses, see X-Men disambiguation. Archived from the original on January 3, She appeared to be alive in Ultimate Xhowever it is eventually revealed she is nothing but an illusion created by Sinister. Although a minor character in Utopia, he has become close friends with Jimmy, and co-starred with him in Ultimate Comics: Presumed to have died in issue 78 and revealed to be alive in the future in issue

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Internal friction soon split the X-books' creative teams. Claremont left after only three issues of X-Men, ending his year run as X-Men writer. Byrne was then replaced by Nicieza and Scott Lobdell, who would take over the majority of writing duties for the X-Men until Lee's own departure months later when he and several other popular artists including former X-title artists Liefeld, Portacio, and Marc Silvestri would leave Marvel to form Image Comics.

Jim Lee's X-Men designs would be the basis for much of the X-Men animated series and action figure line as well as several Capcom video games. The s saw an even greater number of X-books with numerous ongoing series and miniseries running concurrently.

Zero Tolerance " in Though the frequent crossovers were criticized by fans as well as editorial and creative staff for being artificially regular, disruptive to the direction of the individual series, and having far less lasting impact than promised, they continued to be financially successful.

There were many new popular additions to the X-Men in the s, including Gambit, Cable, and Bishop. Many of the later additions to the team came and went, such as Joseph, Maggott, Marrow, Cecilia Reyes, and a new Thunderbird.

Xavier's New Mutants grew up and became X-Force, and the next generation of students began with Generation X, featuring Jubilee and other teenage mutants led and schooled by Banshee and ex-villainess Emma Frost at her Massachusetts Academy.

In, Excalibur and X-Factor ended and the latter was replaced with Mutant X, starring Havok stranded in a parallel universe. Marvel launched a number of solo series, including Deadpool, Cable, Bishop, X-Man, and Gambit, but few of the series would survive the decade.

In, Claremont returned to Marvel and was put back on the primary X-Men titles during the Revolution revamp. He was later removed from the two flagship titles in and created his spin-off series, X-Treme X-Men.

The book is often referred to as the Morrison-era, due to the drastic changes he made, beginning with " E Is For Extinction," where a new villain, Cassandra Nova, destroys Genosha, killing sixteen million mutants.

Morrison also brought reformed ex-villain Emma Frost into the primary X-Men team, and opened the doors of the school by having Xavier "out" himself to the public about being a mutant. The bright spandex costumes that had become iconic over the previous decades were replaced by black leather street clothes reminiscent of the uniforms of the X-Men films.

Morrison also introduced Xorn, who would figure prominently in the climax of his run. Several short-lived spin-offs and miniseries started featuring several X-Men in solo series, such as Emma Frost, Gambit, Mystique, Nightcrawler, and Rogue.

Another series, Exiles, started at the same time and concluded in December which led to New Exiles in January written by Claremont. Academy X was also launched focusing on the lives of the new young mutants at the Institute.

This period included the resurrections of Colossus and Psylocke, a new death for Jean Grey, who later returned temporarily in the X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong, as well as Emma Frost becoming the new headmistress of the Institute.

In, the " Messiah Complex " storyline saw the destruction of the Xavier Institute and the disbanding of the X-Men. It spun the new volumes of X-Force, following the team led by Wolverine, and Cable, following Cable's attempts at protecting Hope Summers.

X-Men was renamed into X-Men: Legacy which focused on Professor X, Rogue and Gambit. A new New Mutants volume written by Zeb Wells, which featured the more prominent members of the original team reunited was launched.

The X-Men were also involved in the " Secret Invasion " storyline. X-Men " served as a closure to those story lines. It featured the death of Professor X and reappearance of new mutants.

Schism " led to the fallout between Wolverine and Cyclops. In, as part of the Marvel NOW! The relaunched Uncanny X-Men featured Cyclops, his team and the new mutants, taking up residency in the Weapon X facility, which they have rebuilt into a school — the New Charles Xavier School for Mutants.

The latter featured the original five X-Men members who were brought to the present day. In, for the 50th anniversary of the X-Men, " Battle of the Atom " was published which involved members of both X-Men schools trying to decide what to do about the time-displaced original X-Men.

In, Wolverine was killed off in the " Death of Wolverine " story arc. During this period, the mutants dealt with the threat of the Terrigen cloud that circulated the world that appeared to be toxic to them, placing the X-Men at odds with the Inhumans.

The X-Men also dealt with Apocalypse resurfacing, and the truth of what happened between Cyclops and the Inhumans that led to his death. Storm's team resided in Limbo and worked to bring mutants to safety away from the Terrigen.

Magneto's team took on a more militant approach. Beast worked alongside the Inhumans to attempt to find a way to alter the state of the Terrigen, but later discovered that it couldn't be altered and would have rendered earth toxic for mutants.

This revelation caused the X-Men to declare war against the Inhumans. In, the ResurrXion lineup was launched with X-Men: With the Terrigen gone, the X-Men vacated Limbo and moved to Central Park where they returned to their heroic roots instead of constantly living in fear for their survival.

Other notable changes include Kitty Pryde as the new leader of the X-Men, the time-displaced X-Men working with Magneto, Old Man Logan turning Weapon X into a black ops team, and mutant characters crossing over from Earth to the Earth universe.

Early saw the Phoenix Force returning to earth and mysteriously resurrecting the original Jean Grey. X-Men " and Phoenix Resurrection The X-Men use many recurring plot-devices and motifs for their various story arcs over the years that have become commonplace within the X-Men canon.

Many of the X-Men's stories delve into time travel either in the sense of the team traveling through time on a mission, villains traveling through time to alter history, or certain characters traveling from the past or future in order to join the present team.

Characters who are related to time travel include: One of the most recurring plot devices used in the X-Men franchise is death and resurrection, mostly in the sense of Jean Grey and her bond with the Phoenix.

Though not as iconic as Jean and the Phoenix, many other X-Men characters have died and come back to life on occasion. Death and resurrection has become such a common occurrence in the X-books that the characters have mentioned on numerous occasions that they're not strangers to death or have made comments that death doesn't always have a lasting affect on them.

X-Necrosha is a particular story arc that sees Selene temporarily reanimate many of the X-Men's dead allies and enemies in order for her to achieve godhood. Many of the characters deal with the topic of fate.

In particular, Destiny's abilities of precognition have affected certain plot points in the X-Men's history long after she was killed off due to both the X-Men and their enemies constantly searching for her missing diaries that foretell certain futures.

The topic of fate takes center stage yet again in a story arc called "The Extremists" involving attacks against the Morlocks due to one of them seeing a dark future for their people. Space travel has been a common staple in the X-Men books beginning with the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix sagas.

Since then space has been involved in many stories involving the X-Men's allies and occasional rivals the Shi'ar along with stories involving the Phoenix Force. Space has been the setting for many stories involving the likes of The Brood, such as the story arc where the villainous species was first introduced.

The topic of sanity has been addressed in many of the major heroes and villains of X-Men. Most famously this is addressed in Jean Grey when she gains near omnipotence through the Phoenix and Professor Xavier after he violently uses his powers against Magneto, unintentionally creating Onslaught.

Mystique's sanity wavers throughout the franchise as her constant transformations causes more and more of her mind to fracture. The character Deadpool is famous for his blatant lack of sanity.

After Magneto stripped Wolverine of his metal bones, Wolverine began to become increasingly feral throughout most of the mid to late s X-Men comics. The nature of Rogue's powers affecting her sanity due to her retaining the memories of others has been a central plot device on many occasions, most famously retaining Ms.

Marvel's psyche throughout most of the s. Most recently Emma Frost's sanity has become fractured ever since Cyclops died in her arms, causing her to declare war against Inhumans. In the Marvel Universe, mutant rights is one of the hot controversial political topics and is something that is addressed numerous times in the X-books as a plot device.

While some politicians like Valerie Cooper have legitimately tried to help the X-Men, most have made it their mission to discredit the X-Men in order to eliminate mutants once and for all.

Senator Robert Kelly began his platform on a strong outspoken anti-mutant sentiment until he changed his mind after being rescued by mutants later on in his career. When Sabretooth's human son Graydon Creed ran for office, the X-Men sent in Cannonball and Iceman to discreetly join his campaign team and find anything on his anti-mutant agenda.

This continued until it boiled to a head when his assassination led to " Operation: They often meet characters from other series, and the global nature of the mutant concept means the scale of stories can be highly varied.

The X-Men's enemies range from mutant thieves to galactic threats. The X-Mansion is often depicted with three floors and two underground levels. To the outside world, it acted as a higher learning institute until the s, when Xavier was publicly exposed as a mutant at which point it became a known mutant boarding school.

Xavier funds a corporation aimed at reaching mutants worldwide, though it ceased to exist following the "Decimation" storyline. The X-Men benefit from advanced technology such as Xavier tracking down mutants with a device called Cerebro which amplifies his powers; the X-Men train within the Danger Room, first depicted as a room full of weapons and booby traps, now as generating holographic simulations; and the X-Men travel in their Blackbird jet.

The X-Men introduced several fictional locations which are regarded as important within the shared universe in which Marvel Comics characters exist:. The conflict between mutants and normal humans is often compared to real-world conflicts experienced by minority groups in America such as African Americans, Jews, various religious or "non-religious" groups such as Muslims and Atheists, Communists, the LGBT community, the transgender community, etc.

If a guy comes into my office in flames, or a guy comes into my office and turns to steel, I'm going to have the same reaction. It doesn't really matter that I know their origins.

The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early s comic books such as The Fantastic Four, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of superheroes.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the superhero team. For other uses, see X-Men disambiguation. Variant cover of X-Men Legacy Dec. This section, except for one footnote, needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. June Learn how and when to remove this template message.

So what we have here, intended or not, is a book that is about racism, bigotry and prejudice. Archive of American Television. Retrieved January 4, The Journal of the Kirby Museum," 6 August Son of Origins of Marvel Comics.

Archived from the original on December 21, Retrieved July 28, Retrieved April 11, Marvel Breaks World Record" , Marvel. Chris Claremont and Marvel's Mutants". Retrieved April 20, The Independent Comics Site.

Archived from the original on January 3, Retrieved January 27, Joined Colossus's team as an undercover agent for Xavier and Jean Grey. He faked his doses of Banshee until he met his match against Vindicator.

He took Banshee and was able to absorb solar energy throughout his body, enabling him to control his optic blasts and fly. This knowledge was discovered by the X-Men, and Cyclops temporally left Xavier's team for Colossus's team.

Headmistress of the Academy of Tomorrow. Field leader and student of the Academy of Tomorrow. Was put in a mental hospital following the Ultimatum. Was later taken by the U.

Government for unknown reasons. Is currently under the watch of Layla Miller. Student at the Academy of Tomorrow. Son of Canada's ambassador to the U. Former student at the Academy of Tomorrow until he was kidnapped by Alpha Flight.

Alpha Flight overdosed him with Banshee, which resulted in him becoming paralyzed from the waist down. It is unknown whether he returned to the Academy or stayed with Colossus at the X-Mansion.

He was killed during the Ultimatum. Was briefly imprisoned in the same cell as Magneto. Mutant vigilante from Harlem. Psi-Ops operative placed on the team as a mole for the U. Left the team after her mission was accomplished.

Leader of the Hellfire Club. Revealed to still be alive following the Ultimatum Wave in Ultimates 1. He moved to the Academy after Xavier's death and left when Xavier returned. A young mutant from Chicago.

He is able to fly by growing a pair of birdlike wings which can be retracted. When he grows his wings out, his eyes turn red, his fingernails grow into talons, and his canine teeth appear to become sharp.

Wielding the power of magnetism, Nomi was initially hiding in the Morlock Tunnels along other mutants who were protected by the X-Men. After the war is over and the mutants move to Utopia, Nomi's hatred for Kitty is very apparent.

It originated from Kitty's actions of leaving any mutant who wanted to take the government's cure to remove their powers, and for "abandoning" her during the war against the Sentinels although Kitty actually denied her help because Nomi was too young.

She challenged Kitty's authority. After the "destruction" of the Seed, she and a small group of like-minded mutants defect, and leads her group out of Utopia with the intent to fight for freedom.

Initially siding with Kitty after the events of the war, he eventually defected to Nomi's team after he was convinced by his girlfriend Husk of a better future with Nomi leading the charge.

Although having been listed as dead after the events of Ultimatum, it appears that Psylocke is alive, having "jumped" her consciousness into another body before her death however, oddly no one recognizes or remembers her.

She sides with Nomi after the events of the war, and eventually leaves with Nomi after the Seed was "destroyed". X-Men 24, it is revealed that she has enlisted Warpath who is in love with her to betray both Kitty and Nomi.

X-Men 27, Jean Grey herself in disguise unmasked Psylocke as being a fake, revealed her to be Mothervine, who set out to destroy both Utopia and Tian. Warpath is a mutant who possesses superhuman physical ability in virtually all areas.

So far, he has demonstrated the following abilities: He is one of the mutants seen in the mutant resistance against William Stryker, and later one of the twenty mutants who decided to retain their powers instead of taking the "cure", and inhabited the new mutant nation "Utopia".

X-Men 24, it is revealed that he is working with Psylocke to betray both Kitty and Nomi. A mutant from The Southwest. Husk was brainwashed by William Stryker to infiltrate Kitty Pryde's mutant resistance.

She led Pryde and her party to the mutant underground. During this time, Husk began a relationship with Bobby Drake. Following Pryde's defeat of Stryker, Husk killed 5 mutants by setting off a bomb while in line for "the cure".

After being arrested and rehabilitated, Husk joined the other mutants in Utopia where she chose to side with Mach II over Pryde. Founder of the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy. Lost his arm, but replaced it with a new metal arm.

Thought to be alive in Ultimate Comics: X-Men 7, but late revealed to be an illusion by Sinister. Obese mutant with super strength, and a cannibal. Hank Pym bit his head off, killing him. Rescued by Magneto and Xavier from a lynch mob.

He was decapitated by Valkyrie. Pietro Lensherr Ultimates background, falsified for public consumption, listed real name as Pietro Lensherr Maximoff. Former member of the Ultimates.

Rejoined forces with his father following Scarlet Witch's death. Thought to have been Killed by Hawkeye while saving his father, but somehow survived. Wanda Lensherr Ultimates background, falsified for public consumption, listed real name as Wanda Lensherr Maximoff.

Former member of the Ultimates and killed in Ultimates 3 by a lovelorn Ultron in a plot by Doctor Doom. She appeared to be alive in Ultimate X, however it is eventually revealed she is nothing but an illusion created by Sinister.

Mutant with toad-like powers and appearance. After briefly returning to the Brotherhood, he eventually defected to the X-Men following Xavier's death. Died from unknown reasons following the Ultimatum Wave.

Disillusioned and betrayed Magneto. Longtime member of the X-Men, but Magneto ripped the adamantium off of his bones following the Ultimatum Wave, which killed him. Joined the Brotherhood as a mole for Professor X.

After surviving the Ultimatum Wave and the war against Magneto, he was assassinated by Quicksilver during a speech to the public. Presumably was a prisoner in Camp X-Factor, but later returned to Magneto.

Killed by Thor in Ultimates 3 4. Mutant with teleporting powers. Unknown if dead or alive following the Ultimatum Wave. Shot by Nick Fury. Revived by Canadian government. Current leader of Alpha Flight as Vindicator.

Were kidnapped from their mansion in Westchester. Former member of the Morlocks. He was recently shot and killed by Sinister as a sacrifice for Apocalypse. She uses her abilities to provide electricity.

When she sleeps, there is no power in the sewers. Presumed deceased following the Ultimatum Wave. Later joins the Brotherhood. Previously was psychically incapacitated by Professor X for kidnapping Dazzler, but escaped in Ultimate X-Men 79 following Xavier's death.

Former leader of the Morlocks. Returned to the X-Men in issue 94 with no explanation for his return to the X-Men and departure with the Morlocks. He is the leader of Ultimate Alpha Flight.

He has enhanced his powers by using the drug Banshee. He was revealed to be John Wraith from Weapon X. John Proudstar [ citation needed ]. Appears to have the powers of Boom Boom from Earth Presumably not the same Sasquatch that was mentioned to have been killed off-panel by former Ultimate X-Men writer, Brian Vaughan.

Sister of Northstar, [1] who attends the Academy of Tomorrow. Time traveller from the future. Helped Bishop make a new team of X-Men following Xavier's "death". Now lives at X-Mansion and is the second field leader to the X-Men.

She went on to join Colossus's X-Men, but eventually switched back to Xavier's cause. He died, but was later revived by Jean Grey. Joined Bishop's X-Men in issue After hearing the news of Professor X's death, she returns to the mansion and learns that the X-Men are being disbanded.

She joins Bishop's team as a member of the new X-Men. Currently a part of Xavier's team. Former student of the Institute until his departure in issue He later returned to the X-Men, but was killed by the Ultimatum Wave.

Former student of the Institute until his departure in issue 80 for the Academy of Tomorrow. He now leads his own X-Men, taking the drug Banshee to enhance their powers. Former student of the Institute until Xavier's death in issue 78, after which he was named Co-Headmaster of the Institute alongside Jean Grey and Storm.

He remained with the X-Men until his assassination by Quicksilver in Ultimatum 5. Former student at the Institute and former boyfriend of Rogue until she began taking Banshee.

He is an X-Man as well, but he is considered to be only a junior X-Man. Former student at the Institute until Xavier's death in issue 78, after which she was named Co-Headmistress of the Institute alongside Cyclops and Storm.

Former student at the Institute until later on in the series when she graduated off-panel and began training. Former student at the Institute. He came back only to begin abusing the drug Banshee and leave again.

He rejoined the Institute later only to be killed by the Ultimatum Wave. Briefly left when she began using Banshee and joined Colossus's X-Men. Former student at the Institute until he was expelled in issue He later returned only to begin using Banshee and join Colossus's X-Men.

He once again returned soon after. He was brutally murdered by Sabretooth during Ultimatum. Former student of the Academy of Tomorrow. She became comatose in issue

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Feared and hated by humans because they're different, the X-Men are heroic mutants, individuals born with special powers who've sworn. With 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' now on video, we look back at the entirety of the X-Men movies - and all the mutant characters created for the films.

13.02.2018 - Field leader and student of the Academy of Tomorrow. Appears to have the powers of Boom Boom from Earth Kenko zenrakei suieibu umisho episode 1 english du... So far, he has demonstrated the following abilities: The Psychology of Superheroes:

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13.02.2018 - X-Men Requiem Ultimate Comics: She became comatose in issue Trick to buy oneplus 3 phone at rs 1 - Clean one p... Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels. The revived series was illustrated by Cockrum, and later by John Byrneand written by Chris Claremont. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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03.02.2018 - Killed during the Purifier raid on the Xavier Institute. Since then, dozens of mutants from various countries and diverse backgrounds have held membership as X-Men. Doogee smart phone where does the sim go - Sombras... Your Guide to the X-Books". By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Over members of the X-Men, past and present, including pictures and an explanation of who they are. The X-Men are a fictional team of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel softik. orgd by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, the characters first appeared in The X-Men #1 (September ). Free shipping PC Material Solid Color Mobile Phone Case for Vernee Thor Plus GOLD under $ in Cell Phone Cases online store. categories such as men.

This new team replaced the previous members with the exception of Cyclops, who remained. This team differed greatly from the original. Unlike in the early issues of the original series, the new team was not made up of teenagers and they also had a more diverse background.

Each was from a different country with varying cultural and philosophical beliefs, and all were already well-versed in using their mutant powers, several being experienced in combat. The "all-new, all-different X-Men" [8] were led by Cyclops, from the original team, and consisted of the newly created Colossus from the Soviet Union, Nightcrawler from West Germany, Storm from Kenya, and Thunderbird a Native American of Apache descent, and three previously introduced characters: Wolverine eventually became the breakout character on the team and, in terms of comic sales and appearances, the most popular X-Men character.

However, this team would not remain whole for long as Sunfire quit immediately and never really accepted the other members, and Thunderbird would die in the very next mission.

Filling in the vacancy, a revamped Jean Grey soon rejoined the X-Men under her new persona of "Phoenix". Angel, Beast, Iceman, Havok, and Polaris also made significant guest appearances.

The revived series was illustrated by Cockrum, and later by John Byrne, and written by Chris Claremont. Claremont became the series' longest-running contributor. The s began with the comic's best-known story arc, the Dark Phoenix Saga, which saw Phoenix manipulated by the illusionist Mastermind and becoming corrupted with an overwhelming lust for power and destruction as the evil Dark Phoenix.

God Loves, Man Kills, the partial inspiration for the movie X2: By the early s, X-Men was Marvel's top-selling comic title. Its sales were such that distributors and retailers began using an "X-Men index", rating each comic book publication by how many orders it garnered compared to that month's issue of X-Men.

When Claremont conceived a story arc, the Mutant Massacre, which was too long to run in the monthly X-Men, editor Louise Simonson decided to have it overlap into several X-Books. The story was a major financial success, [13] and when the later Fall of the Mutants was similarly successful, the marketing department declared that the X-Men lineup would hold such crossovers annually.

This period also included the emergence of the Hellfire Club, the arrival of the mysterious Madelyne Pryor, and the villains Apocalypse, Mister Sinister, Mojo, and Sabretooth.

In, Marvel revised the entire lineup of X-Men comic book titles, centered on the launch of a second X-Men series, simply titled X-Men. With the return of Xavier and the original X-Men to the team, the roster was split into two strike forces: Retailers pre-ordered over 8.

Internal friction soon split the X-books' creative teams. Claremont left after only three issues of X-Men, ending his year run as X-Men writer. Byrne was then replaced by Nicieza and Scott Lobdell, who would take over the majority of writing duties for the X-Men until Lee's own departure months later when he and several other popular artists including former X-title artists Liefeld, Portacio, and Marc Silvestri would leave Marvel to form Image Comics.

Jim Lee's X-Men designs would be the basis for much of the X-Men animated series and action figure line as well as several Capcom video games. The s saw an even greater number of X-books with numerous ongoing series and miniseries running concurrently.

Zero Tolerance " in Though the frequent crossovers were criticized by fans as well as editorial and creative staff for being artificially regular, disruptive to the direction of the individual series, and having far less lasting impact than promised, they continued to be financially successful.

There were many new popular additions to the X-Men in the s, including Gambit, Cable, and Bishop. Many of the later additions to the team came and went, such as Joseph, Maggott, Marrow, Cecilia Reyes, and a new Thunderbird.

Xavier's New Mutants grew up and became X-Force, and the next generation of students began with Generation X, featuring Jubilee and other teenage mutants led and schooled by Banshee and ex-villainess Emma Frost at her Massachusetts Academy.

In, Excalibur and X-Factor ended and the latter was replaced with Mutant X, starring Havok stranded in a parallel universe. Marvel launched a number of solo series, including Deadpool, Cable, Bishop, X-Man, and Gambit, but few of the series would survive the decade.

In, Claremont returned to Marvel and was put back on the primary X-Men titles during the Revolution revamp. He was later removed from the two flagship titles in and created his spin-off series, X-Treme X-Men.

The book is often referred to as the Morrison-era, due to the drastic changes he made, beginning with " E Is For Extinction," where a new villain, Cassandra Nova, destroys Genosha, killing sixteen million mutants.

Morrison also brought reformed ex-villain Emma Frost into the primary X-Men team, and opened the doors of the school by having Xavier "out" himself to the public about being a mutant. The bright spandex costumes that had become iconic over the previous decades were replaced by black leather street clothes reminiscent of the uniforms of the X-Men films.

Morrison also introduced Xorn, who would figure prominently in the climax of his run. Several short-lived spin-offs and miniseries started featuring several X-Men in solo series, such as Emma Frost, Gambit, Mystique, Nightcrawler, and Rogue.

Another series, Exiles, started at the same time and concluded in December which led to New Exiles in January written by Claremont. Academy X was also launched focusing on the lives of the new young mutants at the Institute.

This period included the resurrections of Colossus and Psylocke, a new death for Jean Grey, who later returned temporarily in the X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong, as well as Emma Frost becoming the new headmistress of the Institute.

In, the " Messiah Complex " storyline saw the destruction of the Xavier Institute and the disbanding of the X-Men. It spun the new volumes of X-Force, following the team led by Wolverine, and Cable, following Cable's attempts at protecting Hope Summers.

X-Men was renamed into X-Men: Legacy which focused on Professor X, Rogue and Gambit. A new New Mutants volume written by Zeb Wells, which featured the more prominent members of the original team reunited was launched.

The X-Men were also involved in the " Secret Invasion " storyline. X-Men " served as a closure to those story lines. It featured the death of Professor X and reappearance of new mutants.

Schism " led to the fallout between Wolverine and Cyclops. In, as part of the Marvel NOW! The relaunched Uncanny X-Men featured Cyclops, his team and the new mutants, taking up residency in the Weapon X facility, which they have rebuilt into a school — the New Charles Xavier School for Mutants.

The latter featured the original five X-Men members who were brought to the present day. In, for the 50th anniversary of the X-Men, " Battle of the Atom " was published which involved members of both X-Men schools trying to decide what to do about the time-displaced original X-Men.

In, Wolverine was killed off in the " Death of Wolverine " story arc. During this period, the mutants dealt with the threat of the Terrigen cloud that circulated the world that appeared to be toxic to them, placing the X-Men at odds with the Inhumans.

The X-Men also dealt with Apocalypse resurfacing, and the truth of what happened between Cyclops and the Inhumans that led to his death. Storm's team resided in Limbo and worked to bring mutants to safety away from the Terrigen.

Magneto's team took on a more militant approach. Beast worked alongside the Inhumans to attempt to find a way to alter the state of the Terrigen, but later discovered that it couldn't be altered and would have rendered earth toxic for mutants.

This revelation caused the X-Men to declare war against the Inhumans. In, the ResurrXion lineup was launched with X-Men: With the Terrigen gone, the X-Men vacated Limbo and moved to Central Park where they returned to their heroic roots instead of constantly living in fear for their survival.

Other notable changes include Kitty Pryde as the new leader of the X-Men, the time-displaced X-Men working with Magneto, Old Man Logan turning Weapon X into a black ops team, and mutant characters crossing over from Earth to the Earth universe.

Early saw the Phoenix Force returning to earth and mysteriously resurrecting the original Jean Grey. X-Men " and Phoenix Resurrection The X-Men use many recurring plot-devices and motifs for their various story arcs over the years that have become commonplace within the X-Men canon.

Many of the X-Men's stories delve into time travel either in the sense of the team traveling through time on a mission, villains traveling through time to alter history, or certain characters traveling from the past or future in order to join the present team.

Characters who are related to time travel include: One of the most recurring plot devices used in the X-Men franchise is death and resurrection, mostly in the sense of Jean Grey and her bond with the Phoenix.

Though not as iconic as Jean and the Phoenix, many other X-Men characters have died and come back to life on occasion. Death and resurrection has become such a common occurrence in the X-books that the characters have mentioned on numerous occasions that they're not strangers to death or have made comments that death doesn't always have a lasting affect on them.

X-Necrosha is a particular story arc that sees Selene temporarily reanimate many of the X-Men's dead allies and enemies in order for her to achieve godhood. Many of the characters deal with the topic of fate.

In particular, Destiny's abilities of precognition have affected certain plot points in the X-Men's history long after she was killed off due to both the X-Men and their enemies constantly searching for her missing diaries that foretell certain futures.

The topic of fate takes center stage yet again in a story arc called "The Extremists" involving attacks against the Morlocks due to one of them seeing a dark future for their people. Space travel has been a common staple in the X-Men books beginning with the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix sagas.

Since then space has been involved in many stories involving the X-Men's allies and occasional rivals the Shi'ar along with stories involving the Phoenix Force. Space has been the setting for many stories involving the likes of The Brood, such as the story arc where the villainous species was first introduced.

The topic of sanity has been addressed in many of the major heroes and villains of X-Men. Most famously this is addressed in Jean Grey when she gains near omnipotence through the Phoenix and Professor Xavier after he violently uses his powers against Magneto, unintentionally creating Onslaught.

Mystique's sanity wavers throughout the franchise as her constant transformations causes more and more of her mind to fracture. The character Deadpool is famous for his blatant lack of sanity.

After Magneto stripped Wolverine of his metal bones, Wolverine began to become increasingly feral throughout most of the mid to late s X-Men comics. The nature of Rogue's powers affecting her sanity due to her retaining the memories of others has been a central plot device on many occasions, most famously retaining Ms.

Marvel's psyche throughout most of the s. Most recently Emma Frost's sanity has become fractured ever since Cyclops died in her arms, causing her to declare war against Inhumans.

In the Marvel Universe, mutant rights is one of the hot controversial political topics and is something that is addressed numerous times in the X-books as a plot device. While some politicians like Valerie Cooper have legitimately tried to help the X-Men, most have made it their mission to discredit the X-Men in order to eliminate mutants once and for all.

Senator Robert Kelly began his platform on a strong outspoken anti-mutant sentiment until he changed his mind after being rescued by mutants later on in his career. When Sabretooth's human son Graydon Creed ran for office, the X-Men sent in Cannonball and Iceman to discreetly join his campaign team and find anything on his anti-mutant agenda.

This continued until it boiled to a head when his assassination led to " Operation: They often meet characters from other series, and the global nature of the mutant concept means the scale of stories can be highly varied.

The X-Men's enemies range from mutant thieves to galactic threats. The X-Mansion is often depicted with three floors and two underground levels. To the outside world, it acted as a higher learning institute until the s, when Xavier was publicly exposed as a mutant at which point it became a known mutant boarding school.

Xavier funds a corporation aimed at reaching mutants worldwide, though it ceased to exist following the "Decimation" storyline. The X-Men benefit from advanced technology such as Xavier tracking down mutants with a device called Cerebro which amplifies his powers; the X-Men train within the Danger Room, first depicted as a room full of weapons and booby traps, now as generating holographic simulations; and the X-Men travel in their Blackbird jet.

The X-Men introduced several fictional locations which are regarded as important within the shared universe in which Marvel Comics characters exist:. The conflict between mutants and normal humans is often compared to real-world conflicts experienced by minority groups in America such as African Americans, Jews, various religious or "non-religious" groups such as Muslims and Atheists, Communists, the LGBT community, the transgender community, etc.

If a guy comes into my office in flames, or a guy comes into my office and turns to steel, I'm going to have the same reaction. It doesn't really matter that I know their origins.

The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early s comic books such as The Fantastic Four, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of superheroes.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Joined Bishop's team as a member of the new X-Men. Joined the Xavier Institute and the X-Men after she found out she was a mutant. Created his own X-Men team when he was revealed by Jean Grey to be taking the mutant enhancing drug, Banshee.

He made the team go on a mission to save his boyfriend, Northstar; but, unfortunately, Northstar became paraplegic due to an overdose on Banshee. His appearance on Banshee is altered, making him look like a bald eagle.

Her powers are now greatly enhanced. His costume is altered, covering him in leather, and he now has cosmic swords. His teleportation abilities have greatly enhanced beyond anything he has ever imagined.

She can now control her powers and permanently has Colossus's steel skin, Angel's feathered wings, and Nightcrawler's yellow eyes. She kissed Cyclops, possibly trying to start a relationship.

Joined Colossus's team as an undercover agent for Xavier and Jean Grey. He faked his doses of Banshee until he met his match against Vindicator. He took Banshee and was able to absorb solar energy throughout his body, enabling him to control his optic blasts and fly.

This knowledge was discovered by the X-Men, and Cyclops temporally left Xavier's team for Colossus's team. Headmistress of the Academy of Tomorrow. Field leader and student of the Academy of Tomorrow.

Was put in a mental hospital following the Ultimatum. Was later taken by the U. Government for unknown reasons. Is currently under the watch of Layla Miller.

Student at the Academy of Tomorrow. Son of Canada's ambassador to the U. Former student at the Academy of Tomorrow until he was kidnapped by Alpha Flight. Alpha Flight overdosed him with Banshee, which resulted in him becoming paralyzed from the waist down.

It is unknown whether he returned to the Academy or stayed with Colossus at the X-Mansion. He was killed during the Ultimatum. Was briefly imprisoned in the same cell as Magneto. Mutant vigilante from Harlem.

Psi-Ops operative placed on the team as a mole for the U. Left the team after her mission was accomplished. Leader of the Hellfire Club. Revealed to still be alive following the Ultimatum Wave in Ultimates 1.

He moved to the Academy after Xavier's death and left when Xavier returned. A young mutant from Chicago. He is able to fly by growing a pair of birdlike wings which can be retracted. When he grows his wings out, his eyes turn red, his fingernails grow into talons, and his canine teeth appear to become sharp.

Wielding the power of magnetism, Nomi was initially hiding in the Morlock Tunnels along other mutants who were protected by the X-Men. After the war is over and the mutants move to Utopia, Nomi's hatred for Kitty is very apparent.

It originated from Kitty's actions of leaving any mutant who wanted to take the government's cure to remove their powers, and for "abandoning" her during the war against the Sentinels although Kitty actually denied her help because Nomi was too young.

She challenged Kitty's authority. After the "destruction" of the Seed, she and a small group of like-minded mutants defect, and leads her group out of Utopia with the intent to fight for freedom. Initially siding with Kitty after the events of the war, he eventually defected to Nomi's team after he was convinced by his girlfriend Husk of a better future with Nomi leading the charge.

Although having been listed as dead after the events of Ultimatum, it appears that Psylocke is alive, having "jumped" her consciousness into another body before her death however, oddly no one recognizes or remembers her.

She sides with Nomi after the events of the war, and eventually leaves with Nomi after the Seed was "destroyed". X-Men 24, it is revealed that she has enlisted Warpath who is in love with her to betray both Kitty and Nomi.

X-Men 27, Jean Grey herself in disguise unmasked Psylocke as being a fake, revealed her to be Mothervine, who set out to destroy both Utopia and Tian. Warpath is a mutant who possesses superhuman physical ability in virtually all areas.

So far, he has demonstrated the following abilities: He is one of the mutants seen in the mutant resistance against William Stryker, and later one of the twenty mutants who decided to retain their powers instead of taking the "cure", and inhabited the new mutant nation "Utopia".

X-Men 24, it is revealed that he is working with Psylocke to betray both Kitty and Nomi. A mutant from The Southwest. Husk was brainwashed by William Stryker to infiltrate Kitty Pryde's mutant resistance.

She led Pryde and her party to the mutant underground. During this time, Husk began a relationship with Bobby Drake. Following Pryde's defeat of Stryker, Husk killed 5 mutants by setting off a bomb while in line for "the cure".

After being arrested and rehabilitated, Husk joined the other mutants in Utopia where she chose to side with Mach II over Pryde. Founder of the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy.

Lost his arm, but replaced it with a new metal arm. Thought to be alive in Ultimate Comics: X-Men 7, but late revealed to be an illusion by Sinister. Obese mutant with super strength, and a cannibal.

Hank Pym bit his head off, killing him. Rescued by Magneto and Xavier from a lynch mob. He was decapitated by Valkyrie. Pietro Lensherr Ultimates background, falsified for public consumption, listed real name as Pietro Lensherr Maximoff.

Former member of the Ultimates. Rejoined forces with his father following Scarlet Witch's death. Thought to have been Killed by Hawkeye while saving his father, but somehow survived.

Wanda Lensherr Ultimates background, falsified for public consumption, listed real name as Wanda Lensherr Maximoff. Former member of the Ultimates and killed in Ultimates 3 by a lovelorn Ultron in a plot by Doctor Doom.

She appeared to be alive in Ultimate X, however it is eventually revealed she is nothing but an illusion created by Sinister. Mutant with toad-like powers and appearance.

After briefly returning to the Brotherhood, he eventually defected to the X-Men following Xavier's death. Died from unknown reasons following the Ultimatum Wave. Disillusioned and betrayed Magneto.

Longtime member of the X-Men, but Magneto ripped the adamantium off of his bones following the Ultimatum Wave, which killed him. Joined the Brotherhood as a mole for Professor X. After surviving the Ultimatum Wave and the war against Magneto, he was assassinated by Quicksilver during a speech to the public.

Presumably was a prisoner in Camp X-Factor, but later returned to Magneto. Killed by Thor in Ultimates 3 4. Mutant with teleporting powers. Unknown if dead or alive following the Ultimatum Wave.

Shot by Nick Fury. Revived by Canadian government. Current leader of Alpha Flight as Vindicator. Were kidnapped from their mansion in Westchester. Former member of the Morlocks. He was recently shot and killed by Sinister as a sacrifice for Apocalypse.

She uses her abilities to provide electricity. When she sleeps, there is no power in the sewers. Presumed deceased following the Ultimatum Wave. Later joins the Brotherhood.

Previously was psychically incapacitated by Professor X for kidnapping Dazzler, but escaped in Ultimate X-Men 79 following Xavier's death. Former leader of the Morlocks.

Returned to the X-Men in issue 94 with no explanation for his return to the X-Men and departure with the Morlocks. He is the leader of Ultimate Alpha Flight.

He has enhanced his powers by using the drug Banshee. He was revealed to be John Wraith from Weapon X. John Proudstar [ citation needed ]. Appears to have the powers of Boom Boom from Earth Presumably not the same Sasquatch that was mentioned to have been killed off-panel by former Ultimate X-Men writer, Brian Vaughan.

Sister of Northstar, [1] who attends the Academy of Tomorrow. Time traveller from the future. Helped Bishop make a new team of X-Men following Xavier's "death". Now lives at X-Mansion and is the second field leader to the X-Men.

She went on to join Colossus's X-Men, but eventually switched back to Xavier's cause. He died, but was later revived by Jean Grey. Joined Bishop's X-Men in issue After hearing the news of Professor X's death, she returns to the mansion and learns that the X-Men are being disbanded.

She joins Bishop's team as a member of the new X-Men. Currently a part of Xavier's team. Former student of the Institute until his departure in issue He later returned to the X-Men, but was killed by the Ultimatum Wave.

Former student of the Institute until his departure in issue 80 for the Academy of Tomorrow. He now leads his own X-Men, taking the drug Banshee to enhance their powers.

Former student of the Institute until Xavier's death in issue 78, after which he was named Co-Headmaster of the Institute alongside Jean Grey and Storm. He remained with the X-Men until his assassination by Quicksilver in Ultimatum 5.

Former student at the Institute and former boyfriend of Rogue until she began taking Banshee. He is an X-Man as well, but he is considered to be only a junior X-Man. Former student at the Institute until Xavier's death in issue 78, after which she was named Co-Headmistress of the Institute alongside Cyclops and Storm.

Former student at the Institute until later on in the series when she graduated off-panel and began training.


No sir...


The X-Men series of mutants from the future Earth who take on Professor Charles Xavier's dream to unite the mutants of the world. They are founded by Desert Ghost who finds and gathers the mutants to become the new incarnation of the X-Men.