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Hola, que tal estas? De ante mano mil gracias. Japan is a country with a very high standard of living.
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The program was discontinued on April 1, and the URL just leads to a discontinuation message and these can be applications, videos, or games Al menos llevo un mes sin el problema ya… Saludos. 6 inch android phones questions In order to create or collect this music, teams of composers, music directors, today, original composition has included the work of film composers Harry Gregson-Williams, Trent Reznor, Hans Zimmer, Josh Mancell, Steve Jablonsky, and Michael Giacchino. Favor de leer para no repetir respuestas. Video game music — Video game music is the soundtrack that accompanies video games.
Haz una carpeta, ahi copia lo que quieras. Hola he hecho la migracion de android 1. Amigo tengo un problema con mi bluetooth ya k no permite enviarme nada o viceversa.
Chapter 1 Death bed
Me podrias decir que puedo hacer???? The map and layout of the game have been updated to better with the new viewpoint. En realidad son parches que van haciendo para ir corrigiendo de a poco los problemas como el de este tutorial. El de nombre Astro. Te vas a cuentas, agregar correo hotmail. EL Market guarda el historial de tus descargas y las app que tienes instaladas. Y la pregunta o duda es esa como visualizarlas desde mi celular en market.
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14.03.2018 - Es seguro y probado. This is the first game showing a relationship between the two, as they can be seen kissing at the end of the game, Princess Zelda of A Link to the Past is one of seven maidens descended from the seven sages during the Imprisoning War. Hola M2ATK esta increible toda la ayuda que nos proporcionas con respecto al MB ahora quiero pedirte que me ayudes ya que tengo una cuenta de correo electronico de yahoo. The program was discontinued on April 1, and the URL just leads to a discontinuation message and these can be applications, videos, or games. The most damaging type of shot is the Fatal Frame, which is achieved if a shot is taken when the ghost is attacking, points are used as the in-game currency, which can be used to at save points to purchase items such as medicine and other items. These bulls were not only aimed at ecstasy, but were aimed at magicians, priests, sorcerers and it was an attempt to gain complete control, while at the same time it aimed at eradicating abuses which were occurring.
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25.01.2018 - Espero que puedas ayudarme…. Though she is the character, her story role is often that of donor or damsel in distress. Hola, me gustaria saber si hay alguna manera de borrar el historial de llamadas y mensajes, pq aunke borres el registro se quedan en el historial. The philosophy behind development was to out of the box. Hola que tal mira no se si sea el mismo de android copilot, pero baje el copilot live, la verdad esta bien solo que para la ciudad en donde vivo no me muestra nada solo un puntito en el mapa. A December update enabled a similar feature allowing users to transfer their purchases between 3DS systems, prior to the implementation of Nintendo Network ID for the Nintendo 3DS in Decemberonly five transfers between Nintendo 3DS systems were permitted.
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06.02.2018 - Archived from the original on 1 July Japan is a country with a very high standard of living. Y falla el tema de vibrar. Cover of the original Dead or Alive for the Sega Saturn.
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S en agregar a una red social, despues de ke reinicie mi telefono con una cuenta nueva etc, se borraron las redes sociales que tenia ahora solo aparece Email y work: S no esta ni facebook ni teiter ni myspace: S como le ago para poderlas agregar?
Te sugiero me agregues al Twitter, y vamos a hacerlo paso por paso… te parece? Buenas, estoy contento con mi Dext, pero vengo de un Artemis que ha sufrido muuuuchos cambios de Rom y ya estoy un poco aburrido de la que tengo en mi Motorola, quisiera saber si alguien de aqui ha cambiado de rom y lleva por fin la version 2.
Existe el GPS tracker, que te da indicaciones. Os mando un saludo a todos. En especial a ti M2ATK. Gracias por toda la ayuda que nos prestas. Baja del market el Bluetooth trasfer… Saludos.
Existen instancias que deben apoyarte. Haz una carpeta, ahi copia lo que quieras. Hola, sigo teniendo problemas con mi bluetooth, se concta a otro dispositivo pero solo por unos segundos, y se vuelve a desconectar, he hecho de todo y nada funciona, otra cosa no existe alguna aplikcion para programarle un tono mp3 a los mensajes?
Para programar un tono, existen un par de opciones. A mi me paso lo mismo, segui el tuto lo reinicie y asunto arreglado ya pude condigurar bien mi motoblur.
Buenas oye hize todo el procedimiento y efectivamente se reinicio pero cuando quiero iniciar con mi cuenta de motoblur me marca que se ah producido un error y ahy se queda cada vez que intenta me dice lo mismo sabes a que se deba????
No entiendo, he de suponer que hay problemas con Motoblur. Para poner todos, te recomiendo el Ringdroid, lo bajas en el Market. Por otra parte, Open Home trae in widget que es el que tengo en la imagen del escritorio central.
Es el gris de flechitas. Lo pones en tu escritorio. Equivale a un reset de una computadora. Pero ahora ya existen varias aplicaciones similares para personalizar tus timbres.
Alguien sabra como instalar las aplicaciones en la micro sd de mi moto dext? Puedes manipular desde tu cuenta de Google, Documentos, Calendario, contactos. Esta semana lo publico, sin duda.
Muy buenas, me parecio ver que no se podian hacer Video llamadas desde nuestro Dext, pero si video conferencia, le importaria decir como..? En realidad puedes usat tu Dext como web cam, con 3g o WiFi.
Hola, mil gracias de verdad me has salvado, un reconocimiento a tu labor ciertamente explicaste super bien el problema y la solucion. Por otra parte, sabes como puedo hacer para usar el motodext como modem de internet para la pc???
Hola, tengo un problema con mi motorola dext.. Un smartphone es una computadora de bolsillo. Dentro de los standares de funcionamiento, es normal. Hola, tengo un problema con la alarma de mi motorola dext, le establesco el tono con el cual debe sonar y no suena, suena pero muy bajo y como k se traba al sonar, ya probe con un sonido mp3, con los k trae por default y nada.
Te recomiendo usar el Ringdroid que puedes bajar del market para poder pesonalizar tus timbres y alarmas. Bueno, lo del reloj no tengo idea. El antivirus que yo utilizao es el Lookout.
Yo uso la hora central, pues estoy en DF. Entonces si se adelanta o atrasa, no es problema del equipo, sino de la red. Podemos vivir con eso. Amigo tengo un problema con mi bluetooth ya k no permite enviarme nada o viceversa.
Me marca visibilidad solo segundo y k no tengo permitido la conexion. PD use el apndroid para controlar el 3G y es una maravilla. Yo uso el Advance Task Manager, y funciona muy bien, nunca te para el widget de novedades.
Hola oye una pregunta por que el telefono tiene un circulo como si fuera una videocamara??? Hice un post con un tutorial para usar tu dext como modem. Y tiene 20 kms de exactitud.
Funciona con el google Maps. Sin embargo el GPS funciona sin el 3g. Es un servicio gratuito. Lo que pasa es que habemos muchos que utilizamos el gadget. A mi me ha dejado de dar problemas si uso constantemente mi Twitter.
No entiendo como es que se bloquea tu equipo. Saludos y gracias de antemano. Hola de nuevo amigos. Ke tal MEN tengo un plan tarifario con el inepto de SLIM y lo que necesito es una aplicacion que corte mis llamadas antes de que se den los cinco minutos, para que no puedan cobrarme la misma esto hablando de mis numeros frecuentes.
Existe alguna para Android, porque es molesto tenerlo que hacer manualmente que hacer manualmente. Hola una pregunta hace medio mes mi google maps servia super bien y me localizaba donde quiera que yo estuviese pero lo deje un tiempo y le quite el chip y le puse otro y ya cuando regrese el chip original ya no me localiza en google maps podrias decirme que hago para que vuelva a funcionar bien????????
Disculpa que es el market, o cual es la pagina para bajar el office suites o el documents to go, es desde tu ordenador o desde tu celular??? El market es el lugar en donde bajas tus aplicaciones.
Viene cargada en tu Dext por default. Me compre el emotoblur hace dos meses y me ha servido muchoo. Solo tengo una duda, que es el market?? Se descargan desde tu celular.
El market es el centro de descargas. Lee los comentarios por favor. En tus contactos, directamente, dice enviar mensaje de texto. Ahi le das, listo. La cuenta de google la creas y la accesas desde Motoblur.
Y si sigue consumiendo saldo, entonces habla con la proveedora de tu servicio. Te recomiendo verificar la cuenta, o crear una nueva. A si y cuando me sale ese mensaje me da 2 opciones esparar y cerrar le doy a una de esas y ya pero cuando se vuelve a hacer lento otra vez y tengo 1 semana con el xq dios no fue ingeniero??
Revisa detenidamente el Tutorial. Hola M2ATK esta increible toda la ayuda que nos proporcionas con respecto al MB ahora quiero pedirte que me ayudes ya que tengo una cuenta de correo electronico de yahoo.
Mi pregunta es la siguiente: Te vas a cuentas, agregar correo hotmail. Hola, me gustaria saber si hay alguna manera de borrar el historial de llamadas y mensajes, pq aunke borres el registro se quedan en el historial..
Mucho se ha dicho de la radio integrada. Por el marketing que ellos manejan. Q tal amigo, tengo una pregunta y espero me puedas ayudar, cada vez q uso la aplicacion para escribir mensajes de texto SMS me aparece una pantalla q dice q la aplicacion no responde y alenta el cel terriblemente, habra forma d recuperar ese error sin necesidad d restaurar el cel desde cero?
Hola, compre mi motodext.. Bueno, no entiendo porqueu no te detecta tu memory. Felicidades por esta maravillosa pagina, he estado leyendo ya unos problemas que dios vaya que son bastantes del dext, y me muero por ese celular por las aplicaciones que tiene y porque tiene el andorid, pero por tantas cosas no se si comprarmelo… tu que me recomiendas?
Saludos desde San Luis Potosi. Bueno, yo recomiendo este, porque es el que tengo. Ya viene el iPhone 4. Pero sigo siendo amante del sistema Android, como lo digo en el blog. Esto solo sucede cuando recibes un mail de Facebook.
Tengo 2 dudas la primer consegui el pic say pro en internet como lo puedo instalar en mi cel ya q lo pongo pero no lo localizo dentro del telefono y la segunda este moto dext me lo vendio un primo pero registro su cuenta blur y no se como borrarla si lo reinicio como es americano temo que se vuelva a bloquear.
Te vas a cuentas Carlos, y borras directamente la cuenta MotoBlur. Si no te deja el sistema, puedes reiniciar sin problemas. El bloqueo esta dentro del sistema. Para descomprimir e instalar el PicSay pro, necesitas un navegador.
Yo uso el Astro. Lo abres con Astro y lo instalas. Puedes bajar del market el Astro y gestionar tus archivos. Para transferir desde tu computadora, usa tu cable USB. El sonido no es muy bueno a la hora de grabar.
Yo lo pongo a la mitad. Oye, una preguntota, es que creo que ya te deje la otra pregunta pero no recuerdo xD. Es que en el market no encuentro la aplicacion de bluetooth file transfer, solo me sale el Ghost Commander y otro bien raro, y ni uno es… no se como hacerle sabes donde lo puedo encontrar??
Crea otra cuenta de google. Ese archivo lo importas en tu nueva cuenta y listo. Hola no se si ya te halla pasado. Estoy justo en espera de eso. Usa el Here I am. Hola, intente rootear mi cliq, para meterle la aplicacion recovery, sin embargo en el tutorial que lei no explicaba que me podria aparecer un triangulo con el movil y cuando lo dejaba cargar normalmente ya no detectaba la red de telcel y es donde cometi el error de quererlo fleshear como un a con el RSD 4.
No recomiendo rootearlo porque sucede eso. Me ha sucedido un par de veces. En primera quiero aplicarle un hard reset pero pues toodas mis aplicaciones y contactos se borran noo??? Hola, que tal estas?
Desde tu cuenta de google ve a contactos y ponle mostrar todos. Lee con cuiado el Tutorial. Me ha pasado igual. Sencillamente porque hotmail es la competencia directa Windows Mobile con Google Android.
Desde tu cuenta de Gmail, importa tu hotmail. Hola Luis, el lunes pongo un tutorial al respecto. Sin embargo todos tus contactos quedan guardados en tu cuenta de Google.
Te sugiero reiniciar el equipo tal y como lo indica el Tutorial, y vuelve a configurar tu cuenta Motoblur. Hola d nuevo sucede que me pasa algo similar a la pregunta anterior cuando ponga la camara se reinicia lo malo es que no es siempre.
A veces sucede como con cualquier computadora. De pronto es normal. Es raro que suceda, pero sucede. Tienes que instalar el Better Keyboard. Antes de formatear creo que valdria la pena intentar esta solucion que al menos a mi me funciono muy bien.
En realidad como ya lo he comentado, todo esto sucede cuando recibes un mail de Facebook, si lo borras, o lo lees, se termina el problema. Gracias por el aporte. Muchas gracias por el tutorial, leyendo las respuestas he resolvido muchas de mis dudas, y por cierto tambien gracias por el programa del bluetooth.
Gracias Isaak por el aporte y dejo tal y como escribiste los links para la escuesta. S gracias por tu atencion…. No eres muy claro en tu pregunta. Tienes que configurar tu motoblur y tu cuenta de gmail al iniciar.
Eso revisalo con tu proveedora de servicios. Tengo mjes de regalo!! Lo puedes configurar de la siguiente forma:. Hola que tal, la verdad excelente pero es mas la palabra excelente se queda atras ante este tutorial, agradesco mucho los comentarios y respuesta por que asi eh aprendido mas de lo que pense con el motodext.
Pero ahora yo tengo mi pregunta, como se usa el Here Iam o la de Gps Status? Lo veo pero no se como funciona. Solo que perdona mi ignorancia pero pense que el programa de Here Iam, servia para ver rutas disponibles para ir a algun lugar, no hay programas asi para el motodext?
Hola muchas gracias por todo, la verdad que me has ayudado mucho, sin embargo la aplicacion que me dices hacerca del CopiloT. No lo encuentra el market me dice que el nombre que puse y con la busqueda no tienen coincidencia.
Agradesco mucho tu ayuda y espero muy pronto salga alguna aplicacion parecida a la que me recomiendas. Ya te dejare en paz jajaja. Muchas gracias espero encontrar el programa pero si no agradesco tu tiempo.
Copilot Android, My tracks, Off Road… prueba con alguno y nos platicas. Hola que tal mira no se si sea el mismo de android copilot, pero baje el copilot live, la verdad esta bien solo que para la ciudad en donde vivo no me muestra nada solo un puntito en el mapa.
Soy de la ciudad de coatzacoalcos veracruz y solamente me indica en donde esta mi gps pero no me da mas que un puntito rojo. Pero en fin quizas mas adelante si pueda encontrar lo que busca, muchas gracias te mando saludos y bastante agradecimiento por tu tiempo.
Hubiera leido los comentarios de este post antes, ayer le meti pesos a mi mb y me dieron de regalo como y mas aparte tenia saldo acumulado, el pex es que ya tenia como lanas de saldo, y hoy le quiero llamar a mi jefa y kabuumm!!
Trato de hacerlo por Bluetooth pero no se conecta. Sabes algo al respecto? La puedes configar POP3. Entra a tu cuenta de yahoo, busca opciones y encuentra estos valores: Ya que los hayas exportado, dentro de tu cuenta de Gmail los importas.
Hola, oye, yo tuve el mismo problema por el que realizast ste blog, pero ya reinicie mi telefono algunas 4 veces tambien borre el historial, cookies y cache y cada vez en cuanto akba la actualizacion con el motoblur me vuelve a aparecer lo mismo, la ultima vez le alcance a borrar la cuenta de facebook y al parecer ya no ha vuelto a aparecer el prblema, pero entoncs ya no habra forma de q utilice mi cuenta de facebook a traves del dext??
El problema se origina cuando recibes un mail de Facebook. Borras ese mail o lo contestas y entonces el mensaje de error desaparece. Ok, ese problema a veces se presenta.
Cuando lo hayas creado, agregas Gmail, etc. Motoblur da la orden, pero el esclavo es Gmail. Espero que ahora si pueda ser contestado, y la verdad si ya fue contestada no me he topado con la respuesta en este foro, gracias por todo y espero puedan contestarme aunque sea nuevamente pongan la respuesta.
Lo siento M2ATK, pero si mantengo oprimido el menu que sale: Disculpa que insista pero aun no puedo agregarlos a mi lista de contactos, gracias por tu paciencia.
Hola soy de argentina, tengo un dext que es un encanto pero queiro crear carpetas para fotos y no se como hacerlo hay alguna aplicacion que me recomiendes gracias.
Tengo en Motoblur y falla mucho la alarma, a veces suena y otras no, ya he bajado 3 aplicaciones de alarmas y es igual, siento que es el SO android 1.
He tratado de hacerlo con el Motorola Dext y no he podido. Desde ya muchas gracias. El problema de youtube, como ya lo he comentado antes, se soluciona con bajar la app Skyfire es un navegador y ahi puedes ver todos los videos del youtube.
Me gustaria un consejo o algo que pueda ayudarme, o de plano solo seguire intentando. Buenas, cuento mi historia para mejor entendimiento: Mil gracias por tu ayuda… esta muy chevere la pagina..
Espero que puedas ayudarme…. Hola, te molesto para consultarte por el GPS, para poder utilizarlo hay que bajar alguna aplicacion y cual es esa ya que esta la aplicacion Google Maps pero si utilizas esta, estas consumiendo tiempo de internet.
Cuando dejas apretado el boton de encendido, se te abre una pantalla para que puedas apagar, poner en modo avion, activar bluetooth y GPS; la pregunta seria: Puedes usar maverick y bajarlo directamente del Market.
Mil gracias… reinicie el equipo y se soluciono lo de la cuenta de gmail, y ademas en el tuto lei como personalizar los tonos.. David, por favor especifica que mensajes son los que no puedes recibir, para poder contestar a tu pregunta.
Bueno, creo que ya no es un problema de Software. Desde tu computadora transfiere las aplicaciones a tu SD, y desde Astro es el que yo uso navegas y las instalas. Oye me gustaria hablar contigo para que me ayudes con mi motoroladext ya que tambien fui a telcel y me dijeron que el encargado de eso no estaba y asi mil excusas hasta que me arte y termine por irme, asi que una ayudadita tuya no me vendria mal Gracias:.
Claro que puedes personalizar por contacto, etc. S perdon por meterme pero podrias mandarme tambien el link please, tambien tengo el mismo problema, intente bajarlo desde facebook sitio web y me dice que no esta disponible, lo intente instalar descargando el apk y hay uno que si instala pero no me deja acceder al servicio, otra preguntita, desde que pagina puedo entrar a mi cuenta de motoblur, desd mi pc???
No pierdes absolutamente nada. Tu cuenta Motoblur respalda todos tus datos. Usa el Backup del Market, para respaldar tus aplicaciones bajadas. No puedes instalar el maket como tal.
Hola felicidades, solo una pregunta: Buen dia, te escribo desde Argentina, mi consulta es referida al GPS, estuve leyendo todos los comentarios y vi que recomiendas varias aplicaciones para usar el mismo como el Here I am y el Maverick.
Lo que quiero saber si alguna de estas aplicaciones funciona sin consumir internet, es decir, utilizando la red GPS, la cual, es gratis, o sino cual me recomiendas. Lo que estoy buscando es la aplicacion que me muestre en el mapa mi ubicacion y me indique al destino que solicite y como llegar.
Yo me he bajado la aplicacion GPS info free pero no es lo que estoy buscando. No especificas exactamente tu error. Hola, hace un rato termine de registrarme en el home para que pueda realizar consultas, no se si me podras responder la consulta que efectue arriba en lo referente al GPS, desde ya te agradezco mucho.
Por lo general es un error de Memoria. HOME se ha detenido de forma imprevistavuelve a intentarlo. Por ahora no he hecho un tutorial porque las pruebas que he hecho no son confiables. Espero tu pronta respuesta y gracias.
Pero si vas a mensajes, las puedes configurar manualmente. Hola, tengo una duda cuando compre el telefono me dijeron que podia visualizar y crear archivos de word y excel, mi pregunta es, que tengo que hacer, bajo alguna aplicacion o ya vienen los programas en el telefono?
Espero tu respuesta mil gracias…. Perdona, quisiera saber si mi telefono tiene remedio ya que quise actualizarlo con un tal programa Morrison y ahora ya no puedo ingresar al telefono me dice que la radio esta apagada y no puedo crear mi cuenta Motoblur.
Gracias por tu tiempo. Cambia la ROM por la que estoy dando. Busca en los comentarios el link que he dejado para actualizar al 2. Toma fotos de las pantallas y los errores para saber como ayudarte.
Hola, Lo que pasa es que tengo un problema… Tuve que volver a resetear mi celular y todo eso. Hola, otra molestia no sabes alguna forma o truquillo para bajar la aplicacion Documents to go Full Version gratis porque necesito crear documentos o la unica opcion es comprarla????
No se mucho Daniel, entre todos hacemos este foro. Me paso k decargue apktor no me gusto la densistale y despues proboco conflicto con mi navegador el cual no habria nada solo apagando y volviendo a encender el fon, pregunta: Otra pregunta como borro el historial de busqueda del market ya intent desde configuraciones, aplicaciones y nadamas nada, cada vez k le doy buscar aparece todo el arcenal de aplicaciones k he bucado AYUDA porfavor, por ultimo como haces el BACKup del Market podrias ser mas explicito PLIS.
He dicho muchas veces que no lo recomiendo. Desgraciadamente se guarda en la memoria interna porque necesita elementos del sistema para que corran. EL Market guarda el historial de tus descargas y las app que tienes instaladas.
HOla … soy nueva con mi motorola necesitaria saber si para los msjs de texto existe la posibilidad de colocar temas musicales… desde ya muchas gracias. Al utilizar mi navegador todo funciona ok.
Bien, el error viene de las cuentas. La aplicacion Alarma proceso com. Vuelve a intentarlo… lo apague un rato y le saque la pila a ver si se quitaba pero nada y ya no pude modificar la alarma… que puedo hacer???
Primero que nada, baja el BackupPro y haz un respaldo de datos y app. Vuelves a bajar la app BackupPro del Market y le das restaurar datos y app. Entonces programas tu alarma. Alberto, no es que no sirva.
A veces da problemas al configurar. Enciende tu GPS e intenta configurar de vuelta. Hola que tal acabo de comprar mi mb y ya llevo con el como mes y medio pero hace unos dias me empeso a dar un problema en el cual yo al llamar se me pone la pantalla en negro y no puedo colgar ni nada entonces quisiera ver quien me puede ayudar se los agradeceria.
Hola de nuevo M2ATK que crees, intente pero no se puede, activo mi GPS y en la barra de estado no me aparece que este activo como el wifi o el 3g, unicamente me aparece el icono de gps satelite cuando me meto a google maps, de ahi en fuera no, lo activo pero en la barra no sale…..
Hola, mi dext empezo a fallar con la alarma, lo lleve al atencion al cliente y solo le actualizaban el software, lo lleve asi 3 veces hasta que lo mandaron directamente a motorola y cuando regresa viene peor no le toco nada solo lo cargue y al querer con figurarlo se empezo a reiniciar, lo llevo de nuevo a telcel y el celular no se reinicia no presenta ninguna anormalidad y en telcel me dicen que solo le actualizan el software.
Hola, tengo problemas con mis contactos… solo me aparecen los de facebook… que puedo hacer? Oye no se por que el widget donde sale el clima de repente dejo de funcionar, me dice que agregue mi ciudad pero al seleccionar la ciudad, no la quiere agregar.
Me podrias decir que puedo hacer???? Revisa que lo hayas instalado, sino lo hiciste, entonces hazlo. Y configura manualmente, de acuerdo a las instrucciones, tu APN. O simplente es algo estetico sin funcion???
Tengo que bajar unos drivers del market o ke? Bueno, te recomiendo actualizar tu sistema al 2. Consulta, me acabo de comprar el dext y es genial me mata de bueno que es, pero primero no tengo ganas de leer el manual, y segundo me gusta toquetear antes de leer!
Bien, el widget del clima no me funciona tampoco. Los beneficios que nombro son por las cuales quise actualizar mi sistema. Lamento que no llene tus espectativas. Desconozco que pueda ser.
Hola, apenas acabo de recibir mi dext pues me hicieron valida la garantia ya que fallaba, ahora todo esta excelentemente bien excepto por mis videos no puedo reproducirlos, el dext los reproduce pero en como que si estuviera en camara lenta y solo reproduce la mitad ya que al llegar ala mitad del video automaticamente se pausa, que puedo hacer, si lo hace hasta con los videos que grabo con el mis dext.
Hola capo veo que sabes mucho de tedo tengo 2 problemas 1 el tono para mensajes no puedo poner mp3…y el otro es que no me reconose ningun dispositivo de bluetooth gracias masterrr. No transmites de la manera convencional, de esa forma.
Es posible cambiarle el tema al motoblur??? Disculpa mi ignorancia pero como se googlea? Hola amigo, tengo un cliq mb de USA y tengo el codigo de desbloque pero me dice que quedan 0 zero intentos y no me lo acepta, sabras como resetear los intentos para ya poder introducir el codigo y desbloquearlo.
Agradecere infinitamente tu respuesta. Hola, mi pregunta, es si tu conoces algun transmisor de fm para el mb??? Ayer inicie el proceso de actualizacion, pero no me reconoce el telefono en el programa rsd, me falta algun paso estoy usando windows 7.
Gracias por tu apoyo y muy buena info. Hola buenas noches, quisiera saber si existe algun gps gratuito y guiado por voz para el motodext, asi como esta el garmin para el Windows Mobile.
In Dead or Alive 3, the leader of the Mugen Tenshins Hajin Mon sect and Ayanes former teacher and beloved foster parent, achieving this, she emerges as official winner of the third DOA championship.
Itagaki also described her as the games protagonist character, the introductory sequence to Dead or Alive Ultimate, accompanied by Aerosmiths Dream On, was the first to hint at the origins of Ayane and Kasumis enmity.
She returns as a character in Dead or Alive 5. Ayane follows Kasumi upon Hayates orders, and later discovers that she is in fact really an Alpha clone, Ayane and Hayate learn from Helena that Victor Donovan and his new organization, MIST, plan to sell his Alpha clones as super soldiers to various countries around the world.
It is primarily composed of fast-paced 3D fighting games that begun with the original Dead or Alive in, DOA is the creation of Tomonobu Itagaki, who has since left the company and is no longer working on the series which continues without him.
In addition to its countering-based play system, the franchise is arguably most known for its female characters, a live-action film adaptation DOA, Dead or Alive was released in The Dead or Alive series focuses on fast-paced gameplay in a three-dimensional playing field.
In comparison to others in the game genre, such as Virtua Fighter. There is an emphasis on combos and air-juggles since the games countering system and fast recovery times prevent slow.
One of the series most innovative additions to the genre is its countering system, beginning with the original Dead or Alive, players could tap the guard button and a direction corresponding with the anticipated attack, which would do a powerful counterattack.
Counter holds must be timed correctly and match the direction of the attack being countered, there is only one button for punch, kick, throw and guard, with the player rarely having to combine more than two different input schemes together at a time.
The series uses interactive features that appear in certain fighting arenas, fighters caught in a Danger Zone will take extra damage, giving the attacker a slight advantage. These environmental areas can be anything from falls to explosives, since Dead or Alive 2, the series has implemented its tag team fighting system, allowing characters to switch back and forth for combo attacks and even attack simultaneously when timed correctly.
The tag mode also included special throws unique to certain pairs of characters and allows for the participation of four players, Dead or Alive 3 introduced Attack Change, a new tag system feature where the fighting character can switch places with a partner that can attack while jumping in.
Dead or Alive 5 uses a control system and features a more cinematic experience. The games new Critical System features Critical Stuns, Critical Combos, there is also a strong online component, including a spectator mode.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate further added the vertical Power Launcher, in addition to the normal control system, Dead or Alive 5 Plus for the PlayStation Vita features optional touchscreen-based controls from first-person perspective.
The spin-off Xtreme series is based around 2-on-2 matches of beach volleyball. After the original Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, the activities have expanded to include the likes of watercraft racing.
The Dead or Alive series depicts a collection of skilled artists in a worldwide competition named the Dead or Alive tournament. Dead or Alive, the first game in the series, introduced the initial characters, for example, Zack enters for profit, while Kasumi, a runaway female ninja and the series main protagonist, enters the tournament to seek revenge against Raidou who crippled her brother Hayate.
Miko — In Shinto, a miko is a shrine maiden or a supplementary priestess. The traditional attire of a miko would be a pair of red hakama or a long, red, slightly pleated skirt tied with a bow, a white haori, in Shintoism, the color white symbolizes purity.
Miko once performed spirit possession and takusen as vocational functions in their service to shrines, as time passed, they left the shrines and began working independently in secular society. Miko at shrines today do no more than sit at reception counters, Miko are known by many names, Fairchild lists 26 terms for shrine-attached Miko and 43 for non-shrine-attached Miko.
Other names are ichiko meaning female medium, fortuneteller, and reibai meaning spirit go-between, in English, the word is often translated as shrine maiden, though freer renderings often simply use the phrase female shaman or, as Lafcadio Hearn translated it, Divineress.
Some scholars prefer the transliteration, contrasting the Japanese Mikoism with other Asian terms for female shamans, as Fairchild explains, Women played an important role in a region stretching from Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan to the Ryukyu Islands.
In Japan these women were priests, soothsayers, magicians, prophets and shamans in the folk religion and these women were called Miko, and the author calls the complex Mikoism for lack of a suitable English word.
As Fairchild notes, In A. These bulls were not only aimed at ecstasy, but were aimed at magicians, priests, sorcerers and it was an attempt to gain complete control, while at the same time it aimed at eradicating abuses which were occurring.
Disassociated from a context, her performance moved further away from a religious milieu. As a result, official discourse increasingly repeated negative views of Miko, there was an edict called Miko Kindanrei enforced by security forces loyal to Imperial forces, forbidding all spiritual practices by miko, issued in, by the Religious Affairs Department.
The position of a shaman passed from generation to generation, to achieve this, such a person had to have some potential. To become a shaman, the girl had to undergo intensive training specific to the kuchiyose miko.
The map and layout of the game have been updated to better with the new viewpoint. The graphics and character models are improved, and the costumes were designed with more emphasis on the back since it is constantly in the players view.
Just like in Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, the game contains ghost hands which may randomly pop up when the attempts to pick up an item. Unlike Mask of the Lunar Eclipse however the Ghost Hands can damage Mio, each ghost now has many new attacks and special abilities given to them.
An updated form of Blooming from the 4th game called a Dark Return can randomly occur which restores a ghosts health, makes their attacks do more damage, the old costumes were replaced with new ones.
The amount of healing items in the game has been decreased, a mini-map as well as the system that shows the player where each key goes from Mask of the Lunar Eclipse has been incorporated into this game.
A few unexplained occurrences in the game are now resolved. Many new cutscenes have been added to the game which expand on the story, several of the cutscenes in the original have been extended.
The way the player obtains the endings in the game are no longer determined by what difficulty has been selected, endings are instead determined by how you play the game. The game receives two completely new endings in addition to the ones obtained from the original and Xbox versions, the game has a new theme song not in the original.
The player learns that Minakami Village was host to the Crimson Sacrifice Ritual, in the games present, there is an urban legend about the Lost Village, where people who become lost in the Minakami forest will become trapped forever in the village.
The protagonists, Mio and Mayu Amakura, are sisters who are visiting their favorite childhood playspot in Minakami. The main antagonist is the spirit of Sae Kurosawa, the sole Twin Shrine Maiden sacrificed for the failed ritual.
She yearns to reunite with her twin sister Yae, whom she mistakes Mio for, makabe later became a temporary sacrifice for the Abyss, known as a Kusabi. Although Mio and Mayus story takes place after Miku Hinasakis, the events of Minakami Village occur before those of the Himuro mansion in the original game, IGN called the game an enduring classic that every horror fan should have in their collection.
It is the installment in the Fatal Frame series. The story follows twin sisters Mio and Mayu Amakura as they explore an abandoned village and their lives quickly become threatened when the village spirits begin to possess the pair and target them as sacrifices for an ancient ritual.
Players must use a camera with powers of exorcism to defeat enemies, development of Fatal Frame II began shortly after the completion of the first title. Because many players were too frightened to finish the original, Tecmo made the story more interesting to encourage players to see it through.
Despite this, horror was still the focus of the game. Director Makoto Shibata kept the nature of spirits in mind during development. Ghosts reappearing in different locations, and being able to feel their presence even after their death were characteristics Shibata felt were indicative of a horror scenario, upon release, Fatal Frame II received positive reviews, and is widely considered to be among the scariest video games ever made.
An Xbox port, subtitled Directors Cut, was released in and included improved visuals, audio, and new gameplay modes. For most of the game, the controls the protagonist Mio Amakura as she. As they explore the town and uncover its secrets, they defeat enemies in the form of ghosts and spirits by taking pictures of them with an enchanted camera, there are two modes of gameplay, field mode and viewfinder mode.
When in field mode, the player controls Mio directly and can examine items, when the camera is used, the game enters viewfinder mode, from where pictures of ghosts and scenery can be taken.
Information about the film type, lens type, and camera enhancements is visible. Most of the game is spent directing Mio followed closely by Mayu as they explore the village, a filament in the corner of the screen will glow when ghosts or clues are nearby.
Many clues are only visible through the viewfinder, and some ghosts are non-hostile, sometimes Mayu will stop if she finds a clue as well. Other than clues and key items to progress the narrative, consumable items such as health restoratives, fighting spirits by taking pictures of them is a key gameplay mechanic.
When in viewfinder mode, one can take pictures of enemies, more damage can be dealt by snapping shots at certain moments, indicated by the filaments and lights on the camera. The fourth installment in the Fatal Frame series and the first on a Nintendo console, despite a European release being announced, the game has never been released outside Japan.
A fan translation was released in, the story, set on the fictional Rougetsu Island, focuses on Ruka Minazuki, one of a group of girls who was held captive on the island for unknown reasons.
Years after their rescue, still suffering from amnesia, Ruka, the games title stems from a ritual mask key to the story. The gameplay, as previous entries in the series, revolves around the main character exploring environments.
The idea for Mask of the Lunar Eclipse came to series co-creator Keisuke Kikuchi when he first saw the Wii hardware, Kikuchi and series co-creator Makoto Shibata returned as respective producer and director, while Grasshopper Manufactures Goichi Suda acted as co-director, co-writer and designer.
The gameplay concept was making the player literally feel the fear evoked in the game, the addition of further developers to the project enabled the team to reconsider the standard formula, although it proved to be a chaotic experience.
As with previous games, the songs were sung by Tsuki Amano. When released, it became the entry in the series to that date. Environments are navigated from a third-person perspective using the Wii Nunchuk, during exploration, the characters are regularly attacked by hostile spirits, who take away the characters health through touch.
The two central characters can fight off and defeat spirits using the series recurring Camera Obscura, a camera that captures spirits. Shots taken by the Camera Obscura deal varying amounts of damage based on how close the ghost is, the angle of the shot, and these factors are taken together to determine how many points the player is awarded for a shot.
The most damaging type of shot is the Fatal Frame, which is achieved if a shot is taken when the ghost is attacking, points are used as the in-game currency, which can be used to at save points to purchase items such as medicine and other items.
Blue gems scattered around the environment can be used to upgrade the Camera Obscura, types of film range from an unlimited low-quality film that deals little damage to rarer and more powerful film types.
The Camera Obscura and flashlights are controlled with the Wii Remote, should a ghost attack, gestures with the Wii Remote can shake them off. Virtual camera system — In 3D video games, a virtual camera system aims at controlling a camera or a set of cameras to display a view of a 3D virtual world.
Camera systems are used in videogames where their purpose is to show the action at the best possible angle, more generally, as opposed to film makers, virtual camera system creators have to deal with a world that is interactive and unpredictable.
It is not possible to know where the character is going to be in the next few seconds, therefore. To solve this issue, the system relies on certain rules or artificial intelligence to select the most appropriate shots, there are mainly three types of camera systems.
In fixed camera systems, the camera does not move at all, tracking cameras, on the other hand, follow the characters movements. Finally, interactive camera systems are automated and allow the player to directly change the view.
To implement camera systems, video game developers use techniques such as constraint solvers, artificial intelligence scripts, in video games, third-person refers to a graphical perspective rendered from a fixed distance behind and slightly above the player character.
This viewpoint allows players to see a more strongly characterized avatar, games with this perspective often make use of positional audio, where the volume of ambient sounds varies depending on the position of the avatar.
In this kind of system, the set the properties of the camera, such as its position, orientation or field of view. The camera views will not change dynamically, so the place will always be shown under the same set of views.
An early example of this kind of system can be seen in Alone in the Dark. While the characters are in 3D, the background on which they evolve has been pre-rendered, the early Resident Evil games are notable examples of games that use fixed cameras.
The God of War series of games is also known for this technique. One advantage of camera system is that it allows the game designers to use the language of film.
Indeed, like filmmakers, they have the possibility to create a mood through camerawork, games that use this kind of technique are often praised for their cinematic qualities. As the name says, a camera follows the characters from behind.
However, there are a number of issues with it, in particular, if the current view is not suitable, it cannot be changed since the player does not control the camera.
First-person video games — In video games, the first person refers to a graphical perspective rendered from the viewpoint of the players character. In many cases, this may be the viewpoint from the cockpit of a vehicle, many different genres have made use of first-person perspectives, ranging from adventure games to flight simulators.
The most notable genre to use of this device is the first-person shooter. Games with a first-person perspective are usually avatar-based, wherein the game displays what the players avatar would see with the avatars own eyes, thus, players typically cannot see the avatars body, though they may be able to see the avatars weapons or hands.
A first-person perspective allows for aiming, since there is no representation of the avatar to block the players view. However, the absence of an avatar can make it difficult to master the timing, players have come to expect first-person games to accurately scale objects to appropriate sizes.
However, key objects such as dropped items or levers may be exaggerated in order to improve their visibility, while many games featured a side-scrolling or top-down perspective during the s and 80s, several early games attempted to render the game world from the perspective of the player.
While light gun shooters often have a perspective, they are distinct from first-person shooters. It is not clear exactly when the earliest such first-person shooter video game was created, there are two claimants, Spasim and Maze War.
The uncertainty about which was first stems from the lack of any accurate dates for the development of Maze War—even its developer cannot remember exactly, in contrast, the development of Spasim is much better documented and the dates more certain.
The initial development of Maze War probably occurred in the summer of, a single player made their way through a simple maze of corridors rendered using fixed perspective. Multiplayer capabilities, with attempting to shoot each other, were probably added later in Spasim was originally developed in the spring of, players moved through a wire-frame 3D universe, with gameplay resembling the 2D game Empire ire.
Graphically, Spasim lacked even hidden line removal, but did feature online multiplayer over the worldwide university-based PLATO network, Spasim had a documented debut at the University of Illinois in The game was a space flight simulator, which featured a first-person perspective.
It displayed a constantly changing S-shaped road with two race cars moving along the road that the player must avoid crashing while racing against the clock.
In, Segas arcade space shooter Space Tactics also allowed players to take aim using crosshairs, First-person light gun shooters would rise in popularity during the mids, with Nintendos Duck Hunt being a much-loved example.
Wii — The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, As a seventh-generation console, the Wii competed with Microsofts Xbox, Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of the two others.
The Wii introduced the Wii Remote controller, which can be used as a pointing device. Another notable feature of the console is the now defunct WiiConnect24, like other seventh-generation consoles, it features a game download service, called Virtual Console, which features emulated games from past systems.
It succeeded the GameCube, and early models are fully backward-compatible with all GameCube games, Nintendo first spoke of the console at the E press conference and later unveiled it at E By December 8,, it had completed its launch in the four key markets, in late, Nintendo released a reconfigured model, the Wii Family Edition, which lacks Nintendo GameCube compatibility, this model was not released in Japan.
The Wii Mini can only play Wii optical discs, as it omits GameCube compatibility and all networking capabilities, the Wiis successor, the Wii U, was released on November 18, On October 20,, Nintendo confirmed it had discontinued production of the Wii in Japan and Europe, although the Wii Mini is still in production, the console was conceived in, as the Nintendo GameCube was first released.
According to an interview with Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, the concept involved focusing on a new form of player interaction, the consensus was that power isnt everything for a console.
Too many powerful consoles cant coexist and its like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction, in, game engineers and designers were brought together to develop the concept further.
By the controller interface had taken form, but a showing at that years Electronic Entertainment Expo was canceled. Miyamoto stated that the company had some troubleshooting to do, so we decided not to reveal the controller and instead we displayed just the console.
Designer Kenichiro Ashida noted, We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii and we thought about copying the DSs touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype. The idea was rejected because of the notion that the two gaming systems would be identical.
The group had the task of developing innovative games, assisting other development teams on projects. Deputy Manager, Yoshio Sakamoto Group Manager, Katsuya Yamano Production Group No, 1s primary focus was the development and co-production of video game software and software applications for Nintendo home and handheld consoles, in cooperation with second-party developers.
The Group Manager and main producer is Hitoshi Yamagami, with the directing and planning team including a collective of talented personnel. The team was responsible for all the additional Wii Channels, the Nintendo DSi system software and more recently, Nintendo SDD also went on to develop several innovative retail games.
The philosophy behind development was to out of the box. With a census-estimated population of 3,,, it is the second-most populous city in the United States, Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated county in the United States.
The city was founded on September 4,, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became a part of Mexico in following the Mexican War of Independence, in, at the end of the Mexican—American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States.
Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4,, the discovery of oil in the s brought rapid growth to the city. The completion of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in, delivering water from Eastern California, nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, and sprawling metropolis.
Los Angeles also has an economy in culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, education, medicine. A global city, it has been ranked 6th in the Global Cities Index, the city is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields, and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States.
The city has hosted the Summer Olympic Games in and and is bidding to host the Summer Olympics and thus become the second city after London to have hosted the Games three times. The Queen of the Angels is an honorific of the Virgin Mary, two-thirds of the settlers were mestizo or mulatto with a mixture of African, indigenous and European ancestry.
The settlement remained a small town for decades, but by Mount Osore — Mount Osore is the name of a Buddhist temple and folk religion pilgrimage destination in the center of remote Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture, in the northern Tohoku region of northern Japan.
The temple is located in the caldera of a volcano and is believed in Japanese mythology to be one of the gates to the underworld. The mountain is one peak of the Osozezan Mountain Range, a series of eight somma volcanos ranging from east to west in the centre of Shimokita Peninsula, Mount Osore has a height of metres.
Although Mount Osore last erupted over 10, years ago, Lake Usori is a caldera lake at the center of Mount Osore, with highly acidic waters. A unique feature of Bodai-ji is the presence of mediums known as itako claim to summon the souls of the dead and deliver messages in their voices.
These mediums were traditionally blind and had to receive extensive training and purification rituals, however, in modern times their number has dwindled.
The temple has a twice-yearly Itako Taisai festival held in summer, the temple also maintains a hot spring resort for use by pilgrims and tourists. The work of contemporary artist Nara Yoshitomo, who is a native of Aomori Prefecture, is believed to be influenced, if at least subconsciously, by Mount Osore.
As part of a collection of fungi, artist Takeshi Yamada created the Oh-dokuro-dake. As Japans mediums die, ancient tradition fades, the New York Times, p. The art of cute things, Nara Yoshitomos parapolitics.
Dead or Alive 5 — It is the first Dead or Alive game to have a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 as well as the series first installment that was released for the PlayStation 3.
The game received favorable reviews. A portable and expanded version for the PlayStation Vita, entitled Dead or Alive 5 Plus, was released in, the next version, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox later in, with an arcade version to follow.
By mid, all versions of the game sold over 1. Training Mode has more features than the previous Dead or Alive games, the fighting gameplay is based on that of Dead or Alive 3, with several changes.
Tag team battles from the previous DOA games have been retained, the fights take place in interactive and now more highly-destructive arenas. A new feature called Power Blow enables the players to knock the opponent character away in a selected direction, the games Critical System features Critical Stuns, Critical Combos and Critical Bursts.
It is not told in order and is instead divided into a series of interconnected chapters following various characters. There are two storylines, one telling the story of the fifth tournament, and the other one centered around the hunt for Alpha Characters from the storylines often interact with each other in minor ways.
Ayane, a Japanese kunoichi and Kasumis half-sister who regards Kasumi as a traitor for breaking their shinobi code, Hayate, the Japanese leader of the Mugen Tenshin clan and Kasumis brother.
He was once known as Ein when he lost his memory after having been used as a guinea pig for Project Epsilon. Zack, an eccentric American DJ, host of DOA tournament, Zack is travelling around the world to invite fighters for the tournament, also using this as an occasion to fight against them.
Bayman, a Russian ex-Spetsnaz soldier and assassin and now a mercenary who is using combat sambo, in the game, Bayman is pursuing a mysterious attacker that has almost killed him, leaving him with a vicious scar.
It was formerly led by Tomonobu Itagaki and is best known for the Ninja Gaiden action-adventure game series and the Dead or Alive fighting game series. In the same statement announcing his resignation, he announced that he was filing a lawsuit against Tecmo over unpaid bonuses for his work on Dead or Alive 4 for the Xbox It was later reported that he was fired from Tecmo on June 18, in retaliation for his lawsuit, many of his colleagues at Team Ninja quit as well to join him at his new game development team, Valhalla Game Studios.
Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Shuhei Yoshida said in a statement, Its due to cultural differences, the West has its own thinking about how to depict women in games media which is different from Japan.
In, they released Nioh, which has received multiple revisions and has been in development since Dead or Alive, Code Chronos - A prequel to the Dead or Alive series, which was going to focus on the backstory of Kasumi and Ayane and it was cancelled in November Computer Entertainment Rating Organization — It was established in July as a branch of Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association, and became an officially recognized nonprofit organization in Personal computer games are rated by a different organization, the Ethics Organization of Computer Software, on March 1,, CERO implemented the latest revision of its ratings system.
According to Kazuya Watanabe, CEROs senior director, the group of assessors is composed of three people, unaffiliated with the game industry. They are trained by rating past games, the ratings process is determined by 30 different types of content ranging from sexual content to violence.
In addition six types of content are not allowed, each content is rated using the A to Z scale that the labels use. After the group evaluates the game, the results are sent to CEROs main office where the final rating attempts to use the majority of the evaluators ratings.
Its A rating was revoked and it was given a B rating instead, one of these features several characters in a hot spring with their genitalia barely covered or their buttocks visible. There are also some shots and see-through articles of clothing throughout the game.
The in-game camera can also be scrolled to view female characters underwear, the game was originally rated for all ages due to Gust allegedly not providing them with the complete content of the game for them to review.
Niconico or nikoniko is the Japanese ideophone for smiling, as of September, Niconico is the eighth most visited website in Japan. The site won the Japanese Good Design Award in, users can upload, view and share video clips.
Unlike other video sharing sites, however, comments are overlaid directly onto the video and this allows comments to respond directly to events occurring in the video, in sync with the viewer—creating a sense of a shared watching experience.
Tags may be edited by any user, not just the uploader, Each video may have up to ten tags, of which up to five may be optionally locked by the uploader, but all others may be edited by any user.
Frequently these tags are used not only as categorization, but also as critical commentary, satire, the site is also known for its MAD videos and its medleys of popular songs on the website, most notably Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga.
Certain original net animations have been distributed on the website, such as Candy Boy, Tentai Senshi Sunred, other features include, High video quality, Niconico encourages users to pre-encode their videos in a format suitable for unmodified distribution.
As of July 5,, H. All users can create up to 25 mylist folders, while a basic account can have videos recorded, daily mylist activity is used to compute the default ranking view, although one may also sort by view or comment count.
Mylists may be made public and linked to, for example. Uploader comments, The uploader of a video may attach permanent comments to the video and these are often used for such things as subtitles, lyrics, or corrections.
The first version of Niconico used YouTube as a video source, however, as the site became more popular, so much traffic was transferred from YouTube that YouTube blocked access from Niconico.
Consequently, Niconico was forced to shut down the service but two later it commenced its service with its own video server. As of October 31,, Niconico has over 23,, registered users,6,, mobile users and 1,, premium users.
Due to the server capacity, Niwango limits the amount of free users accessible to the website at peak times. The website is written in Japanese and the majority of the traffic is from Japan, although approximately four percent is from outside Japan.
A Taiwanese version of the site was launched on October 18,, in July, the website was localized to German and Spanish. Tomonobu Itagaki — Tomonobu Itagaki is a Japanese video game designer best known for creating the Dead or Alive series and also reviving the Ninja Gaiden franchise in He left the company after 16 years of service, filing a lawsuit against it for withholding bonus pay and his new team at Valhalla Game Studios, comprising other Team Ninja members, worked on a new game, Devils Third.
Itagaki has in his office a set of katana Japanese swords his father made for him, as he wishes to stop people from reading his expressions during gambling-type games, he is always seen wearing sunglasses, a habit that has become his trademark in the video game community.
Tomonobu Itagaki joined Tecmo in as a programmer, and initially worked on the Super Famicom version of the American football video game. His career breakthrough came in with his first Dead or Alive game and he was mentored by Yoshiaki Inose and Akihiko Shimoji in his early years at Tecmo, and was impressed by them to include fun as a necessary component in his projects.
His rise through the company had been steady since then and he was appointed as the head of the third creative department in April He later assumed the position of General Manager of the production department in February, His Executive Officer position was taken away in August the same year.
The release of Dead or Alive 2 had greatly increased the series popularity and he had sought to create fighting games with details he felt were lacking in other games. In the later iterations, Itagaki has built the story of the games themes of family - Kasumi and Ayane in Dead or Alive 3.
To date, the series has gone through four iterations with various enhanced editions, a fifth iteration has also been made in his absence. In the Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball series, Itagaki brought together the girls of Dead or Alive onto an island, the player is to foster good relationship between the girls to create a harmonious winning beach volleyball duo.
In the second iteration of the series, the focus is shifted by expanding the number of activities the player can have the girls take part in and he explains the core of the game as a paradise where the player can watch the girls they love enjoy simple activities.
Ninja Gaiden was Itagakis effort to develop a game centered on violent gameplay, capitalizing on the brand name of the earlier NES series, Itagaki developed a critically acclaimed action-adventure game for the Xbox which also had an international online tournament held for it.
Facebook — Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California. Facebook gradually added support for students at other universities.
Since, anyone age 13 and older has been allowed to become a user of Facebook, though variations exist in the minimum age requirement. The Facebook name comes from the face book directories often given to United States university students, Facebook may be accessed by a large range of desktops, laptops, tablet computers, and smartphones over the Internet and mobile networks.
After registering to use the site, users can create a user profile indicating their name, occupation, schools attended and so on. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups organized by workplace, school, hobbies or other topics, in groups, editors can pin posts to top.
Additionally, users can complain about or block unpleasant people, because of the large volume of data that users submit to the service, Facebook has come under scrutiny for its privacy policies.
Facebook makes most of its revenue from advertisements which appear onscreen, Facebook, Inc. As of April, Facebook was the most popular social networking site in the world, Facebook classifies users from the ages of 13 to 18 as minors and therefore sets their profiles to share content with friends only.
Zuckerberg wrote a program called Facemash on October 28, while attending Harvard University as a sophomore, to accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into protected areas of Harvards computer network and copied private dormitory ID images.
Facemash attracted visitors and 22, photo-views in its first four hours online, the site was quickly forwarded to several campus group list-servers, but was shut down a few days later by the Harvard administration.
Zuckerberg faced expulsion and was charged by the administration with breach of security, violating copyrights, Zuckerberg expanded on this initial project that semester by creating a social study tool ahead of an art history final exam.
He uploaded Augustan images to a website, each of which was featured with a corresponding comments section and he shared the site with his classmates, and people started sharing notes. The following semester, Zuckerberg began writing code for a new website in January and he said that he was inspired by an editorial about the Facemash incident in The Harvard Crimson.
On February 4,, Zuckerberg launched Thefacebook, originally located at thefacebook. The three complained to The Harvard Crimson and the newspaper began an investigation and they later filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, subsequently settling in for 1.
Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard College, within the first month, eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes joined Zuckerberg to help promote the website.
Nintendo Direct — Nintendo Direct is an online presentation produced by Nintendo, where information regarding the companys content or franchises is presented, such as information about games and consoles.
The presentations began in Japan and North America with the first edition on October 21, and it later expanded to Europe, South Korea, and Australia. There are different presenters depending on the region in which it airs, in Japan, Nintendo Direct was formerly presented by Nintendo global president Satoru Iwata until his death on July 11, Australia only aired the European output since, but on September 24,, they aired their first, although each region has its own presenter, on several occasions Iwata has presented for several continents for international Nintendo Directs.
Following Iwatas death, the series went on hiatus, and returned in November, in June, in lieu of its traditional large-scale E3 press conference, Nintendo opted to utilize the Nintendo Direct platform as an alternative method of conveying its news.
Additionally, although Nintendo decided to skip the large press conference. The eShop stores a record of all downloads and purchases, allowing users to re-download previously purchased software at no additional charge, provided the software is still available on the eShop.
Downloads can be started immediately, or they can be queued up, users upgrading from a Nintendo DSi system can transfer their previous DSiWare purchases to the Nintendo 3DS, with limited exceptions, such as Flipnote Studio and the DSi web browser.
A December update enabled a similar feature allowing users to transfer their purchases between 3DS systems, prior to the implementation of Nintendo Network ID for the Nintendo 3DS in December, only five transfers between Nintendo 3DS systems were permitted.
The limit on system transfers has since been permanently waived, unlike the Wii Shop Channel and the DSi Shop services, which use Nintendo Points for purchases, the Nintendo eShop lists pricing in the appropriate regional currencies, such as dollars and euros.
Accounts can be funded using either cards or prepaid cards purchased in stores. The Nintendo eShop can be accessed any time via the HOME menu screen, even when a game is already running and this feature, however, is only available on Wii U.
Currently,10 downloads can be queued up at a time, the status of the downloads can be checked on the HOME menu under the Download Manager. If notifications are activated, a message will appear in the top right corner of the screen to notify the user that a download is finished.
The Nintendo eShop supports user reviews of games, applications, after an eShop title has been acquired and used for at least one hour, users can then submit a review consisting of a crescent range of one to five stars, representing the titles quality.
Users can also categorize games by age and gender, and as being suitable for hardcore or casual gamers. The program was discontinued on April 1, and the URL just leads to a discontinuation message and these can be applications, videos, or games.
Operation Rainfall — Operation Rainfall, currently known as oprainfall, was a video game-oriented fan campaign founded to promote the release of Japan-exclusive titles. From inception, its intention was to show publisher Nintendo the demand for the three chosen titles.
Beginning in, it was designed as a push for the release of Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandoras Tower, the campaign was acknowledged by Nintendo, and though announcing that they initially had no plans, all three titles were eventually released overseas.
Reception of the campaign has been favorable overall, and its success when compared to similar earlier campaigns was also noted. The campaign focused on three role-playing games created for Nintendos Wii home video console during the last years of its life, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story.
Xenoblade Chronicles, developed by Monolith Soft, was an entry in the Xeno series, initially announced as a project dubbed Monado. It was announced under this title at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, despite hopes from fans and journalists that the titles would be released overseas, Nintendo gave no comment on the matter.
Following the announcements concerning the three titles, Operation Rainfall came into existence in an effort to persuade Nintendo to bring the titles to North America. Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story were chosen for their pedigree, while Pandoras Tower was selected due to its unique mechanics, the campaigns title stemmed from the groups wish to inundate Nintendo of America with requests.
Beginning in June on the boards of gaming site IGN. Both physical and digital mediums were chosen for the campaign to make them more obvious and less able to be deleted, to this end, letters and objects inspired by the titles were sent to Nintendo of America.
Operation Rainfall gave itself a deadline, with the conclusion of their campaign planned to coincide with the release of Nintendos new Wii U home console in November To fund the campaign, they asked for donations, in offering a special wallpaper.
Dubbed Oprainfall, it continued news coverage of the three titles, in addition to extending to other similar niche titles and hosting fan petitions. Princess Zelda — Princess Zelda is the titular character in Nintendos The Legend of Zelda video game series, created by Shigeru Miyamoto and introduced in its original entry in The name has applied to female members of Hyrules royal family.
Though she is the character, her story role is often that of donor or damsel in distress. The player instead controls Link, the central protagonist, and usually focuses on defeating Ganon. Many Zelda games adopt the classic premise of chivalric literature, Zelda is usually kidnapped or imprisoned by Ganon.
Some games in the series have emphasized Zeldas magical abilities and importance to the functioning of Hyrule, Zeldas alter egos include the ninja Sheik in Ocarina of Time and the pirate Tetra in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
Miyamoto explains, was a famous and beautiful woman from all accounts, so I took the liberty of using her name for the very first Zelda title. Ben Reeves of Game Informer elaborated that the name Zelda might not be used much anymore, as with Link, there are multiple incarnations of Princess Zelda in the series, who vary in age, appearance, and disposition.
Zelda generally has blonde or brown hair and blue-gray eyes, she is depicted wearing a royal gown. She is associated with the goddesses Hylia and Nayru, as well as with the Triforce of Wisdom, most iterations of Zelda also have psionic powers, such as teleportation, telepathy, and precognition, for example, she can cast spells and create or undo barriers and seals.
Her alter egos also have their own abilities, during the development of Twilight Princess, illustrator Yusuke Nakano tried to portray Zelda as if shes wondering about something.
He drew illustrations of Zelda with feelings of hopelessness and anxiousness and tried to avoid associating her, in Spirit Tracks, Zelda actively adventures alongside Link in spirit form, in sharp contrast to the damsel-in-distress role she fulfills in some earlier installments in the series.
In her first appearance in the original The Legend of Zelda, she is kidnapped by Ganon and she is eventually rescued by Link, and the two of them reunite their respective pieces of the Triforce.
Another incarnation appears in the sequel, Zelda II, The Adventure of Link and this Zelda has been put into an eternal slumber until Link breaks the curse. According to the legend, the elder Zelda has been under a curse so long that it is in her honour that the Hylian royal family maintains a tradition of naming all its princesses after her.
This is the first game showing a relationship between the two, as they can be seen kissing at the end of the game, Princess Zelda of A Link to the Past is one of seven maidens descended from the seven sages during the Imprisoning War.
She is kidnapped and about to be sent to the Dark World, on the night of her capture, she appears to Link telepathically, imploring him to help her. Samus Aran — Samus Aran is the protagonist of the Metroid science fiction action-adventure game series by Nintendo.
She was introduced in the video game Metroid and she is well known as one of the earliest female protagonists in video game history and has remained a popular character over thirty years after her first appearance.
Samus Aran is typically wearing the Power Suit, a powered exoskeleton which protects her from most dangers she encounters. In regard to offense, the Power Suit boasts the Arm Cannon, the Power Suit can also be reconfigured into a small, spherical form called the Morph Ball, which allows her to roll through tight areas, such as tunnels, and use Bombs.
The Power Suit is also equipped with a Grapple Beam, which can be used to tether objects to cross large distances. Additionally, its visor can be used to scan objects to more about them.
In actuality, these measurements are while she is wearing her Power Suit, the Metroid e-manga covers Samus origins. She was born and raised on the mining planet K-2L, and when she was a child, the orphaned Samus was then found by a bird-like alien race known as the Chozo, who brought her to their home planet, Zebes.
In addition, they trained her in combat by equipping her with one of their artifacts, Samus then started working as a freelance bounty hunter, and has since been called on by the Galactic Federation to execute missions because of her superior skills and sense of justice.
The games characters were conceived by Makoto Kano, while Hiroji Kiyotake designed the main protagonist Samus Aran, Samus signature ability to collapse into a ball to travel through tight areas was initially called the Maru Mari in before it was later rechristened as the Morph Ball in Super Metroid.
The developers voted on the concept, and it passed, the games instruction manual refers to Samus as if she were male to obscure her real sex until the end of the game. Sakamoto noted that during the course of the Metroid series, developers constantly try to express Samus femininity without sexually objectifying her.
Deep within their base, she battles Mother Brain, the organism that controls the bases defenses, there she learns of Phazon, a mysterious mutagen that can alter the genetic material of any organism.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. September 27, [3] NA: October 22, [2] EU: October 30, [4] AU: October 31, [5]. Maiden of Black Water. Archived from the original on 2 April Retrieved 1 April Archived from the original on 10 April Retrieved 12 April Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 20 January Maiden Of Black Water".
Archived from the original on 2 October Retrieved 13 October Archived from the original on 8 October Archived from the original on 17 March Retrieved 12 October Archived from the original on 1 July Archived from the original on 22 July Archived from the original on 22 September Archived from the original on 4 November Retrieved 6 November Archived from the original on 17 September Retrieved 17 July Archived from the original on 24 September Archived from the original on 10 September Archived from the original on 7 September Archived from the original on 5 September Retrieved 5 August Archived from the original on August 24, Retrieved 24 August Archived from the original on 20 October Retrieved 20 October Archived from the original on 26 October Retrieved 19 October Maiden of Black Water review".
Archived from the original on 28 October Retrieved 28 October Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 2 April Archived from the original on 19 October Maiden of Black Water Review".
Archived from the original on 21 October Retrieved 21 October Archived from the original on 26 September Kingdom Hearts Gets Remixed Again". Archived from the original on 16 August Archived from the original on 16 October Retrieved 23 October Retrieved from " https: Articles containing Japanese-language text CS1 uses Japanese-language script ja CS1 Japanese-language sources ja Good articles Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images Articles using Video game reviews template in single platform mode Articles with Japanese-language external links.
In it released Nobunagas Ambition, a strategy game set during the Sengoku period of Japanese history 2. Nintendo continued to produce toys, including the Ultra Machine, Love Tester 3. However, more notable was the Japanese release of the Famicom in which was released in the US as the Nintendo Entertainment System in 4.
The game involves taking pictures of their environments and superimposing ghost images somewhere in the frame 5. In general, a component only has to be adapted to the layer immediately beneath it, however, the JVM, the layer beneath the application, does have to be built separately for each OS 6.
He also confirmed that the device would not launch in fiscal year, Game was teased, and Electronic Arts then-CEO John Riccitiello appeared on-stage to discuss the companys prospective plans for products on Wii U 7.
The earliest record of the name Nihon appears in the Chinese historical records of the Tang dynasty, at the start of the seventh century, a delegation from Japan introduced their country as Nihon 8.
In Canadian English, North America may be used to refer to the United States, alternatively, usage sometimes includes Greenland and Mexico, as well as offshore islands 9.
Media related to Australasia at Wikimedia Commons Areas of the world will be off limits until the player gains certain items
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Para descomprimir e instalar el PicSay pro, necesitas un navegador. Yo uso el Astro. Lo abres con Astro y lo instalas. Puedes bajar del market el Astro y gestionar tus archivos.
Para transferir desde tu computadora, usa tu cable USB. El sonido no es muy bueno a la hora de grabar. Yo lo pongo a la mitad. Oye, una preguntota, es que creo que ya te deje la otra pregunta pero no recuerdo xD.
Es que en el market no encuentro la aplicacion de bluetooth file transfer, solo me sale el Ghost Commander y otro bien raro, y ni uno es… no se como hacerle sabes donde lo puedo encontrar??
Crea otra cuenta de google. Ese archivo lo importas en tu nueva cuenta y listo. Hola no se si ya te halla pasado. Estoy justo en espera de eso. Usa el Here I am. Hola, intente rootear mi cliq, para meterle la aplicacion recovery, sin embargo en el tutorial que lei no explicaba que me podria aparecer un triangulo con el movil y cuando lo dejaba cargar normalmente ya no detectaba la red de telcel y es donde cometi el error de quererlo fleshear como un a con el RSD 4.
No recomiendo rootearlo porque sucede eso. Me ha sucedido un par de veces. En primera quiero aplicarle un hard reset pero pues toodas mis aplicaciones y contactos se borran noo??? Hola, que tal estas?
Desde tu cuenta de google ve a contactos y ponle mostrar todos. Lee con cuiado el Tutorial. Me ha pasado igual. Sencillamente porque hotmail es la competencia directa Windows Mobile con Google Android.
Desde tu cuenta de Gmail, importa tu hotmail. Hola Luis, el lunes pongo un tutorial al respecto. Sin embargo todos tus contactos quedan guardados en tu cuenta de Google.
Te sugiero reiniciar el equipo tal y como lo indica el Tutorial, y vuelve a configurar tu cuenta Motoblur. Hola d nuevo sucede que me pasa algo similar a la pregunta anterior cuando ponga la camara se reinicia lo malo es que no es siempre.
A veces sucede como con cualquier computadora. De pronto es normal. Es raro que suceda, pero sucede. Tienes que instalar el Better Keyboard. Antes de formatear creo que valdria la pena intentar esta solucion que al menos a mi me funciono muy bien.
En realidad como ya lo he comentado, todo esto sucede cuando recibes un mail de Facebook, si lo borras, o lo lees, se termina el problema. Gracias por el aporte. Muchas gracias por el tutorial, leyendo las respuestas he resolvido muchas de mis dudas, y por cierto tambien gracias por el programa del bluetooth.
Gracias Isaak por el aporte y dejo tal y como escribiste los links para la escuesta. S gracias por tu atencion…. No eres muy claro en tu pregunta. Tienes que configurar tu motoblur y tu cuenta de gmail al iniciar.
Eso revisalo con tu proveedora de servicios. Tengo mjes de regalo!! Lo puedes configurar de la siguiente forma:. Hola que tal, la verdad excelente pero es mas la palabra excelente se queda atras ante este tutorial, agradesco mucho los comentarios y respuesta por que asi eh aprendido mas de lo que pense con el motodext.
Pero ahora yo tengo mi pregunta, como se usa el Here Iam o la de Gps Status? Lo veo pero no se como funciona. Solo que perdona mi ignorancia pero pense que el programa de Here Iam, servia para ver rutas disponibles para ir a algun lugar, no hay programas asi para el motodext?
Hola muchas gracias por todo, la verdad que me has ayudado mucho, sin embargo la aplicacion que me dices hacerca del CopiloT. No lo encuentra el market me dice que el nombre que puse y con la busqueda no tienen coincidencia.
Agradesco mucho tu ayuda y espero muy pronto salga alguna aplicacion parecida a la que me recomiendas. Ya te dejare en paz jajaja. Muchas gracias espero encontrar el programa pero si no agradesco tu tiempo.
Copilot Android, My tracks, Off Road… prueba con alguno y nos platicas. Hola que tal mira no se si sea el mismo de android copilot, pero baje el copilot live, la verdad esta bien solo que para la ciudad en donde vivo no me muestra nada solo un puntito en el mapa.
Soy de la ciudad de coatzacoalcos veracruz y solamente me indica en donde esta mi gps pero no me da mas que un puntito rojo. Pero en fin quizas mas adelante si pueda encontrar lo que busca, muchas gracias te mando saludos y bastante agradecimiento por tu tiempo.
Hubiera leido los comentarios de este post antes, ayer le meti pesos a mi mb y me dieron de regalo como y mas aparte tenia saldo acumulado, el pex es que ya tenia como lanas de saldo, y hoy le quiero llamar a mi jefa y kabuumm!!
Trato de hacerlo por Bluetooth pero no se conecta. Sabes algo al respecto? La puedes configar POP3. Entra a tu cuenta de yahoo, busca opciones y encuentra estos valores: Ya que los hayas exportado, dentro de tu cuenta de Gmail los importas.
Hola, oye, yo tuve el mismo problema por el que realizast ste blog, pero ya reinicie mi telefono algunas 4 veces tambien borre el historial, cookies y cache y cada vez en cuanto akba la actualizacion con el motoblur me vuelve a aparecer lo mismo, la ultima vez le alcance a borrar la cuenta de facebook y al parecer ya no ha vuelto a aparecer el prblema, pero entoncs ya no habra forma de q utilice mi cuenta de facebook a traves del dext??
El problema se origina cuando recibes un mail de Facebook. Borras ese mail o lo contestas y entonces el mensaje de error desaparece. Ok, ese problema a veces se presenta.
Cuando lo hayas creado, agregas Gmail, etc. Motoblur da la orden, pero el esclavo es Gmail. Espero que ahora si pueda ser contestado, y la verdad si ya fue contestada no me he topado con la respuesta en este foro, gracias por todo y espero puedan contestarme aunque sea nuevamente pongan la respuesta.
Lo siento M2ATK, pero si mantengo oprimido el menu que sale: Disculpa que insista pero aun no puedo agregarlos a mi lista de contactos, gracias por tu paciencia. Hola soy de argentina, tengo un dext que es un encanto pero queiro crear carpetas para fotos y no se como hacerlo hay alguna aplicacion que me recomiendes gracias.
Tengo en Motoblur y falla mucho la alarma, a veces suena y otras no, ya he bajado 3 aplicaciones de alarmas y es igual, siento que es el SO android 1. He tratado de hacerlo con el Motorola Dext y no he podido.
Desde ya muchas gracias. El problema de youtube, como ya lo he comentado antes, se soluciona con bajar la app Skyfire es un navegador y ahi puedes ver todos los videos del youtube.
Me gustaria un consejo o algo que pueda ayudarme, o de plano solo seguire intentando. Buenas, cuento mi historia para mejor entendimiento: Mil gracias por tu ayuda… esta muy chevere la pagina..
Espero que puedas ayudarme…. Hola, te molesto para consultarte por el GPS, para poder utilizarlo hay que bajar alguna aplicacion y cual es esa ya que esta la aplicacion Google Maps pero si utilizas esta, estas consumiendo tiempo de internet.
Cuando dejas apretado el boton de encendido, se te abre una pantalla para que puedas apagar, poner en modo avion, activar bluetooth y GPS; la pregunta seria: Puedes usar maverick y bajarlo directamente del Market.
Mil gracias… reinicie el equipo y se soluciono lo de la cuenta de gmail, y ademas en el tuto lei como personalizar los tonos.. David, por favor especifica que mensajes son los que no puedes recibir, para poder contestar a tu pregunta.
Bueno, creo que ya no es un problema de Software. Desde tu computadora transfiere las aplicaciones a tu SD, y desde Astro es el que yo uso navegas y las instalas.
Oye me gustaria hablar contigo para que me ayudes con mi motoroladext ya que tambien fui a telcel y me dijeron que el encargado de eso no estaba y asi mil excusas hasta que me arte y termine por irme, asi que una ayudadita tuya no me vendria mal Gracias:.
Claro que puedes personalizar por contacto, etc. S perdon por meterme pero podrias mandarme tambien el link please, tambien tengo el mismo problema, intente bajarlo desde facebook sitio web y me dice que no esta disponible, lo intente instalar descargando el apk y hay uno que si instala pero no me deja acceder al servicio, otra preguntita, desde que pagina puedo entrar a mi cuenta de motoblur, desd mi pc???
No pierdes absolutamente nada. Tu cuenta Motoblur respalda todos tus datos. Usa el Backup del Market, para respaldar tus aplicaciones bajadas. No puedes instalar el maket como tal. Hola felicidades, solo una pregunta: Buen dia, te escribo desde Argentina, mi consulta es referida al GPS, estuve leyendo todos los comentarios y vi que recomiendas varias aplicaciones para usar el mismo como el Here I am y el Maverick.
Lo que quiero saber si alguna de estas aplicaciones funciona sin consumir internet, es decir, utilizando la red GPS, la cual, es gratis, o sino cual me recomiendas. Lo que estoy buscando es la aplicacion que me muestre en el mapa mi ubicacion y me indique al destino que solicite y como llegar.
Yo me he bajado la aplicacion GPS info free pero no es lo que estoy buscando. No especificas exactamente tu error. Hola, hace un rato termine de registrarme en el home para que pueda realizar consultas, no se si me podras responder la consulta que efectue arriba en lo referente al GPS, desde ya te agradezco mucho.
Por lo general es un error de Memoria. HOME se ha detenido de forma imprevistavuelve a intentarlo. Por ahora no he hecho un tutorial porque las pruebas que he hecho no son confiables.
Espero tu pronta respuesta y gracias. Pero si vas a mensajes, las puedes configurar manualmente. Hola, tengo una duda cuando compre el telefono me dijeron que podia visualizar y crear archivos de word y excel, mi pregunta es, que tengo que hacer, bajo alguna aplicacion o ya vienen los programas en el telefono?
Espero tu respuesta mil gracias…. Perdona, quisiera saber si mi telefono tiene remedio ya que quise actualizarlo con un tal programa Morrison y ahora ya no puedo ingresar al telefono me dice que la radio esta apagada y no puedo crear mi cuenta Motoblur.
Gracias por tu tiempo. Cambia la ROM por la que estoy dando. Busca en los comentarios el link que he dejado para actualizar al 2. Toma fotos de las pantallas y los errores para saber como ayudarte.
Hola, Lo que pasa es que tengo un problema… Tuve que volver a resetear mi celular y todo eso. Hola, otra molestia no sabes alguna forma o truquillo para bajar la aplicacion Documents to go Full Version gratis porque necesito crear documentos o la unica opcion es comprarla????
No se mucho Daniel, entre todos hacemos este foro. Me paso k decargue apktor no me gusto la densistale y despues proboco conflicto con mi navegador el cual no habria nada solo apagando y volviendo a encender el fon, pregunta: Otra pregunta como borro el historial de busqueda del market ya intent desde configuraciones, aplicaciones y nadamas nada, cada vez k le doy buscar aparece todo el arcenal de aplicaciones k he bucado AYUDA porfavor, por ultimo como haces el BACKup del Market podrias ser mas explicito PLIS.
He dicho muchas veces que no lo recomiendo. Desgraciadamente se guarda en la memoria interna porque necesita elementos del sistema para que corran. EL Market guarda el historial de tus descargas y las app que tienes instaladas.
HOla … soy nueva con mi motorola necesitaria saber si para los msjs de texto existe la posibilidad de colocar temas musicales… desde ya muchas gracias. Al utilizar mi navegador todo funciona ok.
Bien, el error viene de las cuentas. La aplicacion Alarma proceso com. Vuelve a intentarlo… lo apague un rato y le saque la pila a ver si se quitaba pero nada y ya no pude modificar la alarma… que puedo hacer???
Primero que nada, baja el BackupPro y haz un respaldo de datos y app. Vuelves a bajar la app BackupPro del Market y le das restaurar datos y app. Entonces programas tu alarma.
Alberto, no es que no sirva. A veces da problemas al configurar. Enciende tu GPS e intenta configurar de vuelta. Hola que tal acabo de comprar mi mb y ya llevo con el como mes y medio pero hace unos dias me empeso a dar un problema en el cual yo al llamar se me pone la pantalla en negro y no puedo colgar ni nada entonces quisiera ver quien me puede ayudar se los agradeceria.
Hola de nuevo M2ATK que crees, intente pero no se puede, activo mi GPS y en la barra de estado no me aparece que este activo como el wifi o el 3g, unicamente me aparece el icono de gps satelite cuando me meto a google maps, de ahi en fuera no, lo activo pero en la barra no sale…..
Hola, mi dext empezo a fallar con la alarma, lo lleve al atencion al cliente y solo le actualizaban el software, lo lleve asi 3 veces hasta que lo mandaron directamente a motorola y cuando regresa viene peor no le toco nada solo lo cargue y al querer con figurarlo se empezo a reiniciar, lo llevo de nuevo a telcel y el celular no se reinicia no presenta ninguna anormalidad y en telcel me dicen que solo le actualizan el software.
Hola, tengo problemas con mis contactos… solo me aparecen los de facebook… que puedo hacer? Oye no se por que el widget donde sale el clima de repente dejo de funcionar, me dice que agregue mi ciudad pero al seleccionar la ciudad, no la quiere agregar.
Me podrias decir que puedo hacer???? Revisa que lo hayas instalado, sino lo hiciste, entonces hazlo. Y configura manualmente, de acuerdo a las instrucciones, tu APN.
O simplente es algo estetico sin funcion??? Tengo que bajar unos drivers del market o ke? Bueno, te recomiendo actualizar tu sistema al 2. Consulta, me acabo de comprar el dext y es genial me mata de bueno que es, pero primero no tengo ganas de leer el manual, y segundo me gusta toquetear antes de leer!
Bien, el widget del clima no me funciona tampoco. Los beneficios que nombro son por las cuales quise actualizar mi sistema. Lamento que no llene tus espectativas. Desconozco que pueda ser.
Hola, apenas acabo de recibir mi dext pues me hicieron valida la garantia ya que fallaba, ahora todo esta excelentemente bien excepto por mis videos no puedo reproducirlos, el dext los reproduce pero en como que si estuviera en camara lenta y solo reproduce la mitad ya que al llegar ala mitad del video automaticamente se pausa, que puedo hacer, si lo hace hasta con los videos que grabo con el mis dext.
Hola capo veo que sabes mucho de tedo tengo 2 problemas 1 el tono para mensajes no puedo poner mp3…y el otro es que no me reconose ningun dispositivo de bluetooth gracias masterrr. No transmites de la manera convencional, de esa forma.
Es posible cambiarle el tema al motoblur??? Disculpa mi ignorancia pero como se googlea? Hola amigo, tengo un cliq mb de USA y tengo el codigo de desbloque pero me dice que quedan 0 zero intentos y no me lo acepta, sabras como resetear los intentos para ya poder introducir el codigo y desbloquearlo.
Agradecere infinitamente tu respuesta. Hola, mi pregunta, es si tu conoces algun transmisor de fm para el mb??? Ayer inicie el proceso de actualizacion, pero no me reconoce el telefono en el programa rsd, me falta algun paso estoy usando windows 7.
Gracias por tu apoyo y muy buena info. Hola buenas noches, quisiera saber si existe algun gps gratuito y guiado por voz para el motodext, asi como esta el garmin para el Windows Mobile.
Otra cosa cuadno conecto el celu a la pc, puedo bajar las fotos del celu bien, pero cuando intento cargar informacion de la pc al celular me tira un error y se reinicia la conexion usb, como hago?
Puedo bajar del telefono a la compu, pero no de la compu al telefono, Tampoco he podido poner MP3 como ringstones, no se porque la info que he pasado por bluetooth despues de unos dias se borra sola.
GPS hay muchos, busca en el market, no conozco uno guiado por voz que sea gratuito. Sino, lo tienes que hacer manual: Hola he hecho la migracion de android 1.
Te hago una consulta. Hola, tengo un problema con mi dext, hace tiempo me paso lo mismo, le cambiaron el software y se soliciono pero de nuevo sale el siguiente mensaje: Ya me cayo gordo, sale cada 3 minutos y no deja ni escribir como lo quito.
El error lo quitas haciendo el tutorial. Para respaldar una el Backup Pro que bajas del Market. Acabo de leer el blog casi 3 h por cierto Pero valieron la pena. Por esto me doy cuento de que no la programo mal.
Espero tu respuesta y muchas gracias desde ahora. Te recomiendo actualizar tu sistema al 2. Quita las que no usas. No importa si cargas prendido o apagado. Te recomiendo haer un wipe e instalar nuevamente tus aplicaciones.
Hola yo tengo el problema y cuando me pide la cuenta la ingreso y otra vez se vuelve a poner el mensaje de la aplicacion se ah detenido, cabe mencionarte que no tengo internet ilimitado, nose si se pueda solucionar, gracias.
Es que mi celular no suena cuando me llaman. Arriba me aparece como una campanita negra con un simbolo rojo de esos como de denegacion o bloqueado. Revisa que tengas bien configurada tu cuenta de Google.
Te sugiero borrarla y volverla a introducir. Tengo un dext desde hace 3 dias, nunca habia tenido un android ni nada similar, y francament me resulta genial, solo q tengo un par de dudas ya descargue el blutooth fiile transfer pero aun asi no me vinculo y tampoco puedo ver videos en you tube si acaso 1 de cada 10 intentos y ya descargue el opera buske el alcohol q mencionas, pero solo encuentro apps referentes a bebidas xfa dime si puedo hacer algo mas, pero paso apaso xq ami la tecnologia me come.
Gracias x tu info en verdad esta pag me ha sido d infinita ayuda, x cierto ya m ocurrio lo del mensaje del blur aunke si se cerro, mejor apunte tu solucion en el instructivo asi no la pierdo!! Puedes usar Photoshop para eso.
Ya busque el background y no esta no sabes que otro programa? Existe una forma para hacerlo. Esa es una falla del conector que tiene el teclado a la hora de deslizar. Te sugiero que lo lleves a servicio.
Que solucion me podrias dar?? Bueno, lo que te recomiendo es hacer un upgrade del sistema. Hola M2 Gracias por el tutorial, ayer adquiri este telefono pero resulta que tengo un problema estoy usando claro de honduras.
Ya hice el tuto que hiciste pero aun asi sigue dando este problema tienes alguna idea? Bueno, es el mismo sistema, solo cambia la arquitectura exterior. El procesador es exactamente lo mismo.
Pues lo que recomiendo es bajar el Mate Cache del Market para optimizar el rendimiento. No sabes como puedo hacer para verlo?? AVI o que applicacion descargo?
Gracias y Feliz Navidad. Sus comentarios me fueron de gran utilidad! Nada de que preocuparse, verifica que tengas tus contactos en Google y baja del Market MyBackUp Pro y respalda tus aplicaciones.
Ya me estaba agarrando de los pelos. Pude reiniciar mi Motorola Dext, siguiendo tus instrucciones! Pude reiniciar mi Motorola Dext siguiendo tus instrucciones. Es muy probable que eso suceda por falta de memoria.
Revisa que apps no usas y borralas. Amigazo la aplicacion original de alarmas como despertador no me anda me dice que se detuvo de forma imprevista que lo vuelva a intentar pero no me deja entrar nunca ayudame a solucionar este problemita… gracias.
O en su defecto busca alguna otra app en el Market, hay cientos. De ante mano gracias.. Bueno, algunas app traen error desde su desarrollo. Si el error persiste, seguramente no es compatible con la memoria.
Haz un Hard Reset y ve si se quita el problema. Yo tengo Android 1. Pero intenta y nos platicas tu experiencia…. Muchas gracias hermano ya solucione el problema. De ante mano mil gracias.
Existe alguna aplicacion para utilizar el GPS sin depender del google map? O que aplicacion te gusta para utilizar el GPS? Actualiza desde el market y configura. Acabo de leer sobre el adlxmod 2.
HOlaaa bueno la verdd estoy a punto de obtener este celular tengo el dinero y todo pero pss viendo todas esos problemas pss ejeje uno va pensando … la verdd me gusta mucho pero queria preguntarte algo en vista de que eres experto en todo esto… 1.
Espero de veras me ayudes con esas dudas porque psss lo que mas me urge es eso y si hai problema con eso entonces no me servira para mucho. Claro que tiene esas funciones como cualquier Smartphone.
Correo, Internet, Redes Sociales, Youtube, etc. Y claro que funciona con WiFi, 3G, o combinadas. Haz un Reset como el tutorial, intenta nuevamente. Sino te reconoce la cuenta, crea una nueva.
A parte consume internet la radio online, no se podra bajar alguna aplicacion para instalar el sintonizador como tiene el motorola quench? Hola, alguna forma que conozcas de sacar capturas de pantalla?
Gracias antes q nada Oye no sabes como actualizar la version del Goobgle Maps? Saludos Carlos desde DF. Otraa dudaa se le puede agregaar la aplicacion del MSN?
Gracias por cualquier ayuda. El lunes queda publicado… m2atk en hotmail!!! Ya te vi en twitter…!! No por el momento. Hugo, no encuentro tu pregunta, a que te refieres con la carga diara?
Lo tienes que desbloquear. Como puedo desactivar el eg en el mb? No las tienes que sacar. Favor de leer los comentarios. Lo vuelvo a hacer, usa el RingDroid y listo. Grax y muy buen info.
Lee bien y revisa. Busca en tus aplicaciones. La trae por default. Hasta ahorita no conozco una app para eso. Sigue el tutorial para que reinicies y reconfigures tu cuenta Motoblur.
Muchas gracias Lion por el aporte. Te lo configura automaticamente. En realidad no tienes que meter datos. Sigue el tutorial precisamente para quitar ese error. In order to create or collect this music, teams of composers, music directors, today, original composition has included the work of film composers Harry Gregson-Williams, Trent Reznor, Hans Zimmer, Josh Mancell, Steve Jablonsky, and Michael Giacchino.
The popularity of game music has expanded education and job opportunities, generated awards. At the time video games had emerged as a form of entertainment in the late s, music was stored on physical medium in analog waveforms such as compact cassettes.
Such components were expensive and prone to breakage under heavy use making them less ideal for use in an arcade cabinet, though in rare cases. Sound effects for the games were also generated in this fashion, an early example of such an approach to video game music was the opening chiptune in Tomohiro Nishikados Gun Fight.
The first game to use a background soundtrack was Tomohiro Nishikados Space Invaders. It had four descending chromatic bass notes repeating in a loop, though it was dynamic and interacted with the player, the first video game to feature continuous, melodic background music was Rally-X, released by Namco in, featuring a simple tune that repeats continuously during gameplay.
The decision to any music into a video game meant that at some point it would have to be transcribed into computer code by a programmer, whether or not the programmer had musical experience. Some music was original, some was public domain music such as folk songs, Sound capabilities were limited, the popular Atari home system, for example, was capable of generating only two tones, or notes, at a time.
As advances were made in technology and costs fell, a definitively new generation of arcade machines. Home console systems also had an upgrade in sound ability beginning with the ColecoVision in capable of four channels.
However, more notable was the Japanese release of the Famicom in which was released in the US as the Nintendo Entertainment System in Debuting in with the first entry in the series for the PlayStation 2, the series is set in s Japan, with each entry focusing on a location beset by hostile supernatural events.
In each scenario, the involved in the present investigation use Camera Obscura, objects created by Dr. Kunihiko Asou that can capture. The series draws on elements of Japanese horror, and is noted for its frequent use of female protagonists.
The series was conceived by Makoto Shibata and Keisuke Kikuchi and their main goal was to make the most frightening game experience possible. Later installments have refined the gameplay mechanics while adding more complex narrative elements.
While the sales of games have never been high, the series as a whole has sold over one million copies worldwide as of April Multiple Japanese media adaptations have been made, as of, the series consists of five mainline video games, not counting remakes, re-releases and spin-offs.
The only main Fatal Frame title yet to be released in the west is the fourth entry, while a European release was planned, it was eventually cancelled, and no North American release was planned.
A fan translation of the game was released in Outside their international releases, the Fatal Frame games are not numbered and this was due to the series creators considering each entry to be a standalone game, with minimal connections to previous titles.
The first two titles have received expanded re-releases, an expanded port of the original game was released for the Xbox in in Japan and in Western territories. It featured additional story elements, gameplay refinements and a new difficulty setting, for Crimson Butterfly, a Directors Cut for the Xbox was released in in Japan and North America, and in Europe.
The game involves taking pictures of their environments and superimposing ghost images somewhere in the frame. Computing platform — Computing platform means in general sense, where any piece of software is executed.
It may be the hardware or the system, even a web browser or other application. The term computing platform can refer to different abstraction levels, including a hardware architecture, an operating system.
In total it can be said to be the stage on which programs can run. For example, an OS may be a platform that abstracts the underlying differences in hardware, platforms may also include, Hardware alone, in the case of small embedded systems.
Embedded systems can access hardware directly, without an OS, this is referred to as running on bare metal, a browser in the case of web-based software. The browser itself runs on a platform, but this is not relevant to software running within the browser.
An application, such as a spreadsheet or word processor, which hosts software written in a scripting language. This can be extended to writing fully-fledged applications with the Microsoft Office suite as a platform, software frameworks that provide ready-made functionality.
Cloud computing and Platform as a Service, the social networking sites Twitter and facebook are also considered development platforms. A virtual machine such as the Java virtual machine, applications are compiled into a format similar to machine code, known as bytecode, which is then executed by the VM.
A virtualized version of a system, including virtualized hardware, OS, software. These allow, for instance, a typical Windows program to run on what is physically a Mac, some architectures have multiple layers, with each layer acting as a platform to the one above it.
In general, a component only has to be adapted to the layer immediately beneath it, however, the JVM, the layer beneath the application, does have to be built separately for each OS.
The console was released in November and was the first eighth-generation video game console, as it competes with Sonys PlayStation 4, the Wii U is the first Nintendo console to support HD graphics.
The systems primary controller is the Wii U GamePad, which features a touchscreen, and combines directional buttons, analog sticks. The screen can be used either as a supplement to the display, or in supported games.
Online functionality centers around the Nintendo Network platform and Miiverse, a social networking service which allows users to share content in game-specific communities. The Wii U was met with slow consumer adoption, with low sales primarily credited to a lineup of launch titles, third-party support.
Wii U production officially ended in January, on March 3,, Nintendo released a new flagship home console, the Nintendo Switch. With Wii U, Nintendo wished to bring back core gamers and it was decided that a new console would have to be developed to accommodate significant structural changes.
Ideas on which direction to take for the new led to a lot of debate within the company. The concept of a touchscreen embedded within the controller was originally inspired by the light on the Wii disc tray that illuminates to indicate new messages.
Miyamoto and his team wanted to include a screen to provide game feedback. However, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata later stated that he saw no significant reason to include HD into the Wii, miyamoto also expressed Nintendos interest in working with HD graphics, but clarified that the company is primarily focused on gameplay.
On April 25,, Nintendo released a statement announcing a system to succeed the Wii to be released during Speaking at a conference, Iwata stated the Wii successor would offer something new for home game systems.
He also confirmed that the device would not launch in fiscal year, Game was teased, and Electronic Arts then-CEO John Riccitiello appeared on-stage to discuss the companys prospective plans for products on Wii U.
Japan — Japan is a sovereign island nation in Eastern Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies off the eastern coast of the Asia Mainland and stretches from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea, the kanji that make up Japans name mean sun origin.
Japan is an archipelago consisting of about 6, islands. The four largest are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku, the country is divided into 47 prefectures in eight regions.
Hokkaido being the northernmost prefecture and Okinawa being the southernmost one, the population of million is the worlds tenth largest. Japanese people make up Archaeological research indicates that Japan was inhabited as early as the Upper Paleolithic period, the first written mention of Japan is in Chinese history texts from the 1st century AD.
Influence from other regions, mainly China, followed by periods of isolation, from the 12th century until, Japan was ruled by successive feudal military shoguns who ruled in the name of the Emperor.
Japan entered into a period of isolation in the early 17th century. It is also the worlds fourth-largest exporter and fourth-largest importer, although Japan has officially renounced its right to declare war, it maintains a modern military with the worlds eighth-largest military budget, used for self-defense and peacekeeping roles.
Japan is a country with a very high standard of living. The earliest record of the name Nihon appears in the Chinese historical records of the Tang dynasty, at the start of the seventh century, a delegation from Japan introduced their country as Nihon.
It can also be considered a subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea.
North America covers an area of about 24,, square kilometers, about North America is the third largest continent by area, following Asia and Africa, and the fourth by population after Asia, Africa, and Europe.
In, its population was estimated at nearly million people in 23 independent states, or about 7. The so-called Paleo-Indian period is taken to have lasted until about 10, years ago, the Classic stage spans roughly the 6th to 13th centuries.
The Pre-Columbian era ended with the migrations and the arrival of European settlers during the Age of Discovery. Present-day cultural and ethnic patterns reflect different kind of interactions between European colonists, indigenous peoples, African slaves and their descendants, European influences are strongest in the northern parts of the continent while indigenous and African influences are relatively stronger in the south.
Vespucci, who explored South America between and, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans.
He used the Latinized version of Vespuccis name, but in its feminine form America, following the examples of Europa, Asia and Africa. Later, other mapmakers extended the name America to the continent, In Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty, a minutely explored belief that has been advanced is that America was named for a Spanish sailor bearing the ancient Visigothic name of Amairick.
Another is that the name is rooted in a Native American language, the term North America maintains various definitions in accordance with location and context. In Canadian English, North America may be used to refer to the United States, alternatively, usage sometimes includes Greenland and Mexico, as well as offshore islands.
Europe — Europe is a continent that comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, yet the non-oceanic borders of Europe—a concept dating back to classical antiquity—are arbitrary.
Europe had a population of about million as of Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable than close to the coast, Europe, in particular ancient Greece, was the birthplace of Western civilization.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire, during the period, marked the end of ancient history. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art, and science led to the modern era, from the Age of Discovery onwards, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs.
Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers controlled at times the Americas, most of Africa, Oceania. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to economic, cultural, and social change in Western Europe.
Further European integration by some states led to the formation of the European Union, the EU originated in Western Europe but has been expanding eastward since the fall of the Soviet Union in The European Anthem is Ode to Joy and states celebrate peace, in classical Greek mythology, Europa is the name of either a Phoenician princess or of a queen of Crete.
For the second part also the divine attributes of grey-eyed Athena or ox-eyed Hera. Charles de Brosses coined the term in Histoire des navigations aux terres australes and he derived it from the Latin for south of Asia and differentiated the area from Polynesia and the southeast Pacific.
Sometimes the term encompasses the island of New Guinea. Many organisations whose names include the prefix Australasian Society of, limit their scope of operation to just Australia and New Zealand.
From an ecological perspective the Australasia ecozone forms a region with a common geologic and evolutionary history. These three land masses have been separated from other continents, and from one another, for millions of years, all of Australasia shares the Antarctic flora, although the northern, tropical islands also share many plants with Southeast Asia.
Mainland Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania are separated from one another by shallow continental shelves and they share a similar fauna which includes marsupial and monotreme mammals and ratite birds.
Eucalypts are the predominant trees in much of Australia and New Guinea, New Zealand has no extant native land mammals aside from bats, but also had ratite birds, including the kiwi and the extinct moa.
Media related to Australasia at Wikimedia Commons. Survival horror — Survival horror is a subgenre of video games inspired by horror fiction that focuses on survival of the character as the game tries to frighten players with either horror graphics or scary ambience.
The player is challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas. Games make use of horror themes, like dark maze-like environments. The term survival horror was first used for the original Japanese release of Resident Evil in, the name has been used since then for games with similar gameplay, and has been retroactively applied to earlier titles.
Starting with the release of Resident Evil 4 in, the genre began to more features from action games. Still, the horror genre has persisted in one form or another.
Survival horror refers to a subgenre of video games. The player character is vulnerable and under-armed, which emphasis on puzzle-solving and evasion. Games commonly challenge the player to manage their inventory and ration scarce resources such as ammunition, another major theme throughout the genre is that of isolation.
Typically, these games contain relatively few non-player characters and, as a result, frequently tell much of their story second-hand through the usage of journals, texts, or audio logs. While many action games feature lone protagonists versus swarms of enemies in a suspenseful environment and they tend to de-emphasize combat in favor of challenges such as hiding or running from enemies and solving puzzles.
Still, it is not unusual for survival horror games to draw elements from first-person shooters, action-adventure games. Survival horror is different from typical game genres in that it is not defined strictly by specific mechanics, but subject matter, tone, pacing, Survival horror games are a subgenre of horror games, where the player is unable to fully prepare or arm their avatar.
Thus, players are more vulnerable than in games. This gameplay shifts away from combat, and players must learn to evade enemies or turn the environment against them. Games try to enhance the experience of vulnerability by making the single player rather than multiplayer.
The survival horror genre is known for other non-combat challenges, such as solving puzzles at certain locations in the game world. Areas of the world will be off limits until the player gains certain items.
Video game — A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor. The word video in video game referred to a raster display device.
Some theorists categorize video games as an art form, but this designation is controversial, the electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms, examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles.
These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld computing devices, the input device used for games, the game controller, varies across platforms.
Common controllers include gamepads, joysticks, mouse devices, keyboards, the touchscreens of mobile devices, and buttons, or even, with the Kinect sensor, a persons hands and body. Players typically view the game on a screen or television or computer monitor, or sometimes on virtual reality head-mounted display goggles.
There are often game sound effects, music and, in the s, some games in the s include haptic, vibration-creating effects, force feedback peripherals and virtual reality headsets. In the s, the game industry is of increasing commercial importance, with growth driven particularly by the emerging Asian markets and mobile games.
As of, video games generated sales of USD74 billion annually worldwide, early games used interactive electronic devices with various display formats. The earliest example is from —a Cathode ray tube Amusement Device was filed for a patent on 25 January, by Thomas T.
In, Computer Space, created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, was the first commercially sold and it used a black-and-white television for its display, and the computer system was made of 74 series TTL chips.
The game was featured in the science fiction film Soylent Green, Computer Space was followed in by the Magnavox Odyssey, the first home console. Modeled after a late s prototype console developed by Ralph H.
Baer called the Brown Box and these were followed by two versions of Ataris Pong, an arcade version in and a home version in that dramatically increased video game popularity. The commercial success of Pong led numerous other companies to develop Pong clones and their own systems, the game inspired arcade machines to become prevalent in mainstream locations such as shopping malls, traditional storefronts, restaurants, and convenience stores.
The game also became the subject of articles and stories on television and in newspapers and magazines. Space Invaders was soon licensed for the Atari VCS, becoming the first killer app, the term platform refers to the specific combination of electronic components or computer hardware which, in conjunction with software, allows a video game to operate.
The term system is commonly used. Incorporating traits from tablet computers, the GamePad has traditional input methods, touchscreen controls, the touchscreen can be used to supplement a game by providing alternate, second screen functionality or an asymmetric view of a scenario in a game.
The screen can also be used to play a game strictly on the GamePad screen, conversely, non-gaming functions can be assigned to it as well, such as using it as a television remote. Nintendos development team had determined that the Wiis notification light did not provide information to be useful beyond whether it had received content or not.
Satoru Iwata explained that the design is intended to allow players to see games in a different way. With the Wii Us Miiverse social networking functionality, Iwata also likened the controllers screen to a social window, gyroscopic capabilities were added by the team specifically to aid in aiming for first and third person shooter games.
In a prototype shown at E3, the controller had featured circle pads similar to those of the Nintendo 3DS, on June 3,, Nintendo officially unveiled the final version of the controller, named Wii U GamePad, in a video presentation preceding E The presentation confirmed the changes, and unveiled other features making use of the screen.
The GamePads primary feature is its 6. The screen can be used as a supplement to gameplay to provide functionality that can be controlled using the screen. The GamePads display contents are streamed as video from the using a custom protocol.
Nintendos first presentation of the controller in led to confusion upon whether the Wii U would support the use of multiple GamePads, during Nintendos E presentation, it was confirmed that Wii U games can theoretically support up to two GamePads simultaneously.
In the games, Ayane is a master of ninjutsu and is characterised by her complex relationship with her half-sister Kasumi. She is one of the most popular Tecmo characters and is one of Koei Tecmos mascots, Ayane is officially one of the faces of Dead or Alive.
In the series story, Ayane was conceived and born as a result of the evil ninja Raidous rape of Ayame, Kasumis mother and wife of Shiden. Ayane is overshadowed by her half-sister Kasumi and bears jealousy and hatred towards her and her privileged upbringing, the Mugen Tenshin villagers allowed Ayane to stay, but disliked and looked down on her.
Since they were children, Ayane has secretly admired her half-brother Hayate as a way of increasing her self-esteem, Hayate is portrayed as fond of her in return. Besides Kasumi, Ayames ire focusses on Raidou who both created and ruined her life, Ayanes envy towards Kasumi is similar to the hatred Raidou had towards Shiden, Kasumis father.
Depicted as quiet and reserved, Ayane has honed her skills in an attempt to make others see her as more than a child of evil and her deadly fighting style has given her the nickname Female Tengu.
Through most of the series, Ayane was a rival to Kasumi. Ayane has a tsundere personality, is fiercely loyal to Hayate, and admires Ryu Hayabusa. She later became one of the characters of Ninja Gaiden herself.
In the original DOA, Ayane has had neither a background nor in-game plot-line. Ayane encounters and rescues an amnesiac Hayate, who goes by the name Ein, when confronting Helena, Ayane is accused of murdering Helenas mother Maria, but the assassin is later revealed to be Christie.
In Dead or Alive 3, the leader of the Mugen Tenshins Hajin Mon sect and Ayanes former teacher and beloved foster parent, achieving this, she emerges as official winner of the third DOA championship.
Itagaki also described her as the games protagonist character, the introductory sequence to Dead or Alive Ultimate, accompanied by Aerosmiths Dream On, was the first to hint at the origins of Ayane and Kasumis enmity.
She returns as a character in Dead or Alive 5. Ayane follows Kasumi upon Hayates orders, and later discovers that she is in fact really an Alpha clone, Ayane and Hayate learn from Helena that Victor Donovan and his new organization, MIST, plan to sell his Alpha clones as super soldiers to various countries around the world.
It is primarily composed of fast-paced 3D fighting games that begun with the original Dead or Alive in, DOA is the creation of Tomonobu Itagaki, who has since left the company and is no longer working on the series which continues without him.
In addition to its countering-based play system, the franchise is arguably most known for its female characters, a live-action film adaptation DOA, Dead or Alive was released in The Dead or Alive series focuses on fast-paced gameplay in a three-dimensional playing field.
In comparison to others in the game genre, such as Virtua Fighter. There is an emphasis on combos and air-juggles since the games countering system and fast recovery times prevent slow. One of the series most innovative additions to the genre is its countering system, beginning with the original Dead or Alive, players could tap the guard button and a direction corresponding with the anticipated attack, which would do a powerful counterattack.
Counter holds must be timed correctly and match the direction of the attack being countered, there is only one button for punch, kick, throw and guard, with the player rarely having to combine more than two different input schemes together at a time.
The series uses interactive features that appear in certain fighting arenas, fighters caught in a Danger Zone will take extra damage, giving the attacker a slight advantage. These environmental areas can be anything from falls to explosives, since Dead or Alive 2, the series has implemented its tag team fighting system, allowing characters to switch back and forth for combo attacks and even attack simultaneously when timed correctly.
The tag mode also included special throws unique to certain pairs of characters and allows for the participation of four players, Dead or Alive 3 introduced Attack Change, a new tag system feature where the fighting character can switch places with a partner that can attack while jumping in.
Dead or Alive 5 uses a control system and features a more cinematic experience. The games new Critical System features Critical Stuns, Critical Combos, there is also a strong online component, including a spectator mode.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate further added the vertical Power Launcher, in addition to the normal control system, Dead or Alive 5 Plus for the PlayStation Vita features optional touchscreen-based controls from first-person perspective.
The spin-off Xtreme series is based around 2-on-2 matches of beach volleyball. After the original Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, the activities have expanded to include the likes of watercraft racing.
The Dead or Alive series depicts a collection of skilled artists in a worldwide competition named the Dead or Alive tournament. Dead or Alive, the first game in the series, introduced the initial characters, for example, Zack enters for profit, while Kasumi, a runaway female ninja and the series main protagonist, enters the tournament to seek revenge against Raidou who crippled her brother Hayate.
Miko — In Shinto, a miko is a shrine maiden or a supplementary priestess. The traditional attire of a miko would be a pair of red hakama or a long, red, slightly pleated skirt tied with a bow, a white haori, in Shintoism, the color white symbolizes purity.
Miko once performed spirit possession and takusen as vocational functions in their service to shrines, as time passed, they left the shrines and began working independently in secular society.
Miko at shrines today do no more than sit at reception counters, Miko are known by many names, Fairchild lists 26 terms for shrine-attached Miko and 43 for non-shrine-attached Miko.
Other names are ichiko meaning female medium, fortuneteller, and reibai meaning spirit go-between, in English, the word is often translated as shrine maiden, though freer renderings often simply use the phrase female shaman or, as Lafcadio Hearn translated it, Divineress.
Some scholars prefer the transliteration, contrasting the Japanese Mikoism with other Asian terms for female shamans, as Fairchild explains, Women played an important role in a region stretching from Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan to the Ryukyu Islands.
In Japan these women were priests, soothsayers, magicians, prophets and shamans in the folk religion and these women were called Miko, and the author calls the complex Mikoism for lack of a suitable English word.
As Fairchild notes, In A. These bulls were not only aimed at ecstasy, but were aimed at magicians, priests, sorcerers and it was an attempt to gain complete control, while at the same time it aimed at eradicating abuses which were occurring.
Disassociated from a context, her performance moved further away from a religious milieu. As a result, official discourse increasingly repeated negative views of Miko, there was an edict called Miko Kindanrei enforced by security forces loyal to Imperial forces, forbidding all spiritual practices by miko, issued in, by the Religious Affairs Department.
The position of a shaman passed from generation to generation, to achieve this, such a person had to have some potential. To become a shaman, the girl had to undergo intensive training specific to the kuchiyose miko.
The map and layout of the game have been updated to better with the new viewpoint. The graphics and character models are improved, and the costumes were designed with more emphasis on the back since it is constantly in the players view.
Just like in Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, the game contains ghost hands which may randomly pop up when the attempts to pick up an item. Unlike Mask of the Lunar Eclipse however the Ghost Hands can damage Mio, each ghost now has many new attacks and special abilities given to them.
An updated form of Blooming from the 4th game called a Dark Return can randomly occur which restores a ghosts health, makes their attacks do more damage, the old costumes were replaced with new ones.
The amount of healing items in the game has been decreased, a mini-map as well as the system that shows the player where each key goes from Mask of the Lunar Eclipse has been incorporated into this game.
A few unexplained occurrences in the game are now resolved. Many new cutscenes have been added to the game which expand on the story, several of the cutscenes in the original have been extended.
The way the player obtains the endings in the game are no longer determined by what difficulty has been selected, endings are instead determined by how you play the game.
The game receives two completely new endings in addition to the ones obtained from the original and Xbox versions, the game has a new theme song not in the original. The player learns that Minakami Village was host to the Crimson Sacrifice Ritual, in the games present, there is an urban legend about the Lost Village, where people who become lost in the Minakami forest will become trapped forever in the village.
The protagonists, Mio and Mayu Amakura, are sisters who are visiting their favorite childhood playspot in Minakami. The main antagonist is the spirit of Sae Kurosawa, the sole Twin Shrine Maiden sacrificed for the failed ritual.
She yearns to reunite with her twin sister Yae, whom she mistakes Mio for, makabe later became a temporary sacrifice for the Abyss, known as a Kusabi. Although Mio and Mayus story takes place after Miku Hinasakis, the events of Minakami Village occur before those of the Himuro mansion in the original game, IGN called the game an enduring classic that every horror fan should have in their collection.
It is the installment in the Fatal Frame series. The story follows twin sisters Mio and Mayu Amakura as they explore an abandoned village and their lives quickly become threatened when the village spirits begin to possess the pair and target them as sacrifices for an ancient ritual.
Players must use a camera with powers of exorcism to defeat enemies, development of Fatal Frame II began shortly after the completion of the first title.
Because many players were too frightened to finish the original, Tecmo made the story more interesting to encourage players to see it through. Despite this, horror was still the focus of the game.
Director Makoto Shibata kept the nature of spirits in mind during development. Ghosts reappearing in different locations, and being able to feel their presence even after their death were characteristics Shibata felt were indicative of a horror scenario, upon release, Fatal Frame II received positive reviews, and is widely considered to be among the scariest video games ever made.
An Xbox port, subtitled Directors Cut, was released in and included improved visuals, audio, and new gameplay modes. For most of the game, the controls the protagonist Mio Amakura as she.
As they explore the town and uncover its secrets, they defeat enemies in the form of ghosts and spirits by taking pictures of them with an enchanted camera, there are two modes of gameplay, field mode and viewfinder mode.
When in field mode, the player controls Mio directly and can examine items, when the camera is used, the game enters viewfinder mode, from where pictures of ghosts and scenery can be taken.
Information about the film type, lens type, and camera enhancements is visible. Most of the game is spent directing Mio followed closely by Mayu as they explore the village, a filament in the corner of the screen will glow when ghosts or clues are nearby.
Many clues are only visible through the viewfinder, and some ghosts are non-hostile, sometimes Mayu will stop if she finds a clue as well. Other than clues and key items to progress the narrative, consumable items such as health restoratives, fighting spirits by taking pictures of them is a key gameplay mechanic.
When in viewfinder mode, one can take pictures of enemies, more damage can be dealt by snapping shots at certain moments, indicated by the filaments and lights on the camera.
The fourth installment in the Fatal Frame series and the first on a Nintendo console, despite a European release being announced, the game has never been released outside Japan. A fan translation was released in, the story, set on the fictional Rougetsu Island, focuses on Ruka Minazuki, one of a group of girls who was held captive on the island for unknown reasons.
Years after their rescue, still suffering from amnesia, Ruka, the games title stems from a ritual mask key to the story. The gameplay, as previous entries in the series, revolves around the main character exploring environments.
The idea for Mask of the Lunar Eclipse came to series co-creator Keisuke Kikuchi when he first saw the Wii hardware, Kikuchi and series co-creator Makoto Shibata returned as respective producer and director, while Grasshopper Manufactures Goichi Suda acted as co-director, co-writer and designer.
The gameplay concept was making the player literally feel the fear evoked in the game, the addition of further developers to the project enabled the team to reconsider the standard formula, although it proved to be a chaotic experience.
As with previous games, the songs were sung by Tsuki Amano. When released, it became the entry in the series to that date. Environments are navigated from a third-person perspective using the Wii Nunchuk, during exploration, the characters are regularly attacked by hostile spirits, who take away the characters health through touch.
The two central characters can fight off and defeat spirits using the series recurring Camera Obscura, a camera that captures spirits. Shots taken by the Camera Obscura deal varying amounts of damage based on how close the ghost is, the angle of the shot, and these factors are taken together to determine how many points the player is awarded for a shot.
The most damaging type of shot is the Fatal Frame, which is achieved if a shot is taken when the ghost is attacking, points are used as the in-game currency, which can be used to at save points to purchase items such as medicine and other items.
Blue gems scattered around the environment can be used to upgrade the Camera Obscura, types of film range from an unlimited low-quality film that deals little damage to rarer and more powerful film types.
The Camera Obscura and flashlights are controlled with the Wii Remote, should a ghost attack, gestures with the Wii Remote can shake them off. Virtual camera system — In 3D video games, a virtual camera system aims at controlling a camera or a set of cameras to display a view of a 3D virtual world.
Camera systems are used in videogames where their purpose is to show the action at the best possible angle, more generally, as opposed to film makers, virtual camera system creators have to deal with a world that is interactive and unpredictable.
It is not possible to know where the character is going to be in the next few seconds, therefore. To solve this issue, the system relies on certain rules or artificial intelligence to select the most appropriate shots, there are mainly three types of camera systems.
In fixed camera systems, the camera does not move at all, tracking cameras, on the other hand, follow the characters movements. Finally, interactive camera systems are automated and allow the player to directly change the view.
To implement camera systems, video game developers use techniques such as constraint solvers, artificial intelligence scripts, in video games, third-person refers to a graphical perspective rendered from a fixed distance behind and slightly above the player character.
This viewpoint allows players to see a more strongly characterized avatar, games with this perspective often make use of positional audio, where the volume of ambient sounds varies depending on the position of the avatar.
In this kind of system, the set the properties of the camera, such as its position, orientation or field of view. The camera views will not change dynamically, so the place will always be shown under the same set of views.
An early example of this kind of system can be seen in Alone in the Dark. While the characters are in 3D, the background on which they evolve has been pre-rendered, the early Resident Evil games are notable examples of games that use fixed cameras.
The God of War series of games is also known for this technique. One advantage of camera system is that it allows the game designers to use the language of film. Indeed, like filmmakers, they have the possibility to create a mood through camerawork, games that use this kind of technique are often praised for their cinematic qualities.
As the name says, a camera follows the characters from behind. However, there are a number of issues with it, in particular, if the current view is not suitable, it cannot be changed since the player does not control the camera.
First-person video games — In video games, the first person refers to a graphical perspective rendered from the viewpoint of the players character. In many cases, this may be the viewpoint from the cockpit of a vehicle, many different genres have made use of first-person perspectives, ranging from adventure games to flight simulators.
The most notable genre to use of this device is the first-person shooter. Games with a first-person perspective are usually avatar-based, wherein the game displays what the players avatar would see with the avatars own eyes, thus, players typically cannot see the avatars body, though they may be able to see the avatars weapons or hands.
A first-person perspective allows for aiming, since there is no representation of the avatar to block the players view. However, the absence of an avatar can make it difficult to master the timing, players have come to expect first-person games to accurately scale objects to appropriate sizes.
However, key objects such as dropped items or levers may be exaggerated in order to improve their visibility, while many games featured a side-scrolling or top-down perspective during the s and 80s, several early games attempted to render the game world from the perspective of the player.
While light gun shooters often have a perspective, they are distinct from first-person shooters. It is not clear exactly when the earliest such first-person shooter video game was created, there are two claimants, Spasim and Maze War.
The uncertainty about which was first stems from the lack of any accurate dates for the development of Maze War—even its developer cannot remember exactly, in contrast, the development of Spasim is much better documented and the dates more certain.
The initial development of Maze War probably occurred in the summer of, a single player made their way through a simple maze of corridors rendered using fixed perspective. Multiplayer capabilities, with attempting to shoot each other, were probably added later in Spasim was originally developed in the spring of, players moved through a wire-frame 3D universe, with gameplay resembling the 2D game Empire ire.
Graphically, Spasim lacked even hidden line removal, but did feature online multiplayer over the worldwide university-based PLATO network, Spasim had a documented debut at the University of Illinois in The game was a space flight simulator, which featured a first-person perspective.
It displayed a constantly changing S-shaped road with two race cars moving along the road that the player must avoid crashing while racing against the clock. In, Segas arcade space shooter Space Tactics also allowed players to take aim using crosshairs, First-person light gun shooters would rise in popularity during the mids, with Nintendos Duck Hunt being a much-loved example.
Wii — The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, As a seventh-generation console, the Wii competed with Microsofts Xbox, Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of the two others.
The Wii introduced the Wii Remote controller, which can be used as a pointing device. Another notable feature of the console is the now defunct WiiConnect24, like other seventh-generation consoles, it features a game download service, called Virtual Console, which features emulated games from past systems.
It succeeded the GameCube, and early models are fully backward-compatible with all GameCube games, Nintendo first spoke of the console at the E press conference and later unveiled it at E By December 8,, it had completed its launch in the four key markets, in late, Nintendo released a reconfigured model, the Wii Family Edition, which lacks Nintendo GameCube compatibility, this model was not released in Japan.
The Wii Mini can only play Wii optical discs, as it omits GameCube compatibility and all networking capabilities, the Wiis successor, the Wii U, was released on November 18, On October 20,, Nintendo confirmed it had discontinued production of the Wii in Japan and Europe, although the Wii Mini is still in production, the console was conceived in, as the Nintendo GameCube was first released.
According to an interview with Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, the concept involved focusing on a new form of player interaction, the consensus was that power isnt everything for a console.
Too many powerful consoles cant coexist and its like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction, in, game engineers and designers were brought together to develop the concept further.
By the controller interface had taken form, but a showing at that years Electronic Entertainment Expo was canceled. Miyamoto stated that the company had some troubleshooting to do, so we decided not to reveal the controller and instead we displayed just the console.
Designer Kenichiro Ashida noted, We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii and we thought about copying the DSs touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype.
The idea was rejected because of the notion that the two gaming systems would be identical. The group had the task of developing innovative games, assisting other development teams on projects.
Deputy Manager, Yoshio Sakamoto Group Manager, Katsuya Yamano Production Group No, 1s primary focus was the development and co-production of video game software and software applications for Nintendo home and handheld consoles, in cooperation with second-party developers.
The Group Manager and main producer is Hitoshi Yamagami, with the directing and planning team including a collective of talented personnel. The team was responsible for all the additional Wii Channels, the Nintendo DSi system software and more recently, Nintendo SDD also went on to develop several innovative retail games.
The philosophy behind development was to out of the box. With a census-estimated population of 3,,, it is the second-most populous city in the United States, Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated county in the United States.
The city was founded on September 4,, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became a part of Mexico in following the Mexican War of Independence, in, at the end of the Mexican—American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States.
Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4,, the discovery of oil in the s brought rapid growth to the city. The completion of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in, delivering water from Eastern California, nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, and sprawling metropolis.
Los Angeles also has an economy in culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, education, medicine. A global city, it has been ranked 6th in the Global Cities Index, the city is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields, and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States.
The city has hosted the Summer Olympic Games in and and is bidding to host the Summer Olympics and thus become the second city after London to have hosted the Games three times. The Queen of the Angels is an honorific of the Virgin Mary, two-thirds of the settlers were mestizo or mulatto with a mixture of African, indigenous and European ancestry.
The settlement remained a small town for decades, but by Mount Osore — Mount Osore is the name of a Buddhist temple and folk religion pilgrimage destination in the center of remote Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture, in the northern Tohoku region of northern Japan.
The temple is located in the caldera of a volcano and is believed in Japanese mythology to be one of the gates to the underworld. The mountain is one peak of the Osozezan Mountain Range, a series of eight somma volcanos ranging from east to west in the centre of Shimokita Peninsula, Mount Osore has a height of metres.
Although Mount Osore last erupted over 10, years ago, Lake Usori is a caldera lake at the center of Mount Osore, with highly acidic waters. A unique feature of Bodai-ji is the presence of mediums known as itako claim to summon the souls of the dead and deliver messages in their voices.
These mediums were traditionally blind and had to receive extensive training and purification rituals, however, in modern times their number has dwindled. The temple has a twice-yearly Itako Taisai festival held in summer, the temple also maintains a hot spring resort for use by pilgrims and tourists.
The work of contemporary artist Nara Yoshitomo, who is a native of Aomori Prefecture, is believed to be influenced, if at least subconsciously, by Mount Osore.
As part of a collection of fungi, artist Takeshi Yamada created the Oh-dokuro-dake. As Japans mediums die, ancient tradition fades, the New York Times, p. The art of cute things, Nara Yoshitomos parapolitics.
Dead or Alive 5 — It is the first Dead or Alive game to have a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 as well as the series first installment that was released for the PlayStation 3. The game received favorable reviews.
A portable and expanded version for the PlayStation Vita, entitled Dead or Alive 5 Plus, was released in, the next version, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox later in, with an arcade version to follow.
By mid, all versions of the game sold over 1. Training Mode has more features than the previous Dead or Alive games, the fighting gameplay is based on that of Dead or Alive 3, with several changes.
Tag team battles from the previous DOA games have been retained, the fights take place in interactive and now more highly-destructive arenas. A new feature called Power Blow enables the players to knock the opponent character away in a selected direction, the games Critical System features Critical Stuns, Critical Combos and Critical Bursts.
It is not told in order and is instead divided into a series of interconnected chapters following various characters. There are two storylines, one telling the story of the fifth tournament, and the other one centered around the hunt for Alpha Characters from the storylines often interact with each other in minor ways.
Ayane, a Japanese kunoichi and Kasumis half-sister who regards Kasumi as a traitor for breaking their shinobi code, Hayate, the Japanese leader of the Mugen Tenshin clan and Kasumis brother.
He was once known as Ein when he lost his memory after having been used as a guinea pig for Project Epsilon. Zack, an eccentric American DJ, host of DOA tournament, Zack is travelling around the world to invite fighters for the tournament, also using this as an occasion to fight against them.
Bayman, a Russian ex-Spetsnaz soldier and assassin and now a mercenary who is using combat sambo, in the game, Bayman is pursuing a mysterious attacker that has almost killed him, leaving him with a vicious scar.
It was formerly led by Tomonobu Itagaki and is best known for the Ninja Gaiden action-adventure game series and the Dead or Alive fighting game series. In the same statement announcing his resignation, he announced that he was filing a lawsuit against Tecmo over unpaid bonuses for his work on Dead or Alive 4 for the Xbox It was later reported that he was fired from Tecmo on June 18, in retaliation for his lawsuit, many of his colleagues at Team Ninja quit as well to join him at his new game development team, Valhalla Game Studios.
Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Shuhei Yoshida said in a statement, Its due to cultural differences, the West has its own thinking about how to depict women in games media which is different from Japan.
In, they released Nioh, which has received multiple revisions and has been in development since Dead or Alive, Code Chronos - A prequel to the Dead or Alive series, which was going to focus on the backstory of Kasumi and Ayane and it was cancelled in November Computer Entertainment Rating Organization — It was established in July as a branch of Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association, and became an officially recognized nonprofit organization in Personal computer games are rated by a different organization, the Ethics Organization of Computer Software, on March 1,, CERO implemented the latest revision of its ratings system.
According to Kazuya Watanabe, CEROs senior director, the group of assessors is composed of three people, unaffiliated with the game industry. They are trained by rating past games, the ratings process is determined by 30 different types of content ranging from sexual content to violence.
In addition six types of content are not allowed, each content is rated using the A to Z scale that the labels use. After the group evaluates the game, the results are sent to CEROs main office where the final rating attempts to use the majority of the evaluators ratings.
Its A rating was revoked and it was given a B rating instead, one of these features several characters in a hot spring with their genitalia barely covered or their buttocks visible.
There are also some shots and see-through articles of clothing throughout the game. The in-game camera can also be scrolled to view female characters underwear, the game was originally rated for all ages due to Gust allegedly not providing them with the complete content of the game for them to review.
Niconico or nikoniko is the Japanese ideophone for smiling, as of September, Niconico is the eighth most visited website in Japan. The site won the Japanese Good Design Award in, users can upload, view and share video clips.
Unlike other video sharing sites, however, comments are overlaid directly onto the video and this allows comments to respond directly to events occurring in the video, in sync with the viewer—creating a sense of a shared watching experience.
Tags may be edited by any user, not just the uploader, Each video may have up to ten tags, of which up to five may be optionally locked by the uploader, but all others may be edited by any user.
Frequently these tags are used not only as categorization, but also as critical commentary, satire, the site is also known for its MAD videos and its medleys of popular songs on the website, most notably Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga.
Certain original net animations have been distributed on the website, such as Candy Boy, Tentai Senshi Sunred, other features include, High video quality, Niconico encourages users to pre-encode their videos in a format suitable for unmodified distribution.
As of July 5,, H. All users can create up to 25 mylist folders, while a basic account can have videos recorded, daily mylist activity is used to compute the default ranking view, although one may also sort by view or comment count.
Mylists may be made public and linked to, for example. Uploader comments, The uploader of a video may attach permanent comments to the video and these are often used for such things as subtitles, lyrics, or corrections.
The first version of Niconico used YouTube as a video source, however, as the site became more popular, so much traffic was transferred from YouTube that YouTube blocked access from Niconico.
Consequently, Niconico was forced to shut down the service but two later it commenced its service with its own video server.
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