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For the uninitiated, adoptable storage basically takes your microSD card and your internal storage and combines them into one pool, automatically installing apps and other files wherever the OS sees fit. Need to know if work or home number being called. Our main newsletter is the Android Weekly which is sent every Sunday and contains all the top Android news, reviews and features from the past week.
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I'm thinking probably not. I'd have expected it to work just fine. 6 inch android phones questions It has the exact same "data switch issue" which loses non-data SIM to "2G only" I have been following your updates — thank you. May have been flashing the F BTU. I would expect the XSA ver 7 to be similar although I have not tried it myself.
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Don't combine different firmwares. I'm running the S7E one and it is fine.
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I have no clue here That is the same version I have. Yesterday is upgraded itself from D1 to DN no problem. I just checked now in the FD section of Sammobile Yet, while other manufacturers — such as HTC and even Apple — had focused on providing larger pixels with lower megapixel counts, Samsung stuck to its guns and delivered quality through a larger amount of pixels, until now that is.
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19.02.2018 - Is the new camera better than last year though? Time to pull the trigger and upgrade. Saying because it is non Australian firmware and I had heard somewhere that it tap and pay will not work on phones with non australian firmwares? Ken, did you end up getting the S7E? While this year saw Samsung increase the screen size of the Galaxy S7 Edgethe Korean manufacturer has largely kept the same design in the Galaxy S7. Sim 2 is roaming.
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16.02.2018 - Any update on this? But there's only the Russian Nougat at the moment. I'm on it now. Can anyone confirm please? See the last post of the very first page in this thread. Looking at Kogan and DWI.
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25.03.2018 - Simply switching off the SIMs didn't work for me. Although I have read the whole thread myself. It's not like you are messing around with the root directory "rooting" to install custom developed roms, etc. By far the most interesting of these and probably the most controversial is the ability to turn off the app drawer on your Galaxy S7. Haven't used dual dims and don't intend to, I have a micro sd card in the 2nd slot so can't help with any of that sorry.
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18.02.2018 - Here are some screenshots http: Mine was but check the specs or email them — things change. I even tried to flash S7 onto my S7E by total mistake. Yes that is my understanding also. Enabling data roaming has no effect. I'm thinking just based on what people are saying that there might be some disconnect between what the modem in the phone is now capable of with updated software and what the SIM Manager software in the phone is set up for. The decision to switch back to the more familiar two-processor strategy is certainly not without its critics, but the addition of microSD expansion, USB On-the-go support and IP68 resistance makes the Galaxy S7 one of the most feature-packed smartphones on the market.
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If you put your cursor over "smart phones" then under network, select "dual sim full active". Seems to be advertising a whole bunch of phones as fully active dual sims, the P9 is there along with some others.
Haha havent narrowed it down at all for myself Hey Di3trich, Thanks mate cant wait to see. Also what will you do when 2G connection is cut? Here is a screenshot of the dual sim settings https: This would allow me to have 2 sim cards in the one phone.
This means I will not need to have multiple sim cards in different continents. When I get back home I'll then use the 2nd sim card slot as an SD card slot as the 2g sim card slot will become useless next year and revert back to my telstra sim in slot 1 The idea of having one phone to do all of the above sounds more appealing than having to carry two.
Does this sound feasible or does anyone have any suggestions to improve this arrangement? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! It would be good to see more discussion on this topic.
When I ask questions on the S7 general discussion I rarely get replies. Has anyone flashed the single sim firmware onto their device? I have read that if you do this then you will still retain full dual sim functionality.
I also note that people have been able to get voLTE on their Telstra service. Lastly I don't think that I have Knox on my phone. I think that I saw an option to install it which of course I didn't.
Can anyone confirm this? If it is not on the phone then would we be able to root without anything being flagged? Hi All, The telstra 2g will be switched off tomorrow 1st Dec I am using samsung s7 edge duos.
I noticed when I first set up to have both sim working last time Jan Recently after the phone last phone update Oct I am not sure is that means i will still able to have both active after the switch off.
I think we should be able to find out tomorrow. Bit of a side note but a warning to those who are looking to buy a dual sim S7 Edge. We have just returned from Singapore and unfortunately my wife's S7 Edge screen got cracked ironically enough by an Apple Watch.
Despite having a tempered glass screen protector, the 20cm drop of her SS Apple Watch happened to knock the edge which was resting on a bed and now it's cracked through. Cutting a long story short, we are struggling to get it repaired.
Samsung Australia has repeatedly said to us there is no way they can repair it nor replace the screen nor order the parts in from overseas despite Samsung Singapore telling us they would be able to.
We tried visiting the retail service centre as well as calling the hotlines and they've all confirmed no support offered for international models particularly the dual sim as it's not sold locally.
I did ask if it's just the screen piece shouldn't that be the same but they've said even if so they aren't able to touch it and would decline the repair even if it was submitted.
The only possible solution suggested was to approach a third party repairer i. When I tried just now it didn't work. The 2 sim still working fine after the switch off. I did try to set one of the sim to 2G only cause I am not sure has Telstra switch off totally on scheduled to start switching on today one after another.
Looks like that is possible according to tiidawif, can anyone else confirm? The only issue is, other than having different ringtones, is there a way to distinguish between which Sim is being used when there is an incoming call?
Have to wait for the official Nougat update for GFD. If you get a chance, could you give this trick a try and report back: Then for the other sim set it to 3G. Then turn on the sim that you turned off.
I'm thinking perhaps it's only a trick that works on Nougat. Or maybe it just doesn't work and the suggestion is mistaken, I'm not sure at this point. I suspect 2 sims do work but one is data and the other voice I'm downloading the BTU Nougat.
I suspect that one is actually 2G as well, but I'm holding out for the XSA release to check for myself. As for setting up Authenticator again, have you considered giving Authy a go? I have ordered the phone and it's on the way.
It would be great if 3G works on the second sim with the 7. I don't think there is an official 7. I'm putting off for now. The good news is I successfully flashed no problem. Set everything up easy.
Has the blue light filter which can be set to come on at sunset and off at sunrise And the other good news is Worked exactly as I wanted it to. Can make and receive calls on both lines.
I'll be getting mine next week hopefully, I'll flash it straight to 7. Good news, hopefully it'll be the same as the F firmwares continue to roll out. What happens when your 4G data SIM receives a call?
Does it do back to 3G and disconnect the other SIM or are they both able to hold a 3G connection at the same time? The other is showing as 3G. Since they're both voice, they each took the calls I made from a landline.
I'm not too bothered about that TBH. Have you tried switching the modes for the SIM cards, changing which one is responsible for data and see if that then forces one onto 2G?
I'm thinking just based on what people are saying that there might be some disconnect between what the modem in the phone is now capable of with updated software and what the SIM Manager software in the phone is set up for.
Hence the use of slightly odd tricks to work around the limits. Then replacing the SIM Switching voice and texts is fine. Ok, that's useful to know and explains where this confusion about capability is coming from.
Hopefully Samsung will sort this out in future builds as they go along. This is the thing. But carriers in the UK and Aus and I'm pretty sure US as well are dead against people having 2 sims, because it gives them freedom.
I just checked now in the FD section of Sammobile I reckon this would let you switch data. But it is Russian I'm just hanging out for something so I can identify which number is being called for my dual sim.
The only way at the moment is by ringtone, but that doesn't work as my phone is on silent most of the time Hopefully Nougat changes this. I have to agree.
Need to know if work or home number being called. Am on Nougat now BTU build But there's only the Russian Nougat at the moment. Does it have other CSCs inside? Would that keep the XSP?
If you set icons for each SIM on the top notification bar where the signal strength is you will notice that the SIM icons will switch depending on which SIM is calling and the signal strength of the sim calling has a square around it.
Also if you are actively using the phone and you only get the small calling rectangle notification you will notice the calling SIM icon as well. I think it's pretty average as who is looking at tiny symbols at the top of their phone when someone is calling, but now that I know it satisfies my need of answering the phone differently for work calls.
Thanks so much for pointing out. I think it's okay. If you mute the ringtone, you kind of don't want to know For those that have been hanging out for the official Nougat GFD firmware from Thailand, I believe it has now just dropped.
You can grab it from Updato. This is labelled XME but on installing the writing looks a lot like the Thai writing during the setup. So I'd say it defaults to THL same as before.
Maybe someone can someone try the 6. I don't remember that happening, but then it wasn't a focus for me. Well that's just weird. I'd have expected it to work just fine. I wonder if the problem is specific to the S7 Edge or if the S7 will have this as well.
If you set icons for each SIM on the top notification bar where the signal strength is you will notice that the SIM icons will switch depending on which SIM is calling.
Everything seems to be working fine so far. It has the exact same "data switch issue" which loses non-data SIM to "2G only", very annoying. Must be a bug.
It has the exact same "data switch issue" which loses non-data SIM to "2G only". I have been following your updates — thank you. Am I correct in assuming that with all of the 7.
Or would you go with the Russian GFD firmware instead? This is what I do. But still, a bug is a bug. I wanted it to work same as the THL 6. To recap how to avoid the problem: Once completed and running, then pop in SIM 2.
If you flash it and bring it up with both SIMs in, it sets the 2nd one to 2G only. There are tiny differences I got the XME really THL named as FD from them so whether it was actually only a F version and there really is a difference maybe the data-sim-switch bug who knows.
I might, if I can be bothered. See if it works better. I downloaded it last night and compared them with MD5: On that basis, the data-sim bug glitch is in the SER as well, therefore no value in loading that.
I'm backtracking on this. If you had BTU, it might not be updated until a non-dual problem is fixed. Then again, because much bigger user base, BTU might be quicker updates anyway, and will include any to-date FD fixes.
I can't seem to find this firmware on either Updato or Sammobile. Perhaps it has been removed? I think I'll just go with BTU for now. All of my data is on the cloud anyway so it's a pretty quick process to update again if something else comes along.
At least that gets me started on 7. I think it has and I think it's because of the data-sim bug. That should work and it doesn't. No point having people downloading.
The weird thing is I think that's human error. Downloads at about my connection's max speed. It's strange that it needs to switch it, but it's not a major issue.
I haven't tried it myself yet and if you have a current THL firmware installed you can almost certainly get the OTA update now. Current firmware version is: These versions must be exactly same as written above.
If any of them is different, wipe the phone again with ALL the files included in the downloaded firmware zip. Don't combine different firmwares. Easiest way is to download "Phone Info Samsung" app https: This is what happened in the end.
I installed the October version of THL because was on my machine and the data-sim switch worked fine. Got some OTAs up to the last 6. Just now I flashed from the for 7.
This was painless and more importantly the data-sim switch works. Still wondering why I had such problems with Nougat on the dual sim. I always fully flashed all files but anyway once I had the THL 6.
May have been flashing the F BTU. Apologies if anyone had similar problems doing the same as I did. I was running OJV 6. Switching back left the non LTE sim as 2G. The other issue I have is that the notification LED doesn't work now.
When fully charged it is on but any emails messages etc don't show. Anyone have a fix? Had to turn it off, restart and turn it on. Some apps now behave differently so need a bit of fiddling.
I have no clue here If it still doesn't work, you can probably try mryy's method: No, don't recognise this one. I'm sure you checked you've not inadvertently put notifications off.
Might have had it but when I had the switch glitch I didn't hang around too long. Obvs not a problem on my current 7. My thinking is not to try to fix this particular thing but instead install 7.
I kind of had to do this because I was trying quite a few builds! I think you were right earlier on. It seems a change of CSC is what causes the problem. Even though you flash all 4 files and I wiped factory reset etc still something seems to have carried over and caused the new build to glitch.
Hence my going back to non Checked for updates and Nougat was pushed OTA I have an issue with email Hotmail using the stock app only syncing over wifi with both sim cards on.
Sim1 is set to LTE for voice, data and sms. Sim 2 is roaming. Enabling data roaming has no effect. If I open the email app and refresh then I receive the emails but the only way I can get contacts to sync is connect to wifi or turn off sim 2.
I have another push app Line that works fine on or off wifi and internet browsing and app updates work fine. I have an odd issue with email Hotmail only syncing over wifi with both sim cards on.
Sim1 is set to LTE for voice data and sms. When I have Sim 2 on email doesn't sync but as soon as i turn it off it works. I don't seem to have any problem. I set up the stock email client with a spare Gmail account and it received notifications of new mail within the default 15 min cycle.
Gmail account and it received notifications of new mail within the default 15 min cycle. I have three email accounts on my phone: This receives emails as it should. Sync option is 15 Mins.
Allow Background data and Allow unrestricted data are enabled. I've cleared Data and Cleared the Cache but that didn't help. Still looking but wondering if the Nougat update will help.
Which would be a reliable store to get the FD version? Thanks, so it is an Exynos processor? And camera same as the single sim? Camera is a top priority besides the dual sim option.
Set "Sync data while roaming" to "Use sync schedule above" even if you are not roaming and everything works as it should. There definitely seems to be a bug in the stock Samsung email app with it not correctly determining if the active data sim is roaming.
Is that correct — and does it still give all the Telstra and Vodaphone bands esp Telstra band 28? Both these models have all the AU bands. Check with this website: You can buy these models from various places I think Kogan will give an AU warranty but you need to check.
Basically plug in your SIMs and find out. I am a bit concerned after reading through the thread it is a bit complicated? Above you quote using Odin to install the firmware, can you elaborate, what is Odin?
And if I go ahead and do this am I likely to encounter any problems? Why is this different? The complicated part is the needing to flash Android 6. Has been described above. Shouldn't be necessary to go back, but for me and at least one other poster there was a bug in the initial 7.
Odin is a Windows software semi-official from Samsung. Personally I would only get it from there not anywhere else. That site has brief instructions. Basically it does the actual flashing from your PC to the phone.
For how to use Odin, I would recommend doing what I did Google "odin flash" etc and read up. There are youtubes on it and pages on XDA. When you see 2 or more doing the same thing It's fairly straightforward and safe as long as you follow instructions.
Ask a specific question here, but I think you'll find most have been answered somewhere out there. If you follow instructions it is pretty safe. But it has to be at your risk, obviously. As I say, research it first and you'll get the hang.
It's safer than rooting and custom ROMs. Since dual sim is not official in Australia, you need a CSC where it is. Go back through the earlier posts to find the 6. I tried flashing the wrong build and it kept failing thank goodness.
But don't do it if you can avoid it. Actually you ought to research CSC as well before doing anything. You'll see how it works. All this does work, but it is an adventure too.
First of all, get your FD duos phone. If it doesn't work how you want, then you need to look for the right file. Can anyone give me a link to the S7 Edge version or the correct version details?
Sorry to ask but I am just on a quick work break and only have my phone to browse. I wasn't going to put the Thai version on my phone but it may be worth it. I will go through this thread and others when I have more time Here's some stuff, will help anyone else wondering which files to select.
Actually Updato files are faster to download and I'm using them. Search in Updato and XDA for comments. Extract unzip the firmware file Download Odin v3. It might be all you need.
If the data sim switch doesn't work and you don't fancy the workaround mentioned earlier Go through a basic install, then flash the four 7. This is how I got 7. I think that I will just flash the 6. Will it automatically update to 7.
Will I still have to do the roaming thing? I am a bit confused about the sim switching and roaming probably because I have not done it yet. Great guide thank you so much: It will get an OTA as some point but I got frustrated waiting managed 24 hrs.
So I applied 7. Waiting for the OTA isn't so bad. The differences aren't so huge with Nougat. I wonder if it will get the dual sim update? Which one is BTA? Which Android version is it? Well the official 7.
However I did have that data sim glitch. Hence I went the THL path 6. THL definitely does not have any problem and all the files are intended for a dual sim machine.
I spent a lot of time flashing and reflashing I flashed THL 6. I did have to prompt for 7 About device, Download updates manually. Just be aware that all up there is around 1.
Doea this affect android pay or any other tap and pay services? Saying because it is non Australian firmware and I had heard somewhere that it tap and pay will not work on phones with non australian firmwares?
Is there a trick to get it to work on the UK firmware? Mine didn't work but I have had an update since. Also it would probably affect banks' NFC apps but their Android apps should be fine.
Purchased the S7 Edge Dual Sim last year. On waking one morning the phone was off I never turn it off. It wasn't charged overnight, so thought I may have mis-read the charge left. Put it on charge, then by lunch it still wouldnt turn on.
Checked all the cables and charger and left it to charge overnight — still unresponsive. Tried different charger, difference cables work in other devices and the phone won;t even aknowledge it is on charge — nada.
It was in pristine condition screen protector and xdoria defense case protector. The phone has been assessed and deemed irreparable — after just four months use. I think that it looked like it would work but when I switched it didn't.
The BTU doesn't work when switching data sim. I might have mentioned this earlier. There's a workaround some Reddit guy found out Page back a bit, it's mentioned. My advice has been to flash with THL 6.
Then upgrade to 7. No more data sim switching bug. How have you been finding the THL firmware now that you've lived with it for a while? Is there much in the way of 'extra' apps in there?
Not sure what you mean by that. I just mean their tap and pay NFC options. I know the Westpac one needs an AU build to work. But the rest of their banking app doesn't require AU build.
In that case its using snapdragon not Exynos? Exynos is superior though. Anyway its grey import stock only even if you can get the dual SIM, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the Motorola G4 plus for local warranty.
It sounds like lucky I didn't buy the dual SIM phone You better claim a replacement or repair warranty from whoever you bought it from. If they cna't repair surely if you bought from a reputable store should have some sort of after sales support.
Ok, that's what I thought. I expect they would need not only the band but the band as well. Can anyone confirm please? The Updato version is also B7 not B8.
The manual path is easy enough, but there are several steps. I've only tried this when I have the latest software, so it doesn't show me anything. For you, did it show the update was available?
I did try this but it said no update available. When I connected via USB to Smartswitch it said there was an update available — I have pre-download updates ticked in Smartswitch settings.
It wasn't very quick but overall probably took about the same time as it would to download from Updato and flash with Odin. That was what I wanted to know. I might try this next time.
I can't stand knowing there's an update out there but waiting for my turn on the OTA queue. I really don't want to go through the whole process of setting up again. What is the best way to restore or should I really just start over again?
I would prefer to not start with a full restore but have the option to do a full restore if I do encounter issues. I am after the S7 Edge version. Is there a direct link from Updato or do I have to use another link?
If you read through the whole thread I believe all your questions are already answered. It's worthwhile if you plan to flash the rom. Its not a hard ask for someone who knows the latest stuff to let me know.
Or if you know so much then maybe you can help me rather than tell me to read through it all again. I know how to flash stuff Also under the hood is LTE Cat 9 support, meaning you can download on the go at speeds of up to Mbps.
Given that the majority of mobile networks currently only support speeds of up to Mbps, this means the Galaxy S7 is future proofed against the next generation of mobile network rollout.
Overall, Samsung has certainly made some interesting changes to the hardware under the hood of the Galaxy S7 this year. The decision to switch back to the more familiar two-processor strategy is certainly not without its critics, but the addition of microSD expansion, USB On-the-go support and IP68 resistance makes the Galaxy S7 one of the most feature-packed smartphones on the market.
This year however, Samsung has increased the battery capacity but does it get it right, and does the Galaxy S7 have enough juice in the tank to power you through a whole day or more? Simply put, it definitely does.
At mAh, the battery in the Galaxy S7 is Josh regularly achieved 4 to 5 hours SoT while my usage — which involved a fair amount of phone calls — saw me usually fall between 3.
By way of comparison, the Galaxy S7 Edge scores 6 hours and 49 minutes for the Exynos variant and 6 hours and 40 minutes for the Snapdragon version. Although the Snapdragon Galaxy S7 does seem to have the edge, the results suggest that battery life is still more than satisfactory on either model.
The Exynos model average 8 hours and 8 minutes, while the Snapdragon averages 7 hours and 22 minutes. Testing this further, the battery can take up to 2 hours to charge to full but generally, it will charge in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Overall, fully charging the battery from empty using a Samsung wireless charging pad that was designed for the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus mind you takes between 3 and 4 half hours, although the wireless charging pad designed for the Galaxy S7 may improve this speed.
Arguably one of the best smartphones that Samsung has ever released, the Note 4 bought with it the first Android camera that was universally recognised as being best-in-class in the smartphone market.
Last year saw Samsung build on this, with exceptional cameras built into both, the Galaxy S6 line up and the Galaxy Note 5, and in the latter, we had a smartphone camera that — albeit with some faults — could be relied on to always capture a scene.
Yet, while other manufacturers — such as HTC and even Apple — had focused on providing larger pixels with lower megapixel counts, Samsung stuck to its guns and delivered quality through a larger amount of pixels, until now that is.
Following the lead of the Nexus 6P — which trades a higher megapixel count for larger pixel size and hence, much better lowlight performance — the Galaxy S7 drops the megapixel count from 16MP in the Galaxy S6 to 12MP, but brings with other improvements.
Is the new camera better than last year though? The drop in number of pixels has also seen Samsung increase the amount of noise reduction, which further results in slightly less sharp images than you might be used to from Samsung cameras.
HDR on Samsung smartphones has previously been quite forceful, but the company has made it subtler in the Galaxy S7, resulting in a less profound effect on overall images. While the daylight images have potentially taken a slight drop, the Galaxy S7 truly shines in low light mode.
Thanks to the larger pixel size — the Galaxy S7 now sports pixels with 1. One particular nice feature in the front camera — as Josh points out — is that you can shoot QHD video using the front facing camera, rather than Full HD on past devices even if they were technically capable of shooting QHD.
Daylight pictures have arguably taken a slight drop, but the low light performance has been treated to considerable gains. For many years, TouchWiz has had a particularly bad stigma attached to it, and rightly so, as the interface was clunky, slow and lacking in anything that remotely resembled optimisation.
Yet, the Galaxy S6 family was the entire opposite of this and ushered in a new era where TouchWiz was, well, nothing like TouchWiz before it. In, Samsung trimmed large amounts of the preloaded apps and features i.
With both, the Galaxy S6 family and the Galaxy Note 5, there were reports that Samsung was aggressively managing RAM by shutting down applications, but with the Galaxy S7, this seems to be a thing of the past.
Yes, there are certainly areas of the launcher that suffer from slight stutters that have become synonymous with TouchWiz, and there is a slight delay when swiping into Upday international or Flipboard USA, but overall, TouchWiz is fast, responsive and a pleasure to use.
Rather than focus on every individual feature that TouchWiz has to offer and make this review thousands of words longer than it already is, we plan to explore the software in more detail — and its evolution over the past few years — in an in-depth feature focus that will be coming to you in the weeks to come.
With the launch of the Galaxy S6 family, Samsung introduced a new Theme engine that allowed you to customise the look and feel of your smartphone without too much fuss or bother.
However, as we covered back then, the number of themes available was certainly very sparse and the theme engine was more of promise for the future than a feature you would use heavily in the present.
Fast forward a year and the theme store is a very different place now with hundreds of different themes to choose from. Lifestyle lover, obsessed with travel, interested in landmarks or just want some funny animals on your screen?
The dialler lets you set speed dials, displays suggested contacts as you type numbers or the letters they represent and can automatically scan unknown numbers to inform you whether they are known marketing or spam calls.
In the Galaxy S7, the floating window seems to be more responsive and dragging content between windows in split-screen mode has certainly had some welcome improvements under the hood as well.
Overall, Samsung definitely does multi-tasking well and in the Galaxy S7, the experience has been refined further yet. Mobile payments is certainly not a new feature but the past twelve months has seen this growing market gain even further attention from OEMs.
Apple introduced Apple Pay and bought mobile payments to mainstream consumers, and then both Samsung, and Google, have followed up with Samsung Pay and Android Pay respectively. In the Galaxy S6 and onwards, including the Galaxy S7 , these features have been combined into the new Smart Manager app, which makes it easier to see pertinent information about several features on your smartphone.
Furthermore, an entire section dedicated to battery lets you customise your power usage, turn on power saving or ultra power saving modes, and access battery usage information. The first of these puts all of your games into a special folder and allows you to launch games quickly, turn off notifications and turn on power saving mode while gaming.
The Gaming Tools is likely to be much more useful however, as it enables a tiny icon that overlays your game in the corner of your screen in a rather unobtrusive way it must be said, and expanding it lets you turn off alerts, lock the recent apps and back keys, minimise the game, take a screenshot, or even screen record your gameplay.
Specifically, I always tend to hit the recent apps or back keys during a game so being able to lock them is certainly welcome, as is not being disturbed by notifications.
You know the old adage about how companies should learn from their customers? Well, with its Galaxy Labs, Samsung is aiming to do just this, by allowing Galaxy users to experiment with features and ideas it has, and vote on whether they like or dislike them.
By far the most interesting of these and probably the most controversial is the ability to turn off the app drawer on your Galaxy S7. Worth mentioning however, is that the Galaxy Labs option has been removed from Verizon and T-Mobile branded handsets, and has likely been removed from all carrier branded models in the US, although international users should find the feature in-tact.
As a long time Galaxy user, the transformation of TouchWiz over the past few years has certainly been stark, and with the Galaxy S7, Samsung has merely sought to refine the experience further.
Although there is ever so slight lag in the launcher when loading up the home screen news service, the rest of the experience is fast, snappy and very responsive. For many users, the thought of TouchWiz brings with it many bad memories of previous generations, but I can say with a large degree of certainty, that Samsung has reworked its software entirely since the Galaxy S5 and many of the concerns that users had, should no longer be present.
Did it achieve this? The Galaxy S7 very much epitomises the perfect smartphone. Josh takes it further saying:. However, as good as the Galaxy S7 is, the question remains as to where Samsung goes from here.
Until then however, Josh puts it best when he says:. What do you think of the Galaxy S7 and do you plan to buy one? Best Galaxy S7 Accessories. Android Authority newsletter The best way to stay connected to the Android pulse.
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Home android 7 0 samsung s7 edge mobile.
30.01.2018 - Well, the Galaxy S7 is also the first Samsung smartphone that allows you to hot-swap the SIM card, meaning you can change SIMs and pick up coverage again without needing to restart your phone. Download the most recent one. If the problem was warranty, well that's a different thing, but you can get it fixed for sure. Oneplus one vs iphone 6 plus speed test - Windows... I have an issue with email Hotmail using the stock app only syncing over wifi with both sim cards on. THL definitely does not have any problem and all the files are intended for a dual sim machine.
Nov 09, · Top Threads in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Guides, News, & Discussion by ThreadRank [App] News, & Discussion ALL ABOUT Android FOR S7 & S7 EDGE by mariolcela. Free shipping on eBay30 Day Money Back · Daily Deals · All Listings · Product softik. org is rated ( reviews). The Android Nougat update for the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is here and we've covered the software changes at length. We've also promptly retested.
Perhaps it has been removed? I think I'll just go with BTU for now. All of my data is on the cloud anyway so it's a pretty quick process to update again if something else comes along.
At least that gets me started on 7. I think it has and I think it's because of the data-sim bug. That should work and it doesn't. No point having people downloading. The weird thing is I think that's human error.
Downloads at about my connection's max speed. It's strange that it needs to switch it, but it's not a major issue. I haven't tried it myself yet and if you have a current THL firmware installed you can almost certainly get the OTA update now.
Current firmware version is: These versions must be exactly same as written above. If any of them is different, wipe the phone again with ALL the files included in the downloaded firmware zip.
Don't combine different firmwares. Easiest way is to download "Phone Info Samsung" app https: This is what happened in the end. I installed the October version of THL because was on my machine and the data-sim switch worked fine.
Got some OTAs up to the last 6. Just now I flashed from the for 7. This was painless and more importantly the data-sim switch works. Still wondering why I had such problems with Nougat on the dual sim.
I always fully flashed all files but anyway once I had the THL 6. May have been flashing the F BTU. Apologies if anyone had similar problems doing the same as I did. I was running OJV 6. Switching back left the non LTE sim as 2G.
The other issue I have is that the notification LED doesn't work now. When fully charged it is on but any emails messages etc don't show. Anyone have a fix? Had to turn it off, restart and turn it on.
Some apps now behave differently so need a bit of fiddling. I have no clue here If it still doesn't work, you can probably try mryy's method: No, don't recognise this one.
I'm sure you checked you've not inadvertently put notifications off. Might have had it but when I had the switch glitch I didn't hang around too long. Obvs not a problem on my current 7. My thinking is not to try to fix this particular thing but instead install 7.
I kind of had to do this because I was trying quite a few builds! I think you were right earlier on. It seems a change of CSC is what causes the problem. Even though you flash all 4 files and I wiped factory reset etc still something seems to have carried over and caused the new build to glitch.
Hence my going back to non Checked for updates and Nougat was pushed OTA I have an issue with email Hotmail using the stock app only syncing over wifi with both sim cards on.
Sim1 is set to LTE for voice, data and sms. Sim 2 is roaming. Enabling data roaming has no effect. If I open the email app and refresh then I receive the emails but the only way I can get contacts to sync is connect to wifi or turn off sim 2.
I have another push app Line that works fine on or off wifi and internet browsing and app updates work fine. I have an odd issue with email Hotmail only syncing over wifi with both sim cards on.
Sim1 is set to LTE for voice data and sms. When I have Sim 2 on email doesn't sync but as soon as i turn it off it works. I don't seem to have any problem. I set up the stock email client with a spare Gmail account and it received notifications of new mail within the default 15 min cycle.
Gmail account and it received notifications of new mail within the default 15 min cycle. I have three email accounts on my phone: This receives emails as it should. Sync option is 15 Mins.
Allow Background data and Allow unrestricted data are enabled. I've cleared Data and Cleared the Cache but that didn't help. Still looking but wondering if the Nougat update will help.
Which would be a reliable store to get the FD version? Thanks, so it is an Exynos processor? And camera same as the single sim? Camera is a top priority besides the dual sim option. Set "Sync data while roaming" to "Use sync schedule above" even if you are not roaming and everything works as it should.
There definitely seems to be a bug in the stock Samsung email app with it not correctly determining if the active data sim is roaming. Is that correct — and does it still give all the Telstra and Vodaphone bands esp Telstra band 28?
Both these models have all the AU bands. Check with this website: You can buy these models from various places I think Kogan will give an AU warranty but you need to check.
Basically plug in your SIMs and find out. I am a bit concerned after reading through the thread it is a bit complicated? Above you quote using Odin to install the firmware, can you elaborate, what is Odin?
And if I go ahead and do this am I likely to encounter any problems? Why is this different? The complicated part is the needing to flash Android 6. Has been described above. Shouldn't be necessary to go back, but for me and at least one other poster there was a bug in the initial 7.
Odin is a Windows software semi-official from Samsung. Personally I would only get it from there not anywhere else. That site has brief instructions. Basically it does the actual flashing from your PC to the phone.
For how to use Odin, I would recommend doing what I did Google "odin flash" etc and read up. There are youtubes on it and pages on XDA. When you see 2 or more doing the same thing It's fairly straightforward and safe as long as you follow instructions.
Ask a specific question here, but I think you'll find most have been answered somewhere out there. If you follow instructions it is pretty safe. But it has to be at your risk, obviously. As I say, research it first and you'll get the hang.
It's safer than rooting and custom ROMs. Since dual sim is not official in Australia, you need a CSC where it is. Go back through the earlier posts to find the 6.
I tried flashing the wrong build and it kept failing thank goodness. But don't do it if you can avoid it. Actually you ought to research CSC as well before doing anything. You'll see how it works.
All this does work, but it is an adventure too. First of all, get your FD duos phone. If it doesn't work how you want, then you need to look for the right file. Can anyone give me a link to the S7 Edge version or the correct version details?
Sorry to ask but I am just on a quick work break and only have my phone to browse. I wasn't going to put the Thai version on my phone but it may be worth it. I will go through this thread and others when I have more time Here's some stuff, will help anyone else wondering which files to select.
Actually Updato files are faster to download and I'm using them. Search in Updato and XDA for comments. Extract unzip the firmware file Download Odin v3.
It might be all you need. If the data sim switch doesn't work and you don't fancy the workaround mentioned earlier Go through a basic install, then flash the four 7. This is how I got 7.
I think that I will just flash the 6. Will it automatically update to 7. Will I still have to do the roaming thing? I am a bit confused about the sim switching and roaming probably because I have not done it yet.
Great guide thank you so much: It will get an OTA as some point but I got frustrated waiting managed 24 hrs. So I applied 7. Waiting for the OTA isn't so bad.
The differences aren't so huge with Nougat. I wonder if it will get the dual sim update? Which one is BTA? Which Android version is it? Well the official 7. However I did have that data sim glitch.
Hence I went the THL path 6. THL definitely does not have any problem and all the files are intended for a dual sim machine. I spent a lot of time flashing and reflashing I flashed THL 6. I did have to prompt for 7 About device, Download updates manually.
Just be aware that all up there is around 1. Doea this affect android pay or any other tap and pay services? Saying because it is non Australian firmware and I had heard somewhere that it tap and pay will not work on phones with non australian firmwares?
Is there a trick to get it to work on the UK firmware? Mine didn't work but I have had an update since. Also it would probably affect banks' NFC apps but their Android apps should be fine.
Purchased the S7 Edge Dual Sim last year. On waking one morning the phone was off I never turn it off. It wasn't charged overnight, so thought I may have mis-read the charge left.
Put it on charge, then by lunch it still wouldnt turn on. Checked all the cables and charger and left it to charge overnight — still unresponsive. Tried different charger, difference cables work in other devices and the phone won;t even aknowledge it is on charge — nada.
It was in pristine condition screen protector and xdoria defense case protector. The phone has been assessed and deemed irreparable — after just four months use.
I think that it looked like it would work but when I switched it didn't. The BTU doesn't work when switching data sim. I might have mentioned this earlier. There's a workaround some Reddit guy found out Page back a bit, it's mentioned.
My advice has been to flash with THL 6. Then upgrade to 7. No more data sim switching bug. How have you been finding the THL firmware now that you've lived with it for a while? Is there much in the way of 'extra' apps in there?
Not sure what you mean by that. I just mean their tap and pay NFC options. I know the Westpac one needs an AU build to work. But the rest of their banking app doesn't require AU build.
In that case its using snapdragon not Exynos? Exynos is superior though. Anyway its grey import stock only even if you can get the dual SIM, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the Motorola G4 plus for local warranty.
It sounds like lucky I didn't buy the dual SIM phone You better claim a replacement or repair warranty from whoever you bought it from. If they cna't repair surely if you bought from a reputable store should have some sort of after sales support.
Ok, that's what I thought. I expect they would need not only the band but the band as well. Can anyone confirm please? The Updato version is also B7 not B8. The manual path is easy enough, but there are several steps.
I've only tried this when I have the latest software, so it doesn't show me anything. For you, did it show the update was available? I did try this but it said no update available.
When I connected via USB to Smartswitch it said there was an update available — I have pre-download updates ticked in Smartswitch settings. It wasn't very quick but overall probably took about the same time as it would to download from Updato and flash with Odin.
That was what I wanted to know. I might try this next time. I can't stand knowing there's an update out there but waiting for my turn on the OTA queue. I really don't want to go through the whole process of setting up again.
What is the best way to restore or should I really just start over again? I would prefer to not start with a full restore but have the option to do a full restore if I do encounter issues.
I am after the S7 Edge version. Is there a direct link from Updato or do I have to use another link? If you read through the whole thread I believe all your questions are already answered.
It's worthwhile if you plan to flash the rom. Its not a hard ask for someone who knows the latest stuff to let me know. Or if you know so much then maybe you can help me rather than tell me to read through it all again.
I know how to flash stuff I'm sorry If that came across the wrong way, just trying to help. I don't know enough about it, nor do I have the experience to give you the advice you seek. Although I have read the whole thread myself.
I am only researching it to maybe do it myself. But there seem to be plenty of knoledgable guys here with suitable experience to guide you if you are prepared to wait for them to reply.
I am either going to do this or more likely buy an Axon 7, which is a similar spec'd phone with dual sim for Aust. I'm sorry the story changed a few times I was making it up as I went along and as I discovered what I discovered: What do you lose with an international rom?
Nothing else as far as I can see. Android Pay works fine. A local bank NFC tap and pay app like Westpacs is sensitive to the build so I guess probably would not work. If you have a dual sim phone and want to use them If you have a non-Au build, you will get firmware upgrades long before locals.
Flash all 4 files with CSC which will wipe the phone. It's the best way to be sure you have a proper build. It's equivalent to a full OTA upgrade which also does not wipe the phone.
Is there any issues with switching of the sims or any other things that have to be done? The switching was a way to get around the data-sim switch problem in earlier builds.
Now you can change sims anyway you want. Search for your model and filter for 7. The software is common to a region. There are two versions of each. Download the most recent one.
I'm running the S7E one and it is fine. Odin is pretty safe. I even tried to flash S7 onto my S7E by total mistake. Was confused when it kept saying "PIT table format error" or something.
Realised I was a goose. To anyone hesitant, just do it. I put it off when I first looked into it but I have been flashing phones with Odin for years now so I'm used to it and I don't know what I was worried about before.
It is a little daunting the first few times but if you are someone that is able to follow sequential step by step instructions such as a recipe then you'll be fine.
Just keep in mind you are using official Samsung firmware and Samsung developed software to flash Odin. Provided you follow the instructions carefully you really can't go wrong. It's all tried and tested previously.
It's not like you are messing around with the root directory "rooting" to install custom developed roms, etc. That's where it gets much riskier. Does the Thai firmware allow you to save passwords and use your fingerprints?
It seems to be broken in the UK firmware. I use Lastpass to save my credentials, but I did allow the Samsung account to be verified with the FPS and that seems to work. It absolutely should work.
This means you wipe your user data but as an added security, you can wipe user data in the system menu first. It may be dual-standby actually. I know that the phone will ring if a call is coming through on the opposite SIM and there is an option to put the first call on hold but I have never tried it.
I have had one small OTA update since flashing which changed the way numbers are called. Instead of having 2 call buttons at the bottom of the dialler screen SIM 1 on the left and SIM 2 on the right there is now only one call button but after tapping it a prompt pops up asking for which SIM to dial from.
S7 or S7 Edge dont do dual active.. I am normally pretty good with these things but I really dont know what I have done wrong unless I downloaded the wrong firmware. It says it was a Malaysian version the one in this link provided by mryy who seems to know more than most of us thankfully: Any suggestions it could be something simple I hope!
That is the same version I have. Mine also says F in Phone Info. The difference is that I first flashed the 6. You've basically done what I suggested to you back here. The Nougat from fresh should have just worked, a great shame it doesn't.
If i were you, I'd try the 6. Then check to confirm the dual sims work. Then before an OTA starts downloading, flash all 4 Nougat 7. When you've done that, you should have the same version of software as I do, with dual sims working.
What can I say We have just returned from Singapore and unfortunately my wife's S7 Edge screen got cracked We tried visiting the retail service centre as well as calling the hotlines and they've all confirmed no support offered for international models[.
Any update on this? I'm interested in an S7 Edge Dual Sim but don't want to risk it if it's an unrepairable item. For the screen it's equally repairable to the regular S7E. For a technician, it's the same as most other sealed phones.
If the problem was warranty, well that's a different thing, but you can get it fixed for sure. However, it will be so awesome to be able to have both sims when I travel overseas. Now I would like to be able to find a relatively cheap long-term data sim that I can put in when I need to tether my Mac to the phone.
If anyone has any suggestions please advise me. It's really strange that even the 2nd Nougat build for the SE Asia region does not give proper dual sim when applied from fresh. Makes me think they don't want people to convert non-SE Asia bought Duos to work properly.
Instead you have to apply the one and apparently only fresh build that introduced whatever fix was required Maybe I'm a conspiracist but I can't otherwise explain. The actual warranty isn't a problem except it will be short at one year but I'd like to have the possibility to have it repaired or have the battery replaced in the future.
Just updated to Nougat with XSA. It has the bug with being unable to directly switch the SIMs to one on 4G and the other on 3G, but I was able to do it successfully using the trick of turning the SIM cards off and back on again, so I'm happy.
Probably going to spend tomorrow playing with new Nougat features. OMG, what have they done to the camera app?!?!? But yes, N is quite different. I wasn't sure about the settings changes, seem less clear.
But I got used quick and like it now. I've been following this discussion for a few months. I bought the S7 in Janurary and was planning to install the ROMs as described above, however today I found something interesting.
It definitely did not work prior to the update. I have an amaysim and Vodafone SIM in the trays, and have checked that it will switch the SIMs from 4g to 3g and back — no issues so far but I've only had it upgraded for about 1 hour.
If this changes I'll report back. As 2G is being turned off, does this make Samsung dual sim models redundant? Further OTA updates have worked smoothly taking it to 7. This was the first time I flashed a galaxy 7 and a few tips for a noob like me are: Put it into download mode immediately before you are ready to connect it to the USB cable.
Don't panic it it is not as fast as the other files. That's a good one. I have flashed a phone probably about 10 times now and that agonising few minutes wait still makes me nervous too!
That and the brief period between the first restart and the "optimising apps" screen appearing. Given that the dual sim model seems to work on the standard F firmware and given that the 7.
I was also wondering if the XSA firmware is worth trying. I am still a bit confused if volte will work with Optus. I decided to try some custom firmware and installed superman rom 2.
More than 1GB download. A small OTA was available which I installed. So I didn't have to flash anything to get it working properly. I loaded the Malaysian XSE ver 6 software on an S7 and trying Volte resulted in an error explaining the incorrect software not Telstra.
I would expect the XSA ver 7 to be similar although I have not tried it myself. How did you get XSA firmware over the air? Did you flash with XSA 6. I'm assuming you wouldn't have bought the dual sim version with XSA firmware originally.
Here are some screenshots http: I have posted these questions in the S7 general thread but haven't got a reply so I am posting it here I have an S7 Edge dual sim running on Thai firmware.
Also got the Australian nougat firmware working here on a dual sim s7 edge bought from ebay last week seller 'perfect mission'. Also got the Australian nougat firmware working here on a dual sim s7 edge.
Do you have a Telstra SIM in slot 1? However I'm not sure if this means it is actually working I haven't paid attention to VoLTE until reading about it in this post. Simply switching off the SIMs didn't work for me.
But phewf — working again now. I'm hesistant to move the SIMs again. My understanding is that once it's provisioned and working you get a little VoLTE logo in the status bar next to you signal indicator.
Yes that is my understanding also. Does anyone here have the VoLTE icon in the status bar next to the signal indicator for the dual sim model of the Galaxy S7? I'm thinking probably not.
I had the VoLTE toggle disappear off of the 'Mobile Networks' menu yesterday but messing around switching sims in the software has brought it back just now. I also have sim 2 reverting to 2G now as well.
Luckily this can be overcome. Same steps can be used if SIM cards are reversed. SIM1 will default back to '2G Only'. This year however, the company has managed to include water resistance in both the Galaxy S7 and the Galaxy S7 Edge.
The Galaxy S7 is IP68 rated, meaning it should able to handle being submerged in water up to 1 metre for up to 30 minutes. For example, you should be covered if you spill a drink on your phone, it ends up in sink or you drop it in the toilet.
Included in the retail packaging is an adapter that lets you connect the Galaxy S7 to another microUSB Android smartphone in order to transfer your media over easily, but this same adapter allows you to connect a hard drive to your smartphone.
Together with microSD, there really is a multitude of ways that you can expand the on-board storage. Also under the hood is LTE Cat 9 support, meaning you can download on the go at speeds of up to Mbps.
Given that the majority of mobile networks currently only support speeds of up to Mbps, this means the Galaxy S7 is future proofed against the next generation of mobile network rollout.
Overall, Samsung has certainly made some interesting changes to the hardware under the hood of the Galaxy S7 this year. The decision to switch back to the more familiar two-processor strategy is certainly not without its critics, but the addition of microSD expansion, USB On-the-go support and IP68 resistance makes the Galaxy S7 one of the most feature-packed smartphones on the market.
This year however, Samsung has increased the battery capacity but does it get it right, and does the Galaxy S7 have enough juice in the tank to power you through a whole day or more?
Simply put, it definitely does. At mAh, the battery in the Galaxy S7 is Josh regularly achieved 4 to 5 hours SoT while my usage — which involved a fair amount of phone calls — saw me usually fall between 3.
By way of comparison, the Galaxy S7 Edge scores 6 hours and 49 minutes for the Exynos variant and 6 hours and 40 minutes for the Snapdragon version. Although the Snapdragon Galaxy S7 does seem to have the edge, the results suggest that battery life is still more than satisfactory on either model.
The Exynos model average 8 hours and 8 minutes, while the Snapdragon averages 7 hours and 22 minutes. Testing this further, the battery can take up to 2 hours to charge to full but generally, it will charge in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Overall, fully charging the battery from empty using a Samsung wireless charging pad that was designed for the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus mind you takes between 3 and 4 half hours, although the wireless charging pad designed for the Galaxy S7 may improve this speed.
Arguably one of the best smartphones that Samsung has ever released, the Note 4 bought with it the first Android camera that was universally recognised as being best-in-class in the smartphone market.
Last year saw Samsung build on this, with exceptional cameras built into both, the Galaxy S6 line up and the Galaxy Note 5, and in the latter, we had a smartphone camera that — albeit with some faults — could be relied on to always capture a scene.
Yet, while other manufacturers — such as HTC and even Apple — had focused on providing larger pixels with lower megapixel counts, Samsung stuck to its guns and delivered quality through a larger amount of pixels, until now that is.
Following the lead of the Nexus 6P — which trades a higher megapixel count for larger pixel size and hence, much better lowlight performance — the Galaxy S7 drops the megapixel count from 16MP in the Galaxy S6 to 12MP, but brings with other improvements.
Is the new camera better than last year though? The drop in number of pixels has also seen Samsung increase the amount of noise reduction, which further results in slightly less sharp images than you might be used to from Samsung cameras.
HDR on Samsung smartphones has previously been quite forceful, but the company has made it subtler in the Galaxy S7, resulting in a less profound effect on overall images.
While the daylight images have potentially taken a slight drop, the Galaxy S7 truly shines in low light mode. Thanks to the larger pixel size — the Galaxy S7 now sports pixels with 1.
One particular nice feature in the front camera — as Josh points out — is that you can shoot QHD video using the front facing camera, rather than Full HD on past devices even if they were technically capable of shooting QHD.
Daylight pictures have arguably taken a slight drop, but the low light performance has been treated to considerable gains. For many years, TouchWiz has had a particularly bad stigma attached to it, and rightly so, as the interface was clunky, slow and lacking in anything that remotely resembled optimisation.
Yet, the Galaxy S6 family was the entire opposite of this and ushered in a new era where TouchWiz was, well, nothing like TouchWiz before it. In, Samsung trimmed large amounts of the preloaded apps and features i.
With both, the Galaxy S6 family and the Galaxy Note 5, there were reports that Samsung was aggressively managing RAM by shutting down applications, but with the Galaxy S7, this seems to be a thing of the past.
Yes, there are certainly areas of the launcher that suffer from slight stutters that have become synonymous with TouchWiz, and there is a slight delay when swiping into Upday international or Flipboard USA, but overall, TouchWiz is fast, responsive and a pleasure to use.
Rather than focus on every individual feature that TouchWiz has to offer and make this review thousands of words longer than it already is, we plan to explore the software in more detail — and its evolution over the past few years — in an in-depth feature focus that will be coming to you in the weeks to come.
With the launch of the Galaxy S6 family, Samsung introduced a new Theme engine that allowed you to customise the look and feel of your smartphone without too much fuss or bother.
However, as we covered back then, the number of themes available was certainly very sparse and the theme engine was more of promise for the future than a feature you would use heavily in the present.
Fast forward a year and the theme store is a very different place now with hundreds of different themes to choose from. Lifestyle lover, obsessed with travel, interested in landmarks or just want some funny animals on your screen?
The dialler lets you set speed dials, displays suggested contacts as you type numbers or the letters they represent and can automatically scan unknown numbers to inform you whether they are known marketing or spam calls.
In the Galaxy S7, the floating window seems to be more responsive and dragging content between windows in split-screen mode has certainly had some welcome improvements under the hood as well. Overall, Samsung definitely does multi-tasking well and in the Galaxy S7, the experience has been refined further yet.
Mobile payments is certainly not a new feature but the past twelve months has seen this growing market gain even further attention from OEMs. Apple introduced Apple Pay and bought mobile payments to mainstream consumers, and then both Samsung, and Google, have followed up with Samsung Pay and Android Pay respectively.
In the Galaxy S6 and onwards, including the Galaxy S7 , these features have been combined into the new Smart Manager app, which makes it easier to see pertinent information about several features on your smartphone.
Furthermore, an entire section dedicated to battery lets you customise your power usage, turn on power saving or ultra power saving modes, and access battery usage information. The first of these puts all of your games into a special folder and allows you to launch games quickly, turn off notifications and turn on power saving mode while gaming.
The Gaming Tools is likely to be much more useful however, as it enables a tiny icon that overlays your game in the corner of your screen in a rather unobtrusive way it must be said, and expanding it lets you turn off alerts, lock the recent apps and back keys, minimise the game, take a screenshot, or even screen record your gameplay.
Specifically, I always tend to hit the recent apps or back keys during a game so being able to lock them is certainly welcome, as is not being disturbed by notifications.
You know the old adage about how companies should learn from their customers? Well, with its Galaxy Labs, Samsung is aiming to do just this, by allowing Galaxy users to experiment with features and ideas it has, and vote on whether they like or dislike them.
By far the most interesting of these and probably the most controversial is the ability to turn off the app drawer on your Galaxy S7. Worth mentioning however, is that the Galaxy Labs option has been removed from Verizon and T-Mobile branded handsets, and has likely been removed from all carrier branded models in the US, although international users should find the feature in-tact.
As a long time Galaxy user, the transformation of TouchWiz over the past few years has certainly been stark, and with the Galaxy S7, Samsung has merely sought to refine the experience further.
Although there is ever so slight lag in the launcher when loading up the home screen news service, the rest of the experience is fast, snappy and very responsive.
For many users, the thought of TouchWiz brings with it many bad memories of previous generations, but I can say with a large degree of certainty, that Samsung has reworked its software entirely since the Galaxy S5 and many of the concerns that users had, should no longer be present.
Did it achieve this? The Galaxy S7 very much epitomises the perfect smartphone. Josh takes it further saying:.
No sir...