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DavidYR July 19, Reply. Just because she was semi-retired, did not mean her fitness should be allowed to go steadily downhill. 6 inch android phones questions Ken November 22, Reply. The second aspect I see is related to what I call smearing or smudging.
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Why can't I find your works in bookstores? Azad Tarikian March 9, Reply.
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To be honest most devices we use will run off 12v and those that don't we only use when we have an EHU. Janice Brown My Irish Draught brood make was getting very stiff in her hind legs as she enters her mid 20's after giving birth to 11 foals we know of. I had thought that if the items worked, all was well. Pure sine is more efficient. But visually and in feel otherwise, essentially the two grips appear identical.
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02.02.2018 - Sep 26, at I had no idea and wondered if using the inverters you put in your power plug to run your computer is going to damage it. We have a W inverter on our RV but it won't power the microwave. Having difficulty deciding between wet batteries and uh, non-wet batteries not clear on the lingo yet and 6volt or 12volt We really cannot say thank you enough! There are lots of reasons to avoid using the generator but our short list is:
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04.02.2018 - Shirley Bridge I took on my old boy 23 this year! But it really depends if you care and need the apps. Voltage transformers rely on having a smooth hysteresis loop — basically as the voltage reverses each cycle, the magnetic field collapses and reverses smoothly and efficiently. Having an all in one unit has upsides and downsides. Should I think about adding a 2nd 12 volt battery to my Camping trailer or go solar before I purchase an inverter? The hardware makes the OS experience butter smooth and there is absolutely NO lag. I like the look of some of their other products so will be giving them a try.
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07.03.2018 - I have seen a few modified that have GFCI outlets but they actually do not function correctly because of the two 60 volt hots. Of course that one caveat is a huge one, and the main reason we delayed switching from a modified inverter right away currently a Pure Sine inverter can cost between 2 and 5 times more than the same wattage modified version. Doug Mecimore August 13, Reply. I do not reccomend 12 volt batteries in parallel, but that is a story for another day. He has had significant hock injury due to a fight with electric rope and I believe that suppleaze gold [text removed under instruction from VMD] but customer very happy with the product.
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Focus is still right on the punt returner, I think on his left wrist. Note that the background has been getting busier and busier, giving the camera plenty of opportunity to lose tracking.
Dark arm or the black part of the jersey. My apologies to Nikon. And using more pixels than the large size uses! This actually may be the source of the When you shoot in NEF though, the camera actually generates x pixels.
For Small, x becomes x then x on the second resample. This results in a 1. Quite obviously, someone has discovered an interesting mathematical formula you can apply to data that can get you something akin to new bit Bayer data at a different size.
The strange thing is that the data generated is back in Bayer form, not the double reduction. But I need to do much more testing Whether it will be tweaked in the future is a good question. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
But looking at standard color tests in controlled lighting, I see the usual Adobe default conversion problems: Greens go slightly yellow, Reds and yellows go slightly orange. But that's been true for as long as I can remember.
Just remember, these are JPEGs and managed by an image manager to scale with screen size on the Web site, so what you see may not be exactly what I see. Noise at higher ISO values seems higher in the blue channel than the red, and Nikon appears to be using some sort of pre-WB adjustment to the raw data again, whose effect is to generate more luminance noise than color noise.
But these are very first impression. I've got a lot more shooting to do, and more raw converters to test. Overall, the D seems to be about where I'd expect it to be if it were a D sensor with some slight tweaking.
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Complete Guide for the Nikon D For 17 years, byThom has provided the best books on Nikon cameras, with the most detail and clarity you'll find. Other byThom Sites What's New: Feb 13, at D Firmware Update Firmware version 1.
Long Exposure NR no longer produces increase noise or color cast when set. Jan 16, at 8: The problem is that your choice now is basically: Oct 22, at More About Lenses I've been trying to come up with a generalized way to think about lens quality and how that relates to the increasing pixel counts, as that question keeps coming up over and over again as I try to explain why I think certain lenses are more "optimal" for the D than others.
Overall, there are two primary things that I see over and over as pixel density increases. Oct 15, at From Hot to Not Ah, the Internet. It doesn't have the D5 Autofocus.
This all seems to stem from one test done with what appears to be 3D Tracking. I'm still testing, so I can't say anything definitive at the moment. I suspect that there are subtle changes due to the differing viewfinder blackout times of the D5 and D But as many of you know, I've been pushing the D into areas you wouldn't normally expect it to be, such as sidelines sports.
I can tell you that it works perfectly fine, though you may need to pay some attention to your settings and adjust accordingly. It's not a stop better than the D In actual measurements, I'd say that is completely true.
But it also wasn't something I was expecting to be true. We don't have that big a generational gain in sensors any more. But there's more to this than just a measurement.
Let me describe it this way: It's a subtle thing, and I'm not sure that I can yet ascribe it to a specific change Nikon made. I'm still digging thanks Iliah, for RawDigger.
But the difference is there, though small enough that some might miss it. But then again, I now have 45mp instead of 36mp and I've got a small gain? How can I not like that? The third item tends to be something to do with the features.
The lack of built-in flash. The absurd cost of gaining 2 fps. The second slot being SD. The power-hungry and still broken SnapBridge. Yeah, I hear you. This camera should still be hot.
Don't believe everything the dogs are writing on the Internet. Oct 12, at Nikon's Recommended Lenses, Maybe Hmm. As far as I'm concerned, those lenses probably do not belong on a D optimal lens list: High degrees of CA, high vignetting, poor corners with clear smearing, poor contrast wide open, most of the zooms with this focal length actually are clearly better e.
This is a lens that's needed a redesign for over a decade. Yes, a DX lens that Nikon wants to sell more of is on the D list for some reason. It's a very good lens. Why you'd have that in your D kit I have no idea.
Guess Nikon still has some stock of this lens they need to sell. Pretty much all the same complaints as with the 14mm, but with the additional problem that it is pretty poor at the 35mm end.
Another lens that's needed a redesign for over a decade. Another lens Nikon wants to sell you because they make them in volume. I'm pretty close to doing so after having looked at a few more images.
Again, the long end is just weak, and it easily shows on the D This is another lens on my "considering dropping" list. Unlike the mm, the mm has some redeeming qualities that keep it more in contention, particularly its performance from mm, and even out to mm.
I don't think I'll drop it from my list, I'll just add a comment that you'll want better at mm. I'm sticking by my list. Greg Benz's Suggestions for the D I don't usually do this, but my friend Greg Benz has posted some good starting suggestions for using the D, and I thought I'd cross comment on them.
Greg's right, you only need this one view to tell you what's going on with your pixels, but the default is to only display the histogram; you have to add the highlights review.
DC gadgets are great, and will save a ton of power vs. We are spoiled by gadgets such as our water distiller and induction plate. Definitely a lifestyle choice, and that's what we try and convey in our post and video so people understand an inverter isn't an "absolutely necessary" item.
How about 12VDC microwave ovens? Some things just require an inverter. Doug I'm not sure! I doubt they make microwaves that run on DC power I suppose I could use a solar ovenbut a microwave cooks food a lot faster especially at night!
No Doug, you're not going to be cooking in a Solar Oven at night Great info, as always. The problem is, large pure sine wave inverters are mega-expensive.
An modified sine that only powers the microwave and central vac. For everything else, I use a W pure sine inverter. I am still working, but I enjoy RVing and exploring new locations as much as I can.
I am currently finding new ways to live off the grid dry camping. Your videos are inspiring! Keep up the good work! You've got mad skills with the camera, and now you're giving stuff away. You have completely inverted our thinking about inverters!
When we travel, we need to bring medical equipment for one of our daughters. It is so nice to understand why it is possible to interrupt this flow of electricity because of the overload, or the devices used!
We will be able to shop more wisely because of you taking the time to share what you learned with us! You are a great traveling resource and we thank you deeply for all the tidbits of information along the way!
I'd love to win a good inverter. I have a tiny piece of junk modsine I use on my truck trips and my Skywarn emergency events, but really need a lot more stability, and I'm worried about all my business and electronic goodies that I know really shouldn't be on modsine.
I can't really afford something good right now. Also, speaking as a trained electrician, the post and vid were really nice for the layman. You did a fantastic job of keeping it simple for the inexperienced.
You have the hearts of teachers, and I can pay no higher complement. Hey guys, I discovered you when you did that TV spot on the real estate show where you chose Windy.
I've really enjoyed the experience and really feel like I'm getting to know you which is weird because we've never met and this is my first time posting shows the power of free stuff!
Thanks for a window into your lives, it's really enjoyable to see you pursuing a mobile life style and being open to different ways of thinking about situations.
Oh, and winning a free pure sign inverter would be sweet too: Well Tom so glad to see you've come out of the shadows! I can't believe you went all the back to the beginning.
It's had for us to go back a read some of our very first postings and those first few videos were kind of terrible. But we all have to start learning one way or another. When you leave comments or share your stories, that's how we get to know you!
Hope to see more of you and glad you are enjoying the journey! Perfect timing for this informative video. Quartzsite is fast approaching. I hope this vendor is there.
You two are awesome!! Been following you from the start and always find your blog entertaining and informative. Info on the inverters are very helpfull. And keep up the good work.
This has inspired me to dig deeper to understand more about the difference between curves pure and squares modified. This was a very helpful video. I did not know there were two different types of inverters before.
Thanks for keeping the presentation relatively simple. Absolutely love your YouTube videos. Recently installed W worth of solar panels and am currently looking for a pure sine wave inverter this would be fantastic win for me.
Keep up the great informational videos. Thank you so much for simplifying the differences between pure and modified sine inverters. My husband and I are planning to start our RV experience this coming spring.
The one thing one needs to be aware of is battery run time at different watts. I think the w is a great midrange wattage that won't drain the battery so quick. Can you do a video on this next?
Sounds like you have done the research for us, thx. Thanks for the info. I really enjoy seeing your solar and pwr posts. I have a travel trailer with 90 watt solar panel and 30 amp charge control.
Use a watt inverter but never really understood the types of inverters. I'm considering adding more batteries and watt inverter. Perfect timing to see your post. This is exactly the information we are looking for.
You have taken the mystery out of the RV electrical system. Now we know what we need. Thanks for the great info and video. You both are so talented! We just had the M3 service done on our 02 diesel; just bought new Michelin's; I think this is next on our list for our Baby!!
I look forward to your emails!!!! Thanks for all you do for us! You guys are so stinking cute together! We are learning so much as we prepare for our big adventure. Good to know whats, what, had an inverter on a sailboat, but didn't use it enought for anything to break I guess.
A few quick corrections though -- many modified sine wave inverters include GFCI outlets, and some pure sine wave inverters do not. This isn't related to the inverter type at all.
As you mentioned - for some use cases, a pure sine inverter is more energy efficient, like boiling water in a microwave. But in general over average loads, the modified sine wave inverters that I have seen and read the specs on tend to be slightly more energy efficient overall at converting DC to AC power.
The advantages of going pure sine though are many - one that upsets a lot of people is that a MSW inverter can cause some electronics to buzz annoyingly. We had a Dell monitor that used to buzz even when it was turned off when plugged into a MSW inverter.
We'd have to literally unplug the monitor or shut down the inverter to sleep. Some inverters are too noisy for this, and others waste a lot of power when on and mostly idle.
Have you taken any sound or sleep current measurements on the Go Power inverters you have tried? I haven't seen one of them in person. There are a lot of awesome features and capabilities that more advanced inverters enable, we wrote about some of our experiences here:.
It is hard to imagine not having a boosting inverter anymore once you get used to what it enables. I am really curious to hear your reasons for wanting a separate battery charger, and not using one built into an inverter.
Most separate battery chargers are small - W, or even less. The charger built into our Victron however can charge our batteries at A, 3x - 4x faster than most standalone chargers.
And you don't need another set of heavy gauge wires too by using a combined unit. Anyway - hopefully we will manage to at last cross paths in person and we can geek about this stuff.
Chris your technical expertise is unquestionable and you are a master of RV power. We on the other hand are just "regular 'ol consumers" So with this post and video we are trying to introduce people to the difference between a Pure Sine and Modified Sine inverter, and all claims are based on our experience with our factory installed Magnum MM Modified Sine Wave Inverter, and our upgraded Go Power!
Since your questions are pretty detailed we've asked Go Power to respond, here's the notes from one of the main techs, hope you find his answers helpful, and if there's anything you feel is open to additional interpretation please let us know, we value your opinions and expertise:.
Generally speaking if the modified sine wave is made with two 60 volt hots instead of a hot and neutral a GFCI would not operate correctly. I have seen a few modified that have GFCI outlets but they actually do not function correctly because of the two 60 volt hots.
If this is an inverter where the modified sine wave is made with a single hot and a neutral then yes it could have a functioning GFCI outlet". Most people who buy a modified inverter are wanting to save money on a larger inverter.
Most people that want a larger inverter need to run larger inductive loads like a microwave. Running some smaller items at the marginally better efficiency for a week would not come close to the energy savings of running the larger loads like a microwave or fridge, induction plate, etc for half the time.
Overall a pure sine wave is more efficient because people are typically using loads that do not run well on modified sine waves. The Microwave example is one of the most drastic examples of efficiency, not all devices will run 2x more efficient.
Sleep Mode - The Go Power! This would allow you to leave the inverter on all the time but there is still a small draw. If you left an inverter in powersave all day without any load on, it would take the same amount of power out of your battery as you would put in with the PSK watt portable panel in full sun for one hour.
The noise you're talking about is RF noise and modified inverters do put out a lot of it. The Wynn's pure sine wave inverter will put out an un noticeable amount. Boosting Inverters - "Boosting inverters" are inverter chargers that take power from the batteries to help power your loads when plugged into shore power or generator that may not have enough power to run the loads.
Example; If you brought a rig to an RV park that only has 15 amp service and you tried to run the Microwave and the Air Conditioning at the same time you would pop the breaker at the RV park.
Magnum has a great version of this type of inverter and if you are someone that plugs in and has trouble finding 30 amp and 50 amp service spots to plug into, then yes this is a nice feature.
The Wynn's are trying to live off the cord and rely on the batteries, the solar and the inverter system to keep them from plugging in as little as possible. The Extreme Kit fits their needs perfectly.
Charger Built into the Inverter - Inverter chargers cost a lot of money. Having an all in one unit has upsides and downsides. If the charger failed you could still run off the solar and inverter as if nothing had happened.
The Wynn's have a GPCMAX charger that is a 75amp charger that does four stage battery charging, which is plenty power for their two 6 volt batteries. They have a short run of cable that goes from the charger to the inverter cables to eliminate a long run of extra cable.
Ahhh, the power to "invert" but This post was strictly about inverters as batteries a whole other large subject. But don't worry, that's our next big post! We just upgraded from a 23' international Airstream to a 25' international Airstream and will be in the market for a solar system and now perhaps a new inverter.
Although our new trailer came with a watt inverter we really have no idea what we have or need. So reading about your research is not only enjoyable but very valuable. Keep it up and when we are ready to add to our Airstream I will be re reading your gathered info first.
I've used a small one in my camping tent Old School variety in the past. But with all of the devices electronic that we have now its pretty important when you start shopping for these to have a good understanding of what you need.
I'm just having a hard time finding a pure sinewave inverter that can power my 1. Once I find one, I'll be all set! Very informative as well as entertaining! Thanks for breaking it down so that us non-geeks can understand it.
We haven't added an inverter just yet, but thanks for the great informational video. We have two 95 watt panels and four 12 volt AGM house batteries. We don't use the volt appliances that you do.
On occasion we will use the generator to power the microwave since we need to run it two hours a month anyway to keep it in good shape. Load the crock pot in the morning on a travel day and you will have dinner ready at the end of the day!
We are glad that it is working for you and that you can use all of your gadgets that make you happy! Frank, there are all different types of us campers out here and we all do it a little different.
Thanks for sharing your fully loaded DC life! When we had our VW camper van we used all DC items as well, we even found an old school coffee percolator that was DC and loved it! Nowadays, I am spoiled and I sure do love my frothy cappuccinos, my induction plate although my solar oven is my fave and other kitchen gadgets.
It's all about finding what works best for you. Thanks again for sharing frank! Thank you for this information that will help us solve the problem we've been having in our RV whenever we use our microwave.
We really enjoy following the Wynns and have learned so much from them! They are the best! Glad to know some electronics go bad over time from the wrong inverter. I had thought that if the items worked, all was well.
Thanks for straightening that out. Don, our old inverter wouldn't run our microwave either which can be so frustrating! Hope you get a new awesome inverter that makes life a little more fun and off the grid!
Thanks Jason for your explanation and video. I installed a pur sine wave inverter into our little travel trailer mostly to power a cpap machine off a bank of 6 volt batteys. I havn't yet installed any solar and rely on the generator to recharge the batterys when we are boondocking.
It works great though. I got it at Costco. Wow I finally get it. Your presentation was so simple and succint. Thanks so much for passing on your research. It saves us all alot of time and money.
Wow that was the most simple succint explanation ever. Thanks so much, i think I've finally got it. Keep up the good work Cheers Meg. But don't forget an inverter is only as good as your 12v battery and it won't last long running power hungry devices via an inverter Do you use any major power hungry devices in your little blue camper?
We always make sure to run our power hungry devices during the day when we have lots of good sun pumping us right back up! To be honest most devices we use will run off 12v and those that don't we only use when we have an EHU.
We let the wind dry our hair.. Just bought the same crappy inverter that came with our camper that only lasted 2 years so I will need a new one again soon. The house refer was way less expensive even with the in inverter and he found a same size refer that fit right in the hole the other came out and a more dependable refer to boot.
Also, for people with any medical equipment or warrantied electronics, the warnings and warranties almost always include the requirement for a pure sine inverter. Your site is not only entertaining, but imformative as well.
We have been RV ing for years without even giving this a thought. Thanks for the great information. We are only months away from full-timing it. We sold our dining table set this weekend!
We are gearing up to go solar so this is perfect timing. We are also following in your shoes. We sold the house, most of our stuff, and bought a big truck. Hope we see you out there somewhere.
Thanks for all the information you provide. We've only been full timing for about 3 months now but your site has been invaluable in learning about RV's and the lifestyle. Love your stuff and you are an inspiration for me to find a mobile job and go further.
Thanks for this article. From what you have said, and from everything else on the subject I have researched, I don't know why anyone would want anything BUT a pure sine wave inverter in their RV. This subject ties in very much with your other posts on solar power - as it's all about RV electricity.
Also - from your links I learned about Technomadia, where Chris and Cherie have also written some great articles about RV battery systems and inverters - to a nice level of detail.
It's great to get this kind of information from those of you who out in the real world actually using testing? Loved your blog and video on inverters! However, I think the output you show as a "modified sine wave" is really a "square wave" output whereas modified or stepped-sine is a sine wave the smooth one you show with steps in it, that's why it's called stepped-sine.
I can understand why a square-wave output might harm some electronic devices and not run others, but I think a stepped-sine with small enough steps should be OK. Would it be possible for Go Power to provide you with some actual oscilloscope pictures of the wave their inverters produce?
I think we will see that there are some small steps in it. It would be interesting to actually see what your original inverter produced, I bet it was much closer to a square-wave.
Also, you never mentioned how long your batteries can provide current to power your inverter. I looked at the spec on my Trojan 6 Volt golf cart batteries I run two in series and they have a Amp-Hour rating I also don't think they are designed to provide Amps for more than a minute or two.
I'm assuming that when your are pulling 3, watts out of your inverter that you are either running your generator or plugged into shore power, right? Larry, Thanks for the questions.
Just to be clear we are the opposite of technical I have updated the post to include a kindergarten style drawing of the different types of sine waves, I hope this clears up the types of sine waves we've featured in the video.
In our video about a "day in the life" you'll see an extreme version of what our solar setup and batteries can handle: In addition to my research I asked the lead tech at Go Power!
Square Sine does not have any space between the top square and the lower square. A Modified Sine is exactly what the Wynn's showed; there is a space between the squares. A Stepped Sine looks similar to a pure sine with a bunch of steps in it, its very close to being a match to a pure sine wave.
Thanks for the reply, Jason. I watched your day-in-the-life video and it was very informative, especially with all the detailed numbers on the KWatt-Hr usage of the different devices and the total for the day.
I liked the shots, too, of you monitoring your usage - that's probably how you've been able to make this work instead of just winging it and hoping you don't run out of power. Thanks, too, for getting the feedback from Go Power about the different sine waves.
We love keeping up with you "kids"! We've been RVing for many years, but we are still learning good stuff from your site and videos! Thanks for the opportunity to win cool stuff! In addition to the Inverter info, It was interesting to find out that your Inverter is hard wired to selected outlets.
As you can probably guess, I don't have one in my motorhome. I am so glad that you posted this! I lived in Costa Rica for two years and it was devastating on electronics.
I had all most of my electronics on a UPS which actually burned out, most likely from protecting my computers. I'm not full-timing yet but because of my experience I was already wondering about dirty electricity being an issue.
Now I know that it can be an issue and what to do about it. My electronics and pocketbook thank you! I like how you broke it down and simplyfied the whole thing.
My wife and three kids are starting our new life as full time RVers this weekend. We have been following your posts on FB and on your web page for a while now and have taken alot of your advice.
In my opinion I think you guys have some of the best advice when you say "Dont take our word for it, try ir your self". That has been some of the best advice I have seen. I have the same situation, can't run microwave and toaster without a trip outside.
Will a watt pure sin wave have a higher fuse switch? Thanks for the easy to understand primer on the differences between pure and modified sine wave. Makes it easy for beginner! Great information as I was already looking into a new invertor for the motorhome.
I had a pure sine invertor in the thinking and this post confirmed my thoughts. I want to really thank you two for putting so much info out there. Just finished reading about inverters yesterday and then your post pinged in.
I have a small Goal Zero inverter in my portable solar kit I took to Africa for charging my digital cameras and computers. But am looking at Sp a diesel generator and a modified sine inverter that will clearly need to be upgraded for use with all my digital toys.
BTW Great job on the video! You've developed a style all your own that simplifies the information no matter what it is. You make it look simple and are always so perky about everything!
I loved the smooth vs. Your article helped us understand we will be wanting a Pure Sine Inverter. We enjoyed your post on the Go Power Solar System too, so will be decking ourselves out with that before we take off.
Hope to see you on the road! Great info and awesome video as usual Nikki and Jason! In the mean time we are enjoying our RV with lots of little trips but an inverter would make them that much easier!
What a super informative primer on inverters! Great post and so awesome that you're giving away something as useful and valuable as a pure sine wave inverter. It was so worth the investment for us.
Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. Does this Sine Wave graphic mean anything to you? About the author Jason Wynn: Donald S Ruddell November 10, Reply. Mark August 22, Reply.
Jack Ackerman August 18, Reply. DavidYR July 19, Reply. Gaylord Levan January 14, Reply. Flick November 3, Reply. Chris October 1, Reply. Nikki Wynn October 2, Reply.
Slim Lundeen September 17, Reply. Jonathan Arbel September 4, Reply. Antony Veto May 27, Reply. Jason Wynn May 27, Reply. Paul Larsen May 11, Reply. Jason Wynn May 11, Reply. John April 17, Reply.
Nikki Wynn April 17, Reply. Sue April 13, Reply. Marg McGill January 24, Reply. Bill September 16, Reply. Nikki Wynn September 26, Reply. Wolf Alaska September 1, Reply. Doug Mecimore August 13, Reply.
Nikki Wynn August 13, Reply. Curtis Lester August 4, Reply. Nikki Wynn August 4, Reply. Nikki Wynn July 12, Reply. JoAnn June 28, Reply. Jason Wynn June 29, Reply. Kristi Case June 25, Reply.
Jason Wynn June 26, Reply. Amanda June 24, Reply. Chris June 20, Reply. Nikki Wynn June 20, Reply. Jason Wynn April 15, Reply. Azad Tarikian March 9, Reply. Nikki Wynn March 9, Reply.
Gary October 11, Reply. Jason Wynn October 12, Reply. Joe September 23, Reply. Jason Wynn September 24, Reply. September 5, Reply. Jason Wynn September 5, Reply. Jason Wynn July 6, Reply.
Raymond June 4, Reply. Jason Wynn June 5, Reply. Jason Wynn March 22, Reply. February 6, Reply. Jason Wynn February 7, Reply. Richard R February 7, Reply. Vance Bagwell December 12, Reply. Jason Wynn December 7, Reply.
Simon Barlow November 28, Reply. Jason Wynn November 29, Reply. November 27, Reply. Jason Wynn November 27, Reply. Simon Barlow November 30, Reply. Jason Wynn November 30, Reply.
Greg M November 25, Reply. Nikki Wynn November 26, Reply. Ken November 22, Reply. Jason Wynn November 23, Reply. Kay August 22, Reply. Jason Wynn August 23, Reply. Chris November 21, Reply.
Bruce November 21, Reply. Jason Wynn November 21, Reply. Mike November 21, Reply. Stewart Biggan November 21, Reply. Karla November 21, Reply. Skye Erickson November 21, Reply. Brandon November 21, Reply.
Steve Fox November 21, Reply. Mark Cuda November 21, Reply. Ching November 20, Reply. Heather November 20, Reply. Gary November 20, Reply. Jason Wynn November 20, Reply.
Sally November 20, Reply. Lee November 20, Reply. Josh November 20, Reply. Ken November 19, Reply. Jeff November 19, Reply. Bettina November 19, Reply. Connor November 19, Reply.
Jason Wynn November 19, Reply. Keith Buchanan November 18, Reply. Dillon November 18, Reply. Adam November 18, Reply. Jen November 18, Reply. Matthew November 18, Reply.
Bill November 18, Reply. Jason Wynn November 18, Reply. Brian November 17, Reply. Gary Schneider November 17, Reply. Jason Wynn November 17, Reply. Sheila King November 17, Reply.
Karyn November 16, Reply. Wayne November 16, Reply. Eileen November 16, Reply. Nikki Wynn November 17, Reply. Jackie November 16, Reply. DEbbie November 16, Reply. Francis Triplett November 16, Reply.
Ben Mathew November 16, Reply. Chris November 16, Reply. Jeff November 16, Reply. Don November 15, Reply. Doug November 17, Reply. Doug November 20, Jason Wynn November 21, Jennifer November 15, Reply.
Doug November 15, Reply. Shiela Van Drei November 15, Reply. John Chalupowski November 15, Reply. Chad November 15, Reply. Mark November 15, Reply. Denise November 15, Reply.
MarkB November 15, Reply. Ian Brown November 15, Reply. Colleen Donnelly November 15, Reply. November 14, Reply. Shirlene November 14, Reply. Tom November 14, Reply. Nikki Wynn November 14, Reply. Bryan Carbonnell November 14, Reply.
Dave McKie November 14, Reply. Crystal November 14, Reply. STeve Keithley November 14, Reply. Aaron November 13, Reply. Mike Morrison November 13, Reply. Savannah November 13, Reply. Brian November 13, Reply.
Todd Britton November 13, Reply. Phil November 13, Reply. Grant November 13, Reply. Rich Groh November 13, Reply. Scotty McBee November 13, Reply. Steve November 13, Reply.
Kathy November 13, Reply. Shawn November 13, Reply. Tammy November 13, Reply. Grant Tanner November 13, Reply. Katie November 13, Reply. Paul November 13, Reply. Allen Puckett November 13, Reply.
Nikki Wynn November 13, Reply. Jim November 13, Reply.
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27.01.2018 - Marie November 12, Reply. They also have regular deals on their products. Pure sine wave inverters are not "more efficient". One plus 5t price in india 5 star - Minutes diy on... Live tiles, like the Photo tile, really are nice, with the latest news scrolling on the News tile, latest apps for sale on the Store button etc. Rich Groh November 13, Reply. I did not know there were two different types of inverters before.
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When you leave comments or share your stories, that's how we get to know you! Hope to see more of you and glad you are enjoying the journey! Perfect timing for this informative video. Quartzsite is fast approaching.
I hope this vendor is there. You two are awesome!! Been following you from the start and always find your blog entertaining and informative. Info on the inverters are very helpfull. And keep up the good work.
This has inspired me to dig deeper to understand more about the difference between curves pure and squares modified. This was a very helpful video. I did not know there were two different types of inverters before.
Thanks for keeping the presentation relatively simple. Absolutely love your YouTube videos. Recently installed W worth of solar panels and am currently looking for a pure sine wave inverter this would be fantastic win for me.
Keep up the great informational videos. Thank you so much for simplifying the differences between pure and modified sine inverters. My husband and I are planning to start our RV experience this coming spring.
The one thing one needs to be aware of is battery run time at different watts. I think the w is a great midrange wattage that won't drain the battery so quick. Can you do a video on this next?
Sounds like you have done the research for us, thx. Thanks for the info. I really enjoy seeing your solar and pwr posts. I have a travel trailer with 90 watt solar panel and 30 amp charge control.
Use a watt inverter but never really understood the types of inverters. I'm considering adding more batteries and watt inverter. Perfect timing to see your post. This is exactly the information we are looking for.
You have taken the mystery out of the RV electrical system. Now we know what we need. Thanks for the great info and video. You both are so talented! We just had the M3 service done on our 02 diesel; just bought new Michelin's; I think this is next on our list for our Baby!!
I look forward to your emails!!!! Thanks for all you do for us! You guys are so stinking cute together! We are learning so much as we prepare for our big adventure.
Good to know whats, what, had an inverter on a sailboat, but didn't use it enought for anything to break I guess. A few quick corrections though -- many modified sine wave inverters include GFCI outlets, and some pure sine wave inverters do not.
This isn't related to the inverter type at all. As you mentioned - for some use cases, a pure sine inverter is more energy efficient, like boiling water in a microwave. But in general over average loads, the modified sine wave inverters that I have seen and read the specs on tend to be slightly more energy efficient overall at converting DC to AC power.
The advantages of going pure sine though are many - one that upsets a lot of people is that a MSW inverter can cause some electronics to buzz annoyingly. We had a Dell monitor that used to buzz even when it was turned off when plugged into a MSW inverter.
We'd have to literally unplug the monitor or shut down the inverter to sleep. Some inverters are too noisy for this, and others waste a lot of power when on and mostly idle. Have you taken any sound or sleep current measurements on the Go Power inverters you have tried?
I haven't seen one of them in person. There are a lot of awesome features and capabilities that more advanced inverters enable, we wrote about some of our experiences here:.
It is hard to imagine not having a boosting inverter anymore once you get used to what it enables. I am really curious to hear your reasons for wanting a separate battery charger, and not using one built into an inverter.
Most separate battery chargers are small - W, or even less. The charger built into our Victron however can charge our batteries at A, 3x - 4x faster than most standalone chargers. And you don't need another set of heavy gauge wires too by using a combined unit.
Anyway - hopefully we will manage to at last cross paths in person and we can geek about this stuff. Chris your technical expertise is unquestionable and you are a master of RV power.
We on the other hand are just "regular 'ol consumers" So with this post and video we are trying to introduce people to the difference between a Pure Sine and Modified Sine inverter, and all claims are based on our experience with our factory installed Magnum MM Modified Sine Wave Inverter, and our upgraded Go Power!
Since your questions are pretty detailed we've asked Go Power to respond, here's the notes from one of the main techs, hope you find his answers helpful, and if there's anything you feel is open to additional interpretation please let us know, we value your opinions and expertise:.
Generally speaking if the modified sine wave is made with two 60 volt hots instead of a hot and neutral a GFCI would not operate correctly. I have seen a few modified that have GFCI outlets but they actually do not function correctly because of the two 60 volt hots.
If this is an inverter where the modified sine wave is made with a single hot and a neutral then yes it could have a functioning GFCI outlet". Most people who buy a modified inverter are wanting to save money on a larger inverter.
Most people that want a larger inverter need to run larger inductive loads like a microwave. Running some smaller items at the marginally better efficiency for a week would not come close to the energy savings of running the larger loads like a microwave or fridge, induction plate, etc for half the time.
Overall a pure sine wave is more efficient because people are typically using loads that do not run well on modified sine waves. The Microwave example is one of the most drastic examples of efficiency, not all devices will run 2x more efficient.
Sleep Mode - The Go Power! This would allow you to leave the inverter on all the time but there is still a small draw. If you left an inverter in powersave all day without any load on, it would take the same amount of power out of your battery as you would put in with the PSK watt portable panel in full sun for one hour.
The noise you're talking about is RF noise and modified inverters do put out a lot of it. The Wynn's pure sine wave inverter will put out an un noticeable amount. Boosting Inverters - "Boosting inverters" are inverter chargers that take power from the batteries to help power your loads when plugged into shore power or generator that may not have enough power to run the loads.
Example; If you brought a rig to an RV park that only has 15 amp service and you tried to run the Microwave and the Air Conditioning at the same time you would pop the breaker at the RV park.
Magnum has a great version of this type of inverter and if you are someone that plugs in and has trouble finding 30 amp and 50 amp service spots to plug into, then yes this is a nice feature.
The Wynn's are trying to live off the cord and rely on the batteries, the solar and the inverter system to keep them from plugging in as little as possible. The Extreme Kit fits their needs perfectly.
Charger Built into the Inverter - Inverter chargers cost a lot of money. Having an all in one unit has upsides and downsides. If the charger failed you could still run off the solar and inverter as if nothing had happened.
The Wynn's have a GPCMAX charger that is a 75amp charger that does four stage battery charging, which is plenty power for their two 6 volt batteries. They have a short run of cable that goes from the charger to the inverter cables to eliminate a long run of extra cable.
Ahhh, the power to "invert" but This post was strictly about inverters as batteries a whole other large subject. But don't worry, that's our next big post! We just upgraded from a 23' international Airstream to a 25' international Airstream and will be in the market for a solar system and now perhaps a new inverter.
Although our new trailer came with a watt inverter we really have no idea what we have or need. So reading about your research is not only enjoyable but very valuable.
Keep it up and when we are ready to add to our Airstream I will be re reading your gathered info first. I've used a small one in my camping tent Old School variety in the past. But with all of the devices electronic that we have now its pretty important when you start shopping for these to have a good understanding of what you need.
I'm just having a hard time finding a pure sinewave inverter that can power my 1. Once I find one, I'll be all set! Very informative as well as entertaining!
Thanks for breaking it down so that us non-geeks can understand it. We haven't added an inverter just yet, but thanks for the great informational video. We have two 95 watt panels and four 12 volt AGM house batteries.
We don't use the volt appliances that you do. On occasion we will use the generator to power the microwave since we need to run it two hours a month anyway to keep it in good shape.
Load the crock pot in the morning on a travel day and you will have dinner ready at the end of the day! We are glad that it is working for you and that you can use all of your gadgets that make you happy!
Frank, there are all different types of us campers out here and we all do it a little different. Thanks for sharing your fully loaded DC life! When we had our VW camper van we used all DC items as well, we even found an old school coffee percolator that was DC and loved it!
Nowadays, I am spoiled and I sure do love my frothy cappuccinos, my induction plate although my solar oven is my fave and other kitchen gadgets. It's all about finding what works best for you.
Thanks again for sharing frank! Thank you for this information that will help us solve the problem we've been having in our RV whenever we use our microwave.
We really enjoy following the Wynns and have learned so much from them! They are the best! Glad to know some electronics go bad over time from the wrong inverter. I had thought that if the items worked, all was well.
Thanks for straightening that out. Don, our old inverter wouldn't run our microwave either which can be so frustrating! Hope you get a new awesome inverter that makes life a little more fun and off the grid!
Thanks Jason for your explanation and video. I installed a pur sine wave inverter into our little travel trailer mostly to power a cpap machine off a bank of 6 volt batteys.
I havn't yet installed any solar and rely on the generator to recharge the batterys when we are boondocking. It works great though. I got it at Costco. Wow I finally get it. Your presentation was so simple and succint.
Thanks so much for passing on your research. It saves us all alot of time and money. Wow that was the most simple succint explanation ever. Thanks so much, i think I've finally got it.
Keep up the good work Cheers Meg. But don't forget an inverter is only as good as your 12v battery and it won't last long running power hungry devices via an inverter Do you use any major power hungry devices in your little blue camper?
We always make sure to run our power hungry devices during the day when we have lots of good sun pumping us right back up! To be honest most devices we use will run off 12v and those that don't we only use when we have an EHU.
We let the wind dry our hair.. Just bought the same crappy inverter that came with our camper that only lasted 2 years so I will need a new one again soon. The house refer was way less expensive even with the in inverter and he found a same size refer that fit right in the hole the other came out and a more dependable refer to boot.
Also, for people with any medical equipment or warrantied electronics, the warnings and warranties almost always include the requirement for a pure sine inverter. Your site is not only entertaining, but imformative as well.
We have been RV ing for years without even giving this a thought. Thanks for the great information. We are only months away from full-timing it. We sold our dining table set this weekend!
We are gearing up to go solar so this is perfect timing. We are also following in your shoes. We sold the house, most of our stuff, and bought a big truck. Hope we see you out there somewhere.
Thanks for all the information you provide. We've only been full timing for about 3 months now but your site has been invaluable in learning about RV's and the lifestyle.
Love your stuff and you are an inspiration for me to find a mobile job and go further. Thanks for this article. From what you have said, and from everything else on the subject I have researched, I don't know why anyone would want anything BUT a pure sine wave inverter in their RV.
This subject ties in very much with your other posts on solar power - as it's all about RV electricity. Also - from your links I learned about Technomadia, where Chris and Cherie have also written some great articles about RV battery systems and inverters - to a nice level of detail.
It's great to get this kind of information from those of you who out in the real world actually using testing? Loved your blog and video on inverters! However, I think the output you show as a "modified sine wave" is really a "square wave" output whereas modified or stepped-sine is a sine wave the smooth one you show with steps in it, that's why it's called stepped-sine.
I can understand why a square-wave output might harm some electronic devices and not run others, but I think a stepped-sine with small enough steps should be OK. Would it be possible for Go Power to provide you with some actual oscilloscope pictures of the wave their inverters produce?
I think we will see that there are some small steps in it. It would be interesting to actually see what your original inverter produced, I bet it was much closer to a square-wave. Also, you never mentioned how long your batteries can provide current to power your inverter.
I looked at the spec on my Trojan 6 Volt golf cart batteries I run two in series and they have a Amp-Hour rating I also don't think they are designed to provide Amps for more than a minute or two.
I'm assuming that when your are pulling 3, watts out of your inverter that you are either running your generator or plugged into shore power, right? Larry, Thanks for the questions.
Just to be clear we are the opposite of technical I have updated the post to include a kindergarten style drawing of the different types of sine waves, I hope this clears up the types of sine waves we've featured in the video.
In our video about a "day in the life" you'll see an extreme version of what our solar setup and batteries can handle: In addition to my research I asked the lead tech at Go Power! Square Sine does not have any space between the top square and the lower square.
A Modified Sine is exactly what the Wynn's showed; there is a space between the squares. A Stepped Sine looks similar to a pure sine with a bunch of steps in it, its very close to being a match to a pure sine wave.
Thanks for the reply, Jason. I watched your day-in-the-life video and it was very informative, especially with all the detailed numbers on the KWatt-Hr usage of the different devices and the total for the day.
I liked the shots, too, of you monitoring your usage - that's probably how you've been able to make this work instead of just winging it and hoping you don't run out of power. Thanks, too, for getting the feedback from Go Power about the different sine waves.
We love keeping up with you "kids"! We've been RVing for many years, but we are still learning good stuff from your site and videos! Thanks for the opportunity to win cool stuff!
In addition to the Inverter info, It was interesting to find out that your Inverter is hard wired to selected outlets. As you can probably guess, I don't have one in my motorhome.
I am so glad that you posted this! I lived in Costa Rica for two years and it was devastating on electronics. I had all most of my electronics on a UPS which actually burned out, most likely from protecting my computers.
I'm not full-timing yet but because of my experience I was already wondering about dirty electricity being an issue. Now I know that it can be an issue and what to do about it. My electronics and pocketbook thank you!
I like how you broke it down and simplyfied the whole thing. My wife and three kids are starting our new life as full time RVers this weekend. We have been following your posts on FB and on your web page for a while now and have taken alot of your advice.
In my opinion I think you guys have some of the best advice when you say "Dont take our word for it, try ir your self". That has been some of the best advice I have seen. I have the same situation, can't run microwave and toaster without a trip outside.
Will a watt pure sin wave have a higher fuse switch? Thanks for the easy to understand primer on the differences between pure and modified sine wave. Makes it easy for beginner!
Great information as I was already looking into a new invertor for the motorhome. I had a pure sine invertor in the thinking and this post confirmed my thoughts. I want to really thank you two for putting so much info out there.
Just finished reading about inverters yesterday and then your post pinged in. I have a small Goal Zero inverter in my portable solar kit I took to Africa for charging my digital cameras and computers.
But am looking at Sp a diesel generator and a modified sine inverter that will clearly need to be upgraded for use with all my digital toys. BTW Great job on the video! You've developed a style all your own that simplifies the information no matter what it is.
You make it look simple and are always so perky about everything! I loved the smooth vs. Your article helped us understand we will be wanting a Pure Sine Inverter. We enjoyed your post on the Go Power Solar System too, so will be decking ourselves out with that before we take off.
Hope to see you on the road! Great info and awesome video as usual Nikki and Jason! In the mean time we are enjoying our RV with lots of little trips but an inverter would make them that much easier!
What a super informative primer on inverters! Great post and so awesome that you're giving away something as useful and valuable as a pure sine wave inverter. It was so worth the investment for us.
Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. Does this Sine Wave graphic mean anything to you? About the author Jason Wynn: Donald S Ruddell November 10, Reply. Mark August 22, Reply. Jack Ackerman August 18, Reply.
DavidYR July 19, Reply. Gaylord Levan January 14, Reply. Flick November 3, Reply. Chris October 1, Reply. Nikki Wynn October 2, Reply. Slim Lundeen September 17, Reply. Jonathan Arbel September 4, Reply.
Antony Veto May 27, Reply. Jason Wynn May 27, Reply. Paul Larsen May 11, Reply. Jason Wynn May 11, Reply. John April 17, Reply. Nikki Wynn April 17, Reply. Sue April 13, Reply. Marg McGill January 24, Reply.
Bill September 16, Reply. Nikki Wynn September 26, Reply. Wolf Alaska September 1, Reply. Doug Mecimore August 13, Reply. Nikki Wynn August 13, Reply. Curtis Lester August 4, Reply. Nikki Wynn August 4, Reply.
Nikki Wynn July 12, Reply. JoAnn June 28, Reply. Jason Wynn June 29, Reply. Kristi Case June 25, Reply. Jason Wynn June 26, Reply. Amanda June 24, Reply. Chris June 20, Reply.
Nikki Wynn June 20, Reply. Jason Wynn April 15, Reply. Azad Tarikian March 9, Reply. Nikki Wynn March 9, Reply. Gary October 11, Reply. Jason Wynn October 12, Reply.
Joe September 23, Reply. Jason Wynn September 24, Reply. September 5, Reply. Jason Wynn September 5, Reply. Jason Wynn July 6, Reply. Raymond June 4, Reply. Jason Wynn June 5, Reply. Jason Wynn March 22, Reply.
February 6, Reply. Jason Wynn February 7, Reply. Richard R February 7, Reply. Vance Bagwell December 12, Reply. Jason Wynn December 7, Reply. Getting the back off the phone to put the sim card in was particularly tricky and the illustration in the get started instructions contradicts the MS directions online.
At one point the phone flew out of my hand and landed on the floor and made my heart stop. The Nokia has a removeable hard shell back that is simple to take off.
This should not be so hard. An internet search indicates that this is not an uncommon problem how can getting a new phone just to start be a problem? Anyway, I followed the helpful advice of: It worked and then some whirring cogs appeared on screen as it started up.
In the hand with a battery and properly working, the phone feels much better and suitably weighty. However, in the hand, it feels fine. Photos look incredibly detailed. The internet looks great and everything is super sharp and detailed.
The WX operating system is hands down the best system on any phone. It is an absolute joy to use. I hate the Android OS as it always looks so cluttered and messy. There are buttons, numbers, widgits and mess everywhere.
It is not a clean looking environment, every phone looks a mess, with random bloatware added. I also hate the oversaturated look of every Samsung phone. Okay, they have gone from jelly colours and faux 3D buttons, to a flat colour look, but other than incremental updates to the hardware each year, the OS on iPhones has barely changed.
The is so much more dynamic and looks so much smarter. The main attraction for me is the ability to re-size and position all the buttons. I want large phone, email, messaging and internet buttons as they are what I use the most, and I can make them the size I want and position them where I want.
No-one else allows this. I like photography, so I have a large Photos button and it scrolls through my photos which look great. On iOS you have had a flower button that takes you to your photos for nearly a decade and that is it.
On WX your photos are shown on rotation on the photo tile itself. Having a photo as your background with invisible buttons is also brilliant same as W8. Live tiles, like the Photo tile, really are nice, with the latest news scrolling on the News tile, latest apps for sale on the Store button etc.
The start screen looks so dynamic compared to the iOS screen that has not changed an iota in nearly a decade. Everything is easy to use and navigate. I added a Micro SD card to hold all my music and it instantly recognised this and took me to a settings page so I could allocate everything either to the phone or the SD card.
It was so easy to allocate all photos, video and music to the SD card. My iPhone has 16GB and no expansion. Again, the excels. The camera is excellent. It has a Zeiss branded lens, which possibly helps, but the real winner is image stabilisation which really helps produce clear images in low light.
The iPhone 6 has an excellent camera in good light, but in low light, I think the is better. There is also this really cool feature when taking a flash photo where you can change the lighting effect to reduce the effect of the flash, which really improved some harshly lit photos.
Music sounds very good and certainly beats my old iPod Touch which I have been using since the iPhone only holds 16GB, whereas my now has GB of storage. Only the Sony Experias come close and they have a fatal flaw in addition to Android - the volume up and down button is at the bottom of the phone making it impossible to adjust volume holding the phone with one hand, it is a bizarre design error.
Again, I think Android lags behind in terms of style. In terms of the Apps available, this is the single biggest knock against Windows and Microsoft. But it really depends if you care and need the apps.
The online reviews from tech magazines all focus on the Apps because they are techy geeks and apps matter to them because it is their job. In practice, I simply have no need to use any apps.
I have s of games and Apps for Apple devices none of which get played or used and all of which have been deleted after a few hours or maybe days. One online review slammed the phone because of an issue getting a photo onto Whatsapp.
I have no use for Whatsapp and this glitch is irrelevant to me and I suspect many phone users. But the techie review focused on it and slammed the phone as a result. Popular apps that actually have some utility, like Uber, banking apps etc, can be downloaded.
While I find nothing is as accurate as the physical keyboard on a Blackberry it's only saving grace, the swipe keyboard was super fast and the predictive text really clever and accurate.
The good news is the is just as good, perhaps better as it gives more options as you swipe. In comparison, the iPhone 6 has painstaking one letter at a time typing, it takes forever to type an email and worst of all, Apple overrides everything you type and chooses its own words anyway.
Apple keyboard without a swipe app is terrible, the keyboard is great. It also gets hot listening to music for long periods and when charging. Probably a bit too hot and it looks like MS are looking into the battery drain and heating issues.
The battery is replaceable which is great if you are on a long journey without a charging point, so you can swap in a new battery. If you prioritise a great screen, good camera, expandable memory and re-sizeable buttons with an easy-to-use and clean operating system, this is a great phone.
If you want the latest games and apps and want to use the same phone as everyone else on the tube, train or bus, look elsewhere. I just wish Microsoft put more money into marketing the phone and into getting its Store populated with apps, so it had a fairer chance to compete as the OS really is wonderful.
Comment 80 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you? While the XL is more powerful, the price increase is not justifiable at this time. That is a lie. What are you smoking on? They have their own Towers.
So therefore your information was incorrect. Tmobile probably subcontracts out the work or hires someone else that does it. Big corporations have literally thousands of systems in place to handle employee payments and packages.
Its why rural markets will get it before urban. After I paid the bill, I asked the store rep what they do. I was baffled at that. I switched to Sprint who roams on Verizon for no extra price.
Sprint also allows an upgrade to an iphone 7 after a few months and keep the Promo pricing! Then your stuck either paying more monthly for the service plan or cancelling and paying out full price on the phone s.
Thats been Sprints tactic for the past 2 years. For example on their current promo the fine print says: Sprint works everywhere as in what way? Does it cover throughout every single building within each city throughout your whole state or do you mean that it covers only the areas that you so happened to have bern lucky to get services out in that time?
Sorry, but your information is incorrect my Dear Friend. Sprint does not get excellent services everywhere throughout the whole USA. I saw the ad on YouTube I thought it was too good to be true.
I just wonder how it stands against Xfinity coverage? The only thing I too much notice it on is app downloads…but even sometimes with YouTube videos, because Band 12 can get quite slow like 10mbps or less.
Verizon was Bell Atlantic, remember when they broke up them up into the baby Bells? How can you be there from the beginning if you are semi new to the market? Easy answer, that was almost decades ago the GTE Mobile was operating.
Phones, available spectrum, and the technologies behind them have shifted significantly. But he said the same hard work as Verizon, Verizon inherited its network as one of the baby bells.
Inheriting something is not hard work. Band 66 is for AWS 3. No phones for band 71 are commercially available yet. Thanks for the info, I always appreciate factual unemotional answers, which is what we normally get in the discussion threads.
Thanks for facts I wanted to know really bad because I want to get another phone soon. By any chance do you know if Motorola Z2 Force will have that 71? According to T-mobile, the first phones to support the new band will be out later in the year.
True, but most people will think they missing out on something, I just want to get new phone for security reasons. I was looking at Asus phones but the reviews on them are so-so. It will include B That may be the note 8 he has in his hand eh?
Looks like lg v Does LG use the stock dialer? No but lg will make next pixel 2 xl.. Pixel 2 XL…stock Android 8. The article said LG or Samsung…. But will tmo carry the Pixel 2?
If not then this is not the phone they are referring to…. U rite but remember lg will make pixel 2 wish more then like lg v30 will have similar future. Would love to see them actually do it.
It says Lg and Samsung… Nothing about the Pixel…. Pixel XL is being made by LG. And you know that tmo will offer it in store??? Is that a serious statement? Just like the S5. No need for and mhz on the same tower in rural areas.
They travel about the same distance. Plus LG is making the larger Pixel anyways, so technically it could still be true. Or technically not true…. ND is verizon territory.
Likely not a priority competitor for them. My S8 cant do this? Is this better than Band 12? Go further and penetrate buildings, elevators and toilets? The Note will probably just support it out of the box….
Note 8 Wont support Band Samsung galaxy s8 and Note 8 do not support Band 71! I saw the fcc spec page. Odd thing was that band 71 was no where to be found listed. Oh I knew what you meant: Did you read his comment?
He said the 48 states. Do you know that? Now when I get a new phone I can make a road trip. Only nerds read all this stuff. To each their own! This is the nicest post I have ever seen from you, Mr Verizon!
Janice and Rusty WIlliams. Tmobile is definitely in it to win it. So, should they wait 2 years to deploy it like Verizon did with mhz to? The box says the bands the handset supports.
V30 and Note 8 will likely be the first. Yes, this is well known…. What zip are you in that sprint gets coverage and tmobile doesnt? If Randy only knew.. Ok, got 66 and twisted.
No sir...